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NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi — Police officer in a large law enforcement agency; arrested for domestic violence and served with a perjured restraining order, wins battle with the main stream press.

October 21, 2013
domestic violence

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NCFM NOTE:  NCFM website readers have heard story after story of restraining order abuse and related outrageous actions, including arrests in domestic violence cases where the evidence reveals that the woman committed the violence but the man was arrested.  Here’s another one, one with a twist or two, one that may disappear into the morass of intended consequences to punish the innocent as long as they are men and reward the guilty as long as they are women.

NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi is a retired police officer and homicide investigator. He knows how police departments work; or, don’t work with their ass exposed…

By Michael Conzachi

I’m helping a veteran police officer from a large police department who was arrested for a domestic violence and served with a false order of protection.  Names and place will remain anonymous for now, legal actions are pending, and the officer fears retaliation on several fronts.

The officer’s girlfriend had a history of violence, including a previous arrest for domestic violence. He’s been seriously injured by her before too. She’s been arrested and convicted before. There was no question who was the primary aggressor this time either — his injuries were once again visible yet he was arrested.

Since he was a police officer the media hounds pounced, “Cop… big bad police brutality… arrested for domestic violence…suppose to protect and serve…”  His name was plastered all over local newspapers, news shows, and the Internet. The story accurately reported his arrest and but wrongly painted him bad cop. News reports said nothing about him being attacked and injured by his girlfriend, nothing about her history of violence, not a peep of her previous conviction.

The police department put their head in the sand and went to the cover their ass mat. Departments often prefer to pay out  hefty sums to falsely charged officers rather than face a torrential storm of “cover-up” condemnation from ignorant and angry feminist groups. And, he was definitely the victim of false arrest. He was victimized several times; once by his girlfriend and more than once by his own police force and the media.

The officer retained a competent attorney, charges were dropped and a wrongfully issued restraining order against him was vacated.  Justice was partially served when his attacker was later charged with domestic violence, which should have occurred in the first place at the scene of the incident.

Unfortunately, the department has not fully restored the officer to duty, instead it is trying to hang him high on a procedural violation, i.e., he didn’t report the incident to his duty officer right away — maybe because he was arrested and in handcuffs. The department and city will soon be paying out very hefty sums to this falsely accused, arrested, charged, and wrongfully sanctioned police officer.

The mainstream news media reported nothing. There was no retraction, no apologies, no corrections; no mention that their shoddy reporting, jeopardized his career, or ruined his personal reputation. Still, there were no stories about the perpetrator, her history of violence, or her false accusations. The press got their sensational headline and that’s all that seemed to matter, “COP ARRESTED FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.”

The officer is still dealing with the negative publicity.  He was put on administrative leave pending the outcome of the department’s internal investigation. He’s still on the “Rubber Gun Squad” and prevented from having a firearm. He’s lost thousands of dollars and had to retain an attorney.

He became more proactive and contacted media sources that reported his arrest.  The sources were rightly concerned of being sued for slander; they agreed to remove the article with the caveat that they “accurately” reported the incident at the time, that is, that he was “arrested.”

Personally contacting the media sources and securing their agreement to remove articles about his arrest was particularly useful with internet news outlets and brought him some sense of absolution. More importantly, his reputation was partially restored.

If you are a victim of shoddy media reporting and wrongly accused become proactive, like the police officer above. Contact the editors of the reporting sources, give proof of your innocence, and ask them to remove the articles. You might also ask them to report the truth too.

Sadly, situations like one above are all to common. The officer above is still fighting to be fully restored with his department, which fears being sued for making a false arrest and violating applicable protocols. Stayed tuned, I’ll be bringing you more about this case and the heads in the sand…

national coalition for men


Domestic violence arrests often result in the wrong person being arrested, especially if they are male.

Women perpetrate domestic violence and cause serious injuries and seldom is it in self defense, relatively speaking.

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2 Responses to NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi — Police officer in a large law enforcement agency; arrested for domestic violence and served with a perjured restraining order, wins battle with the main stream press.

  1. Stephen Kamotho on October 23, 2013 at 7:42 PM

    What we need is CRIMINAL sentencing of anyone who deliberately commits gender bias of any sort – arrest, investigation, reporting. Time is ripe for a Discrimination Against Men Act (DAMA).

    • Danny on December 2, 2013 at 1:39 PM

      I so need more information on this I know for sure I need to be able to speak with a group on this. I am Prior law enforcement and have a Cluster B personality at home. This person is abusive and turns it off and on at will. Every one we know bails on us because of her bahavior. I reported abuse and suddenly found my name listed on the CPS report as SUBJECT, I know that is a distict definitive term. I had run ins with the investigator prior to this because she didn’t know where the speedlimit sign was. I was let go without a tickett but I think this was her chance to get even with me. Also the Deputy chief of the agency excluded evidence he was given and refused to view the video’s of the children describing the abuse.

      We can start the progress with stare desises.

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