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NCFM College Ambassador Chris Thompson, Positive Family Traditions, TNT and NCFM adopts a highway

April 24, 2013

ncfm ADOPT A HIGHWAY MONTANAPositive Family Traditions, TNT and NCFM adopts a highway

by: Christopher J Thompson

I have been a member of the Bozeman Beautification Advisory Board for nearly a decade, helping plan the annual Bozeman Clean Up Day; unfortunately these meetings recently overlapped with my weekly “visitation” with my son and, rather than lose the little time I have with him, was forced to resign. Fortunately I noticed a sign that helped guide the way for an exciting contribution to my community, this one allowing me to bond with my five-year-old son TNT in the process.

The Montana Department of Transportation’s “Adopt A Highway” program allows entities such as businesses, community groups, and families to adopt a two-mile stretch of highway, removing debris from their section of road in exchange for having their name posted on either side of their adopted highway. I arranged for the National Coalition For Men-Montana State to adopt two-miles outside of Big Sky, Montana and the following day we donned our state supplied fluorescent smocks and garbage bags to remove the litter from our highway.

Excitedly sliding his hands in his new work gloves, TNT joined me enduring a typical Montana spring day of intermittent sunshine and snow while having a blast with this atypical treasure hunt, acquiring a truckload of refuse in the process. We took our findings back to the Clean Up Day event where we “traded” them for raffle tickets and a free lunch. Famished, we devoured our Island Noodles beside the river while listening to Jawbone Railroad perform in the adjacent park…then came the raffle drawings.

TNT marched to the front of the crowd three times to accept our winnings, beaming with accomplishment each time. Spending the day attempting to get passing trucks and trains to honk while finding buried treasure, ending the day accepting prizes before a jubilant crowd, needless to say TNT was saddened to learn I had not arranged to clean up the following day as well! Lucky for him there will undoubtedly be more opportunities, and with Fathers Day just around the corner, please consider starting a family tradition set to take pride in your community while strengthening your family bonds.


Positive Family Traditions, TNT and NCFM adopts a highway…

How about joining NCFM and doing something similar, something constructive, something to help us help others make the world a better place for all of us.

2 Responses to NCFM College Ambassador Chris Thompson, Positive Family Traditions, TNT and NCFM adopts a highway

  1. Marc on April 24, 2013 at 5:39 PM

    Rock on dude!

  2. Feminist_Nullificationist on April 24, 2013 at 1:37 PM

    Good show, Chris and TNT.

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