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Anti-Male Media Bias

December 11, 2013
media bias

Media bias! What media bias? Against men!? Nah, I just like polkadots.


Council’s sexism hurts good cause; feminist bias in ads clouds message, from the blog Political Cowardice

May 9th, 2011

I’ve adopted several animals and rescued house rabbits and even volunteered at a wildlife shelter, so I know a good cause when I see one.  Promoting shelter pet adoption via the Ad Council’s “Shelter Pet Adoption Campaign” is a worthy cause. It’s a shame the feminists at the Ad Council let their bias against men get in the way of their message.

This is not the first time, if there is on thread that runs through this organization’s ads it’s an effort, sometimes subtle, often overt, to disparage men and boys and cast women as superior, physically, mentally and even emotionally.

The Ad Council is known for creating the ads we see on T.V. or hear on the radio known as Public Service Announcements, (PSA’s) that stations run perhaps for free or at a reduced rate, usually to support some social cause that usually would not have the money for an ad campaign on the scale arranged for by the Ad Council.  They usually have some ad agency do the creative work based upon their direction or guidance.  I’m not sure exactly how much public funds, if any, are involved, either directly or indirectly.

I have repeatedly contacted the Ad Council but get no reply concerning this issue.

One of the more outrageous campaigns created under the Ad Council was for something called “The Family Violence Protection Fund”.  However, this time the cause was not so worthy, the campaign and the Fund provided misleading or even false information and was so biased and twisted it came close to promoting child abuse.

This campaign depicted pre-teen boys as “abusers in waiting” that needed correction or instruction to prevent them from becoming abusers of women which would be only natural in the minds of the feminists at the Ad Council…

Read the article here: Pre-teen boys being neutered by radical feminist organization: Family Violence Prevention Fund (

read the rest of the article on the blog here.

Anti- Male Ads, the Big List

(Last updated December 10, 2013/first published May 12, 2011:) The following list of anti-male ads is composed by one of our National Coalition For Men members. It will be revised as updates arrive.  If you know of a commercial not included in the list please feel free to email it to us at . Please provide a link if the commercial is available on the Internet.

Here is an update to my informal survey of sexism in TV advertising—-showing men as doofuses, or just ignoring them, or pandering to women.  You can use this list to determine which businesses to frequent, avoid, or complain about.  Advertisers degrade men about 19 times more often than women, and usually to a higher degree.

T-Mobile’s ads have been pink the last several years—do they even want male customers?  Also, the last few years, the ads have shown a beautiful female model, sometimes even riding a sleek motorcycle—beauty, class, and accomplishment.  They recently switched their approach to comedy, showing Bill Hader doing stupid stuff like dropping his phone in a urinal, and also showing how Jeremy’s parents are upset with his overseas phone use.  See how differently advertisers treat women and men.  These attitudes are quite prevalent.  Our boys must not think much of themselves after watching years of this.

A recent example of this was brought to us by Buick/GMC.  The two ads showed two people talking after one has gotten up very early for Black Friday, while the other got up late and saved thousands on a new car.  One ad showed two women, the other two men.  In the ad with women, the woman who went shopping just looks tired.  The ad with men showed the man who went shopping has a black eye.  Violence against women is an absolute no-no.  Violence against men is not only OK, it is funny.

Another example of this is Suburu.  One ad shows a mother reminiscing about how her daughter grew up in the back seat of their car.  The ad is about love and sympathy and nostalgia.  At the same time they were showing another ad about a father trying to teach his two sons to drive—the sons are messing up and arguing and fighting, and the mom wonders if dad can handle it.  Not only do they present women and girls as wonderful and sweet while showing males as jerks, but they also must show the males being judged by a woman.

This “men being judged by women” happens a lot.  Rarely do you see the reverse.  Other examples appeared in Liberty Mutual ads, where several men destroy cars (one drives his car into the garage with bikes on top, another is on top of his car in a lake, another thinks he is in reverse but drives through garage door).  Each of these has a nearby woman (bystander or female insurance agent) judging.

