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NCFM complaint helps in probable cause finding that Maine’s Assistant District Attorney Mary Kellett’s conduct should be subject to sanction!

August 9, 2011

NCFM filed a grievance against one of the State of Maine’s Assistant District Attorney, Mary Kellett.

The grievance was filed primarily because NCFM and many others believed Kellett’s behavior violated the Maine Bar Rules.  We all felt that she persecuted rather than prosecuted certain people including Vladek Filler, a man falsely accused of spousal rape and numerous other things.

You can get background on the Filler case simply by using the search box in the upper right hand corner of this page and inserting “Vladek Filler”. If you prefer, you can get the abbreviated version by reading NCFM’s original complaint here: 110328 Letter to Maine Bar re Kellett form and letter .

The following is a link to the response from the Attorney General’s Office ins defense of A.D.A Keller. Since Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) is the principle complainant the letter is addressed to them. However, the State of Maine had some choice things to say about NCFM on the last couple of pages: 110506 Kellett Response from Attorney General for Maine .

We were vindicated however, at least in meaningful part, by the finding of the Board of Overseers of the Bar investigative attorney, J. Scott Davis, who found probable cause to believe that misconduct subject to sanction occurred for which discipline should be imposed. Here’s the letter if you’d like to read it, 110803 Kellett Board of Overseers of the Bar response.

Now we wait — wait for the Bar panel’s recommendations, but we are headed in the right direction on the road to victory.

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8 Responses to NCFM complaint helps in probable cause finding that Maine’s Assistant District Attorney Mary Kellett’s conduct should be subject to sanction!

  1. Chris on August 14, 2012 at 9:08 AM

    Copied and pasted from article by Paul Elam
    This very important.

    Two significant events are scheduled to happen at the end of this month. On August 30-31, Ellsworth, Maine prosecutor Mary Kellett will be facing the music with the Maine Overseers of the Bar. Kellett has been recommended for disciplinary action on the recommendation of a bar investigator for making improper statements to a jury, intentionally withholding exculpatory evidence and interfering with subpoenas. The bar has reserved two consecutive days for the hearing.

    Also, during the same precise time, Vladek Filler is scheduled to be jailed on a misdemeanor assault conviction for 21 days, for allegedly throwing a glassful of water on his then wife, Ligia Filler.

    What is most interesting, and concerning, is that Filler is also scheduled to appear at Kellett’s hearing to testify against her. It was Fillers failed criminal prosecution on sexual assault charges that led to Kellett being investigated by the bar in the first place.

    And now it appears that the prosecutor’s office, which has backed Kellett all the way, despite repeated incidents of misconduct in the Filler case and others, has wrangled matters so that Filler will have to sit in their jail while the proceedings against Kellett get underway.

    This is an utterly transparent attempt by the office of District Attorney Carletta Bassano to intimidate Filler out of testifying against Kellett. And this is where AVfM needs to call on activists across the world to raise their voices in objection.

    In doing so, I would like to remind everyone that it was your good work that got this case as much progress and traction as it has to date. You got involved and very good things started happening.

    One, the media in Maine, because of your activism, took notice of the case and started reporting on it. That reporting continues with Bill Trotter’s excellent work at the Bangor Daily News, in his coverage of the Kellett hearings.

    Because of you, we got over 1,000 signatures on a petition calling for Mary Kellett’s disbarment, which a S.A.V.E. delegation presented to Governor Paul LePage’s office.

    Since you became involved, Vladek Filler was acquitted of the bogus rape charges that Mary Kellett attempted to hang on him. With eyes on his trial, they were unable to so blatantly corrupt the process and he was vindicated!

    Since you became involved, bringing publicity and public scrutiny to this case, the Bar of Overseers of the Bar in Main have acted appropriately by referring Mary Kellett for disciplinary action.

    And now we need to call on you one last time, activists.

    The idea that Carletta Bassano is so brazenly abusing her power as prosecutor, and using the life and death power of incarceration to bully and intimidate an “enemy” out of giving testimony, is simply unacceptable. It is simply wrong.

