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NCFM Member Paul Elam – Press in Maine Remains Silent About Vladeck Filler Prosecutorial Abuses in Bar Harbor

September 29, 2011
vladeck filler

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Vladeck Filler Persecution Continues


Contact: Paul Elam, A Voice for Men
P.O. Box 301172, Houston,TX77230

Bar Harbor Maine Prosecutor accused of fraud, racketeering, and obstruction of justice faces disbarment

Following a seven month investigation of the Vladeck Filler case, the Maine Bar Counsel and Grievance Commission â€śfound  probable cause to believe that Assistant District Attorney Mary Kellett had engaged in misconduct subject to sanction under the Maine Bar Rules for which appropriate discipline should be sought”.

Aside from Vladeck Filler, Assistant district attorney Mary N. Kellett is accused of prosecuting numerous men for sex crimes despite evidence of their innocence. The complaint filed in connection with the case of Vladek Filler alleges Kellett suppressed exculpatory evidence, elicited false testimony, tampered with evidence, violated court orders, and engaged in “fraud, racketeering, and obstruction of justice.”

Filler was accused of sexual misconduct by his estranged wife during a contentious divorce and child custody dispute. District Court found the accusations to be false and awarded sole custody of the children to Filler; however Kellett had him prosecuted twice for spousal rape anyway.

Numerous other cases have surfaced. Michael D. Webber was tried by Kellett twice for accusations of sexual misconduct made during his divorce and child custody dispute.  Speaking at a press conference Webber stated â€śin my case there was no evidence and I was continuously put through the system for no reason…it really destroys your life.”  His attorney Steven Juskewitch, himself a former prosecutor, cited prior Court findings of Webber’s innocence which Kellett ignored.  Juskewitch said “it’s probably in my 30 years the most egregious abuse of prosecutorial discretion.”  He added that just his office has been involved with some two dozen such cases brought by Kellett.

There are numerous calls for prosecutor Kellett’s disbarment.  A petition shows over 1,170 signatures.  National advocacy organizations such asS.A.V.E (Stop Abusive and Violent Environments), NCFM (National Coalition For Men), and AVFM (A Voice For Men) have filed ethics complaints calling for Kellett’s suspension and disbarment. According to attorney Robert Franklin of Father’s and Families® Kellett’s disbarment would be “richly deserved.”

The probable cause finding against a prosecutor is very rare, but as the Bar Commission attempts to answer calls for Kellett’s disbarment many remain skeptical.  District Attorney Careletta Bassano and Attorney General’s Office have dismissed the seriousness of the Bar Commission’s finding allowing Kellett to continue to prosecute men despite the pending disciplinary proceedings.  It has long been established by the Courts that prosecutors are to be held to much higher ethical and legal standards than other attorney’s because prosecutors represent the public and have a duty to seek truth and justice and not merely a conviction.   It remains uncertain whether prosecutor Mary Kellett will be held to such standards by the Maine Board of Overseers Bar Commission.

A Voice for Men is an advocacy organization dedicated to ending sexual discrimination and promoting equal treatment under the law.

Contact: Paul Elam


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2 Responses to NCFM Member Paul Elam – Press in Maine Remains Silent About Vladeck Filler Prosecutorial Abuses in Bar Harbor

  1. Ray2447 on October 25, 2011 at 7:46 AM

    It appears their official policy is to ignore justice until the aggrieved become weary and just go away. What a fine model of our un-American, gender feminized, "justice" system.

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