*** Exceptions: indicates women made fun of, or positive portrayals of men.


3 Musketeers–guy thinks 3 women are giving him catcalls, but catcalls are for candy bar    1/12

5-hr Energy–very happy, smiling woman playing guitar singing about breast cancer       12/12

5-hr Energy–raspberry pink drink with proceeds going to fight breast cancer     10/13

5-hr Energy–raspberry pink drink empowers women with breast cancer    10/13

21st Century–stinky yoga guy   1/09

AARP–in Fraudwatch ad, identity thief is man      11/13

Ace Hardware–she wants a special purple, picks from several guys painted different shades of purple    7/12

Ace Hardware–guy drops ring down sink, shamed by woman       4/13

Ace Hardware–new guy is awkward with the banter       4/13

Activia–why are these ads aimed only at women?

Activia–contribute to Komen   9/10

***Acura–Bette Midler goes overboard as a Christmas caroler   11/11

Acura–Gordon Ramsey goes overboard on cooking dinner     11/11

Acura–(superbowl) Seinfeld and competitor lose clothes on speed boat      2/12

Acura–Dr Phil thinks guy is compensating by looking at huge Christmas tree     11/12

Acura–Santa complains when guy wants to buy motorized Santa for lawn    11/12

***Acura–Suze Orman criticizes her for buying expensive dress     12/12

Acura–denigrates 3 male advisors: spray tanner, mix taper, reinactor     6/13

Ad Council–buzzed driving guy on date, she pays, they walk home to his parents     12/12

Ad Council–buzzed driving guy living with parents     12/12

Ad Council–people play catch with buzzed driver’s keys     1/13

ADT–mom and daughter walk in on burglar     10/13

ADT–family gets security to protect two daughters     10/13

Advil–man belly flops and falls off skates  12/07

Advil — man helps son, gets hit in head   5/08

Advil–man walks into pole looking at pretty woman  1/08

Advil–fat guy on slip & slide and rollerblades into car door   6/08

Advil–sleeping test in tent, woman sleeps with advil, man without doesn’t  11/08

Advil–mucus character is a guy   11/10

Advil–bicyclist’s nurse wife tells him what medicine to use     12/12

Aflac–goofy duck is male

Aflac–smug female doctor says male doctor sells DVDs from his van      3/13

Airwick–cartoon elephant’s husband is centipede with stinky feet  7/07

Airwick–cartoon giraffe has 2 dirty warthog teenage sons  7/07

Airwick–Phil has stinky feet     3/11

Alamo–beaver makes fun of buffalo

Alamo–buffalo is naked in bathroom, he removes fur to clean it  8/07

AlkaSeltzer–guy coughs during boss’es golf shot       1/13

AlkaSeltzer–she asks if he is still eating chalk for heartburn    6/13

Allstate–breath holding dork hits statue of Bobby Bowden

Allstate–dork at cafe leaves new car out of gear, rolls into road, hit by truck  10/7

Allstate–dork goes to make call while driving  11/07

Allstate–friends tell guy to get grown-up car insurance   1/08

Allstate–dorks dress as cheerleaders to sneak into game  9/08

Allstate–dork doesn’t know his friend is married   10/08

Allstate–friend orders beef tar tar, dork does too but says hold the tartar sauce   10/9

Allstate–guy is “mayhem”, puppy eats backseat      7/10

Allstate–guy is “mayhem”, storm knocks tree on car       7/10

Allstate–guy is “mayhem”, female jogger distracts boy driver      7/10

Allstate–guy is “mayhem”, evil GPS in car     7/10

Allstate–Randy, on jack hammer, is one dumb dude        12/11

Allstate–“Mayhem” puts someone on hold for 97 minutes     2/12

Allstate–“Mayhem” is a dog who lets burglars in and gets zapped by collar     3/12

Allstate–young guy in orange knit cap rear-ends older man’s car       5/12

Allstate–announcer keeps correcting dumb guy (poodles are really smart)      7/12

