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Republican House Speaker John Boehner joins the Democrats in selling out abused men

February 25, 2013

VAWANCFM NOTE: The letter below is posted here for several reasons, one of which is to re enforce the fact that NCFM is nonpartisan. Last year we supported the House version of the re authorization of VAWA because it included many sensible reforms that would have better embraced abused men. The current version, Boehner’s version, does not. In fact, it is very similar to the Senate version which recently passed with even more destructive provisions. It now appears that our elected leadership in both the Senate and the House have no real regard for men except perhaps using them as cannon fodder. Disgusting. Representative Boehner and Cantor, before the Congressional Christmas break, stood tall and helped and strenuously opposed an earlier gender biased Senate bill offered up by Democrats. Opponents to serious VAWA reforms have increased their demagoguery, misrepresentation, and threats against anyone who opposes the Senate version S-47. The pressure must be immense to cow leaders like Boehner and Cantor since Republican House version is very similar to S-47 and contains no significant reforms. It may even be worse for abused men.

Congressman and Republican House Speaker John Boehner
1011 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman Boehner:

He purpose of this letter is to express concerns about the Republican version of the Violence Against Women Act, which was introduced on February 22. This bill fails to address well documented problems of fraud, fiscal abuse, and immigration fraud that could threaten our nations National Security.

It seems the average American knows nothing about the Violence Against Women Act, while foreigners are quite familiar with immigration loopholes and the ability to manipulate our immigration system. VAWA is increasingly becoming a well known pathway for scammers, criminals and other pernicious characters. It’s only going to get worse unless Congress stops it

Currently, the problem appears so far out of control that former USCIS  immigration investigator John Sampson states that…” he’s been contacted by 200 men who say they were falsely accused of domestic violence by foreign women seeking green cards, which, under the Violence Against Women Act, they can get by simply claiming abuse

In 1994, Congress enacted the highly applauded VAWA, with provisions to help immigrant victims of domestic violence. But when VAWA was reauthorized  in 2000 and 2005, the special interests were allowed to draft provisions making it easy for immigrants to falsely accuse unsuspecting American spouses to expedite their immigration status. VAWA protects the confidentiality of the accuser, while barring the accused citizen from providing input in the USCIS adjudication process.

Aside from the traumatized victims of this scam, the implications for National Security are more ominous.
Scammers and terrorists are constantly analyzing loopholes in our immigration system that can be exploited. For example, while special interests were championing the Refugee Act of 2010, two Iraqi men living in Bowling Green, Kentucky who entered the country on refugee visas were conspiring to send weapons and money to Al-Qaeda. They were arrested by the FBI in 2011 after investigators identified fingerprints belonging to them and linked them to fingerprints on a component of an IED found in 2005 in Iraq.

Unfortunately, some of those who have attempted to acquire legal status have already been successful , with disastrous consequences. For instance, terrorists who participated in the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, the September 2011 attack, and the 1995 CIA shooting entered the US legally on statuses obtained by lying.

The escalating problem of VAWA immigration fraud (where the confidentiality of the accuser is protected) presents the perfect opportunity for malicious individuals who are a threat to US national security, to enter the US under false pretenses with the potential for disastrous consequences.

It appears that the normal immigration process has been turned upside down by empowering scammers and criminals (or terrorists) to prey on US citizens to get a green card. The real purpose of immigration is for the government to scrutinize the immigrant and protect 330 million Americans, but VAWA seems to have the opposite effect. House Republicans should not fall prey to senseless bullying tactics by VAWA funded groups, but constructively redirect their focus by introducing an amendment similar in scope to the “Fraud Prevention Initiatives, Section 801” in HR 4970 or better yet, the Grassley amendment that was recently rejected in the Senate VAWA.


Dave Root

Damascus, MD

E mail telephone 240-529-8423


Reform VAWA

Reform VAWA

Reform VAWA

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One Response to Republican House Speaker John Boehner joins the Democrats in selling out abused men

  1. Feminist_Nullificationist on February 26, 2013 at 10:43 AM

    As shown in “Witch-Hunting Males” at Youtube, witch-hunting males is institutionalized and enshrined in law by American government, and now that’s apparently being reinforced. It’s absolutely sickening that government under VAWA has become such a despicable cover for misandrist hate movements.

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