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NCFM Advisor Warren Farrell assaulted by misandric radical feminists in Canada

November 21, 2012

Click on the picture, watch the video, to see what what nurturing and tolerant Canadian student feminists look like.

NCFM NOTE: The following rant about misandry was submitted in a different section of this  site. We thought it deserved better exposure so here it is as a separate post. It concerns the author’s,  “J’,” opinions about what happened at a recent Warren Farrell lecture in Canada. The lecture was picketed by a group of radical feminist ideologues so incensed by Mr. Farrell’s appearance that police had to be called to break up what some would call a riot. This incredulous demonstration is another frightening example of brainwashed Canadian university students run amok. Anyone who has met Mr. Farrell, followed his career, read his books, heard his lectures, knows that he seeks truth among all things. He is a fair man who spends incredible time and resources researching things so that his words and thoughts are better grounded than White House security systems. I know, I had the honor of being his administrative assistant for several months. The spit spewing crowds of idiots in Canada make my skin crawl. Their vitriolic idiocy overshadowed only by a thought that someday these hatemongers may become Canada’s leaders. In the video below you can hear one of the tolerant nurturers repeatedly shouting “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you…” It might be useful to develop a list of names of all involved for future reference and remembrance. “J” compares what happened to Hitler’s Germany. Some MRA’s find such comparisons hurtful to the movement. Similar objections arise with comparisons to Marxism, Socialism, and other isms.  Think what you may, but if “J” believes what he’s written below so do others. So be it. Or, if the shoe fits…

Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 6:18 PM | In reply to harry crouch.

Here’s “J’s” rant………

As a typical apologetic Canadian I must apologize deeply for the appalling behavior of my fellow Canadians last weekend in Toronto. The terrorist behavior proved to the world that Canada is plagued by violent intolerant bigoted criminals like Hitler’s brown shirts..


Click on the picture to read the related article.

Please forgive me for the length of this note as I attempt to wrap my head around this complex and draconian issue. Misandry is fairly new to me. Upon discovering this issue my conscious and lack of knowledge compelled me to research misandry further. What I have found is that misandry forms the central pillar of Canadian social control programs (SCPs). I compared SCPs from other countries to ours. The strongest comparison was Hitler’s SCP of anti-Semitism as is described in his book Mein Kampf, My Struggle, in which he dehumanizes the targets of his SCP.

The inflammatory labels Hitler brands the future human sacrifices of his SCP, Jews in this case, are virtually identical to the language use by misandrists in Canada. Use of such language is deemed as hate crimes in Canada. That is unless it is used against men like it was used against Jews in Germany in a strategy to demonize, dehumanize and persecute like animals. Based on historical comparisons, such as with the Soviet Union’s Gulags and Canadian aboriginal residential school SCPs, it seems that the fate of current Canadian SCP victims is likely to get a lot worse before it gets better.


Click on the picture to watch the video.

Misandrists in Canada take pride in being labeled as Nazis as this acknowledges their status of absolute power in Canadian society along with commensurate state funding and privileges. A litany of wrongfully accused cases involving men, like David Milgaard, and virtually none involving women, plagues our entirely corrupt Kleptocratic Canadian criminal justice system. The hate propaganda spewed by misandrists in Canada mirrors Hitler’s view that “I see no reason why man should not be as cruel to man as nature is”.

Nothing in Canada describes the criminal justice system as clearly as this quotation. Men are routinely wrongfully accused and the innocents are knowingly subjected to human atrocities in our criminal justice system. These usually mild mannered meek innocents are routinely beaten, raped, etc. at the behest of the system. Studies have proven that sex accusations against men are false anywhere from 25% to 75% of the time. An exploding industry is the growth of the wrongly accused business. Lawyers and groups address the justice system’s widespread atrocities that are blatant, extreme, and fraudulent and fabrications of fictional crimes. These state based frauds are created to feed a steady supply of innocent victims into the system in order to steal increasingly large amounts of government cash to benefit the criminal justice system cronies. This occurs at a time when statistics prove that crime is declining significantly.


Click to listen to an interview with Warren about this craziness.

Misandry corruption has led to the establishment of a well-entrenched Canadian kleptocracy for feminist special interest groups and other misandrists funded and/or enabled by the state such as the criminal justice system. Kleptocracy, “rule by thieves”, is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often without pretense of honest service.

Those who attacked Warren’s presentation in Toronto last weekend were state sponsored terrorists for whom truth is completely irrelevant. Promulgating male truths by Warren, no matter how unassociated with misandry and feminism, may eventually compromise the misandrist’s Kleptocratic status and benefits. Many sex charges related cases are fabricated and kleptocratic as Milgaard found where crown witnesses were paid to lie. I would be surprised to hear anything other than that the authorities such as the university, government special interest funding departments, criminal justice system, etc., all condoned and enabled the behavior to date by ensuring that their terrorist acts go consequence free. So far my suspicions have been confirmed.
My grandparents left Europe after WW1 because they believed that those in charge would make war all over again in their lifetime. Sadly, they were correct. By those in charge they meant the wealthy and powerful that created Hitler. Gramps meant the supporters and creators of Hitler such as the Henry Fords, DuPont’s, Krupp’s, JP Getty’s, IBMs, King of England, etc., to whom Hitler gave the highest possible state recognition for creating and supporting him and Nazism. My gramps believed that war was highly profitable for such people who were personally responsible for the war crimes. The same applies in our current Canadian society with regards to the obvious links between misandry SCPs and Kleptocracy.

In terms of explaining why our Canadian society has embraced misandry en masse, I found understanding from the book: On fighting, killing, and dying : the secret World War II transcripts of German POWs by author Neitzel, Sönke. This explains how Germany’s normal families, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. became blood thirsty zombie butchers as a result of Hitler’s SCPs. Canada has adopted the same SCPs standard with misandry replacing anti-Semitism and anti-anyone not Aryan. At this point I have read a summary of this book and hope to read it all when it becomes available from the local library.

The psychotic violent mob at Warren’s presentation is the same ilk as the German brown shirt gangs attacking Jews and anyone else that may be any threat, or just propose a different view, to Hitler’s sadistic values which have the same dehumanizing aspects of our kleptocracy’s misandry values.

“Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.”Edmund Burke

“The spectacle (McCarthyism) is one we would expect in a totalitarian nation where the rights of the individual are crushed beneath the juggernaut of statism and oppression; it has no place in America where government exists to serve people, not to destroy them” President Harry S. Truman.


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Misandry, misandric, hate men, the hatred of men

Misandry, misandric, hate men, the hatred of men

Misandry, misandric, hate men, the hatred of men

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2 Responses to NCFM Advisor Warren Farrell assaulted by misandric radical feminists in Canada

  1. Antony on February 16, 2013 at 11:37 AM

    Yup ,that’s Toronto !! Its the Misandry capital of North America . I lived here for 22 years. Its like Sweden of North America basically . Men don’t have human rights here . Where is United Nations ? Where ??

  2. STEVEN on January 19, 2013 at 3:09 PM

    Just shows you the importance for women to try to control everything and they are absolutely brazen about setting a standard-or law, or acknowledge that they can have regrets the following day-just like a guy can-if you follow that.
    They can Always go back the next day and claim rape. Even though they get higher from an orgasim than a man does sometimes passing out. Is there alot of women giving birth to 15 children in Canada? What set off these kids?

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