Allstate–he claims men better drivers, she gets good driver discount     10/12

Allstate–girl reassures dad he has right insurance      10/12

Allstate–“mayhem” drives mower over gravel, breaks windows, dents car     11/12

***Allstate–guys painting of ex shows her eating lizard       1/13

Allstate–“mayhem” falls backward down stairs       3/13

Allstate–boys in treehouse watch Mrs Koslofsky     4/13

Allstate–guy has horse’s ass tattoo     6/13

Allstate–guy’s motorcycle sounds like a weedwacker    7/13

Allstate–ceiling water leak destroys TV on game day    8/13

Allstate–“mayhem” starts fire in car in stadium parking lot     10/13

Allstate–toddler daughter criticizes dad for buying cheap insurance     11/13

Allstate–mayhem doesn’t tie down stuff in back of pickup, dumps it onto freeway     11/13

Alltel–wizard sicks doberman on other phone guys  6/08

Ally Bank–guy moves ahead of other in checkout line, wins $50,000            7/12

American Cancer Society — family (Mom, Dad, little girl) dealing with Mom’s cancer   10/07

American Express–guy uses super hero card at business lunch, German clients mock him, woman pulls out Am Express  7/08

American Express–guy buys business airline ticket with kitty card, clerk at desk calls security   9/08

American Express–Aziz does “too much” to impress a woman      3/12

American Express–Aziz is embarrassingly bad at kayaking     4/12

American Family Insurance–Brady Bunch theme, boys damage house   4/08—bald guy has 3 bushy haired ancestors that were barbers       3/12

Angie’s List–mom says life is hectic with 2 boys      9/13

Apple–iphone ad, she asks friend “Did he apologize?”     8/13

Appleby’s–girls’ night out   7/08

Apples to Apples–glamorous Bigfoot and Sexy Lincoln      11/12

Arby’s — zoo keepers let animals loose

Arby’s–guy loses bet and marries goat   9/08

Arby’s–guy gets sauce off buddy’s cheek with 2-ft tongue     8/11

Arby’s–lucky guy who always wins is crushed by falling piano        7/12

Arco–guy screams constantly when he finds out there is no credit card fee      12/11

ArmourAll — viking steals guy’s car and wife   7/13–kids can’t drink bad milk but dad can    2/09–she laughs at his question why sweat is salty       3/12

AT&T — guy in Vegas tries to soften to his wife that he is down 5800 “chips”    10/07

AT&T — (lion & Applegate) lion threatens guy  1/08

At&T — (lion & Applegate) Applegate mocks guy talking while others work  2/08

AT&T — fat ugly pool player “Dillweed” missed chance for Motorhead tickets because of bad phone  3/08

AT&T — crazy dad at lover’s lane because he missed call from daughter  3/08

AT&T — “Chuck is an idiot”, shooting baskets in bar while missing tickets to Final 4    4/08

AT&T — guy misses correct pronunciation of guy from Hong Kong, calls him “Mr Stinky Fish Face”   4/08

AT&T — Taekwondo woman kicks guy around, another guy next     5/08

AT&T — wife scolds husband and sons for throwing away red clock minutes  5/08

AT&T– girl is with stinky boy because her phone has no reception   6/08

AT&T–boy checks women in mirror in phone, girlfriend rolls eyes  7/08

AT&T–guy puts family in bad French hotel with dogs rubbing on carpet   7/08

AT&T–guy thinks window is HD TV, watches car towed  7/08

AT&T–guy can’t afford food, steals buddy’s burger and fries  7/08

AT&T–guy writes complaint letter in British accent   8/08

AT&T–Don wants to throw away milky minutes,

***AT&T–Mom’s sister is lactose intolerant    8/08

***AT&T–girl misses Michael Phelps visiting town   8/08

AT&T–dork tries to watch 4 shows at once    8/08

AT&T–dork tries to guess neighbor’s password to get into network   8/08

AT&T–Ned wasn’t supposed to mention “merger” at meeting which goes berserk  9/08

AT&T–dork takes computer outside with long cable   9/08

AT&T–guy put frozen turkey in hot oil, it explodes  11/08

AT&T–Slate Sanchez is now in the blast zone  12/08

AT&T–dork ties TV to himself     3/09

AT&T–dork skeptical about friend’s “teletransporting” system    3/09

AT&T–Mom and daughter school dad on computer technology   5/09

AT&T–dork watches DVDR in bathroom    8/09

AT&T–neigborhood kids act out soap operas for dork    8/09

AT&T-kid screams when with dad     4/10

AT&T–mom and daughter shame dad who can’t understand invisible cord    6/10

AT&T–son thinks he is fooling mom about how long he studies, she embarasses him    8/10