    I urge you in the strongest possible terms to send your objections to this travesty to the Governor’s office, to the State Attorney General and to the select members of the media listed below. I suggest that your letters contain certain common elements.

    A respectful demand for a gubernatorial pardon for Vladek Filler;
    In the absence of a pardon, a request that his incarceration be postponed till after the Kellett case is closed;
    In the absence of a pardon or deferment of sentencing, that Vladek Filler’s treatment and condition while incarcerated be strictly and closely monitored by state officials not affiliated with the Ellsworth prosecutor’s office, the Ellsworth Police Department or any other local law enforcement agency;
    Your reiterated concerns that there is an unchecked culture of corruption in the Ellsworth, Maine prosecutors office.

    For those of you who are not familiar with this case, you can start with these articles.

    Filler story makes AVfM

    NCFM Press Release

    Vladek Filler, Political Prisoner

    Folks, this is why we are here. And we can succeed if you act on behalf of Vladek Filler (and ALL men) by taking ten minutes out of your day to compose a letter and send it to the appropriate parties.

    I don’t go guilt trips, but it is not a guilt trip when it is undeniably true. We are Valdek Filler’s only chance for justice. By helping him we are not just doing the right thing, we are repaying him for the courage he has displayed and the risks he has taken for all of us.

    I can’t imagine what it took to stand up and fight that system for the FIVE YEARS he has done so – as they threatened him, tried to intimidate him with prison, lied about him, broke him financially, psychologically tortured him, used his children and destroyed his life. All that and he stood against it. We owe this guy our best.

    Please, for the sake of everything we stand for, let’s give it to him. Write the letters.

    Governor of Maine, Paul LePage

    Office of the Governor
    #1 State House Station
    Augusta, ME 04333-0001

    Contact form

    State Attorney General William J. Schneider

    6 State House Station
    Augusta, ME 04333

    Phone: 207-626-8800

    Contact form

    Editor of the Washington Times

    Contact form

  2. AntZ on August 19, 2011 at 7:12 AM

    Great news! We are making a difference!

  3. Harry on August 12, 2011 at 7:57 AM


    Thanks for your comment. But, in case you have not noticed, we are helping to get the word out about this. Mr. Filler's persecution, like the contemporary persecution of other men, seldom if ever raises the interest of the national media. However, if a group of feminists hold a press conference to launch a new set of lies or vilify a man it creates a near riot with reporters chomping at the proverbial bit to promote whatever they say. Fortunately, we are having a positive impact, the general population is less and less inclined to be abused by feminist flakes, and truth is beginning to reassert itself as a guiding light. If you are not yet a memmber of NCFM it's easy to join. Just click on the button at the top of the page. You can help us get the word out too.

  4. Will_Wallace_LA on August 10, 2011 at 8:40 PM

    NCFM is awesome. Every one of these counts big.

  5. Rob on August 10, 2011 at 6:53 AM

    Hey perhaps somebody should get the word out about this to all the other feminazi and lesbian attorneys that hate men. Just look at feminist Jessica Valenti that is pushing for guilty until proven innocent of men accused of rape because women are weak and attacked and raped every minute by a guy looking at them.

    Check her out on the offender’s registry at for bigotry and advocating policies of gender profiling and discrimination.

    • Will_Wallace_LA on August 10, 2011 at 8:39 PM

      Love this comment.

  6. Ray2447 on August 9, 2011 at 4:09 PM

    After an analysis of the events, it strongly appears that Vladek Filler was witch-hunted by the State of Maine and that this witch-hunt stems from (among other things) a misandrist climate in our legal system created by training of court officials under the Stalinist, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). "Witch-Hunting Males" at Youtbue covers many aspects of the witch-hunt that's been conducted against Mr. Filler (and many other males throughout the Western world), IMO.

  7. Marc on August 9, 2011 at 2:58 PM

    Fantastic work again NCFM!!

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