AT&T–guy with slow text message thinks he wasn’t invited to office party, embarrassed    12/10

AT&T–couple does “hot-spot hoppin”, they have disagreement, she glares at him     1/11

AT&T–man forgets anniversary, makes restaurant reservation while on phone    1/11

AT&T–guy watches phone instead of son’s soccer game     2/11

AT&T–cop smashes glass door into guy    2/11

AT&T–guy parks recliner in front of TV store window     4/11

AT&T–flash mob dancer is early, dances by himself    5/11

AT&T–school girl and two women criticize cable guy on career day   5/11

AT&T–co-worker smashes guy’s phone with picture of spider      6/11

AT&T–buddy uses smartphone to send embarassing picture of sleeping friend         8/11

***AT&T–wife thinks husband overspent without asking her, but benefit was free        8/11

AT&T–guy in office is guilty of 7 office rules     11/11

AT&T–couple having “together time”, she catches him looking at phone to check football game     11/11

AT&T–girl calls him to tell him she is giving him the silent treatment      1/12

AT&T–guy lies on speed date, she checks his website to expose the lies      3/12

AT&T–couple in car, she glares at his bad singing          7/12

AT&T–goat grabs guy’s sandwich and kicks pack off rock      8/12

AT&T–guy gets winded hi-5ing tall basketball players       4/13

AT&T–embarrassing dad interrupts kids playing of “Smoke on the Water”       4/13

AT&T–“moms are the best”    5/13

AT&T–son locked out of house, mom opens door by phone    7/13

Audi–guy in SUV trying to get out of  parking lot with 18-point turn, woman disgusted  4/08

Audi (Superbowl)–guy slammed onto hood by green police      2/10

Audi–son comes home for Christmas, parents take off in his car   11/11

Audi–girl claims his dad is an alien       5/12

Axe–guy with spraying armpits    3/09 & 3/10

Axe–beautiful women dissolve because of guy’s dandruff     3/12

Ballpark Franks–men “easier fed than understood”         9/12

Ballpark Franks–guy drips hamburger on couch cushion, man turns it over      1/13

Bayer–he doesn’t take direction, she glares at him   1/11

Bayer–contributes to women’s heart research     1/11

Bayer–he confesses he didn’t take doctors advice, wife smugly agrees     12/11

Bayer–man treated like bottle of lawn product–tailgate smashes, falls out of car       4/13

BeautyRest–sleepy man drive mower thru flowers   7/13

BeautyRest–sleepy man runs into closed clear door, spills coffee   7/13

BeautyRest–sleepy man pours coffee into kids cereal     7/13

Beggin Strips–dog with male voice goes crazy over beggin strips   5/08

Belvita–2 stupid policemen knock down beehive, woman glares       2/12

Belvita–women repeatedly kick guy in groin in defense class      4/13

Benedryl — 2 boys sneeze on their mothers  9/07

Beneful — guy talking to dog

Best Buy– dad keeps locking son in car, then son falls out  7/07

Best Buy–wife disgusted with man leaving fridge open, boy wipes nose on sleave, boy has dog lick plate 9/07

Best Buy–sentence fragments, guy likes singing musicals, and is ER inclined instead of mechanically inclined  10/7

Best Buy–2 boys look in attic for gifts, get caught, older one sells out his brother  11/07

Best Buy–boss steals worker’s gift card  12/07

Best Buy–2 guys fight over present  12/07

Best Buy–girl calls dad a “sillyhead” when he buys outdated TV    2/11

Best Buy–geek carried on guy’s back and hung on door    7/11

Best Buy–geek carried on woman’s back      8/11

Best Buy–several ads show women besting Santa (big TV, phone, and laptop (she kicks illumated Santa off roof)    12/11

Best Buy–(superbowl) makes fun of Alec Baldwin’s Words With Friends on airplane incident       2/12

Best Buy–Santa falls off bannister      12/12

Best Chance Auto Loan–devil on shoulder is male, angel is female      3/13

Betty Crocker–dad ate Santa’s cookies.   11/07

Bezzerwizzer–she trades obnoxious date for a dog     12/10

Bezzerwizzer–dad won’t let daughter’s date in    12/10

Bing–woman berates man for getting scroogled in buying pan     12/12

Bing–man thinks he got great email tip for making money, she says he got scroogled       10/13

Birdseye–wolf mom upset that dad started kids to howling      5/13

Bissell–Frankie the dog leaves little surprises on the carpet    4/12

BMW–daughter asks what is “neutering”, dog jumps out of car to song “Big man coming thru”      10/12

BMW–he says best day of life when he buys car, wife and daughter object       10/12

BMW–car reads email when mother-in-law in house, “Hey Honey, where the bleep are you going.”    9/13–she let’s him plan the vacation     6/13

Boost Mobile– man-boy carried in kid-pack around grocery likes breast milk   3/09

Boost Mobile–Danica Patrick’s ugly guy road crew in bikinis    6/09

Boost Mobile–2 pigs with male voices talking in restaurant    9/09

Bounty–hubby saves money by making own espresso, makes mess     8/09

Bounty–Mom corrects boys incorrect facepainting–blue on wrong side   12/09

Bounty–dad and son slide bowl of salsa, make mess, mom cleans up     11/10

Bounty–dad guesses it is a 3-sheet mess, but mom knows it is only one     11/11

Bounty–guy’s good-deal juicer leaks all over counter, wife glares at him       2/12

Brawny–boy spills from big-boy cup, hubby washes dishes badly   4/08

Bridgestone–man turns car into NFL helmet, wife not happy    9/08

Bridgestone–guy supposedly sent awful email “reply all”, goes around killing and stealing computers   2/11

Bridgestone–(superbowl) Dione Sanders unhappy about control on football   2/12

Bridgestone–(superbowl) woman interviewer glares at guy with quiet basketball     2/12

Bud–tough cowboy sings “Tiny Dancer”    2/11

Bud–Ramsey is a pain, but team wins whenever he is at house watching game     9/13

Bud Light — squirrel beats up guy

Bud Light — photogenic ape

Bud Light — wedding with auctioneer so men can get to beer faster

Bud Light — guy says “Dude” to all manner of guys acting dumb   1/08

Bud Light — women with X-ray vision see fat ugly construction worker on jackhammer   9/08

Bud Light–not smooth guy skier crashes    2/09

Bud Light–guy thrown out window for joking about no beer at meetings   3/09

Bud Light–guy crashes bike when other guy loses toupe    3/09

Bud Light–karate guy hurts head     3/09

Bud Light–guy moves sculpture, causes chain reaction destruction    3/09

Bud Light–guy on trampoline falls on table   3/09

Bud Light–woman pushes guy out of moving car   10/09

Bud Light–woman trips waiter thru window   10/09

Bud Light–woman uses nailgun to pin a flower to a guy  11/09

Bud Light–Musketeer sword fight, guy hits other in head with bottle    2/11

Bud Light–friends give guy experience of high-pressure field goal.  He blows it     9/11

Bud Light–friends give guy experience of goal-line dive.  He is creamed.      10/11

Bud Light–guys idea of kitchen remodel is just a bucket of beer, wife scoffs     11/11

Bud Light–(superbowl) guys perform at “Halftime” cowboy bar instead of superbowl    2/12

Bud Light–her bottle code makes him cry      9/12

Bud Light–superstitious guy wants to watch game in his spot in old apartment     11/12

Bud Light–superstitious guys face bottle labels out to assure placekicker makes it      11/12

Bud Light–superstitious guys do various silly things to assure victory (line up cans, different colored socks)    11/12

Buffalo Wild Wings–guy gets a male stripper at work on his birthday     3/12

Buffalo Wild Wings–guy does the splits on a lighted candle on his wife’s birthday     3/12

Buffalo Wild Wings–champaign cork hits a guy in his one good eye     3/12

Buffalo Wild Wings–coach shames a guy’s manhood to get him to take last chicken leg     11/13

Buffalo Wild Wings–woman upset when he dips into more than one sauce      11/13

Bufferin–mom gets headaches from 3 boys        12/11

Buick–she is disappointed in gift of small car     12/11

Buick–she drives his car, shakes up pop, he opens and gets sprayed       9/12

Buick–family disappointed with dad’s gifts of seques       11/12

Burger King — SpongeBob no Pants

Burger King–man with small hands can’t eat whopper  1/08

Burger King–guy is “arrogant punk”, thinking he deserves sandwich for helping discover a planet  7/08

Burger King–King’s son kicks him in the shin  7/08

Burger King–King is hit by a cab    9/08

Burger King–man in drivethru pushes car out of his way so he can get Steakhouse sandwich  11/08

Burger King–Kingon gives guy nipple pinch   5/09

Burger King–Kingons take guys girlfriend   5/09

Burger King–King knocks guy into cabinet    3/10

Burger King–“offset your stupid”, guy tries to adjust rooftop dish in lightning storm   8/10

Burger King–guy’s briefcase is only good for carrying breakfast        10/10

Burger King–wii competition, she is kicking his buns       11/10

Burger King–Jay Leno drives thru restaurant      3/12

Burger King–sexy Salma Hayek causes guy to faint      4/12

Burger King–girl claims 2 guys stole her idea of putting fries on hamburger    9/13

Burger King–wife complains he never takes her to the equator     9/13

Burlington–he falls while ice skating        12/12

Burlington–son throws mom’s watch in the toilet       4/13

Burlington–BBQ flares up on dad for daughter’s graduation party     5/13

Butterfinger—woman calls 2 guys idiots after one is stapled to wall   4/10

Cadillac–woman pulls up to the boys club  11/07

Cadillac–husband can’t get presents right  12/07

Cadillac–Cadillac knows she is different kind of woman, doesn’t want cup-holders  4/08

Cadillac–he leaves present on top of car       12/12

Cadillac–Stacy’s mom has several men gawking     11/13

Cadillac–Kyle keeps taking brother’s stuff     11/13

Caltrate–“women run the world”     1/11

Campbell’s — man goes gah gah over soup  10/7

Campbell’s — guy dragged down stairs for low sodium soup   9/08

***Campbell’s–mom is terrible dancer      9/13

Campbell’s–mom negotiated son’s (Matthews) football contract       9/13

Cancer Center–both wife and husband interviewed for his prostate cancer    6/13

Capri Sun–boys try human sling shot     5/11

Top Ten Worse Male Bashing Ads at

Capital One–man runs into huge snowglobe 9/7

Capital One–Star Wars take off, evil masculine guy wants kittens    1/08

Capital One–general makes credit card instead of destroying meteor  6/08

***Capital One — ugly daughter of medieval king

Captial One–armadillo man  7/08

Capital One–man attacked by giant squid  7/08

Capital One–Santa Claus makes new card while problems in shop  12/08

Capital One–boy gets hit with dodge ball to select card picture, spaghetti Jim wins    3/09

Captial One–several ads with viking? doofuses

Capital One–baby throws cereal at Jimmy Fallon     11/11

Capital One–hot tar is poured on guy      5/12

Capital One–three men are hit in head playing Smack-a-Goth      5/12

Capital One–man hit in the face with a big rock       2/13

Capital One–Baldwin is 007, his phone shoots darts and lightning, hits guys, pretty woman is backup      3/13

Capital One–guys make fun of Charles Barkley’s big underwear       3/13

Capital One–Barkley calls game of 4th graders      3/13

Capital One–Barkley says he gets stuff for free, but Baldwin must pay for basketball programs     3/13

Capital One–Baldwin picks SW State to win tourney, but they aren’t in tourney      3/13

Capital One–Baldwin claims to be good at ball—bocce ball       4/13

Capri Sun–lifeguard falls thru 25% less ramp  6/08

CareerBuilder (Superbowl)–casual day with fat guys in underwear (couple women in background only)    2/10

CareerBuilder(Superbowl)–chimps drive cars that block a guy’s doors     2/11

CareerBuilder–(superbowl) chimps play tricks on co-worker     2/12

Carfax–car was in accident by sleazy guy       12/11

Carmax–without the internet, 2 guys would have to work 9/7

Carmax–rude guy on date, used very old picture   10/09

Carmax–guy tries to spray himself with perfume, but really mace   11/9

Carmax–guy puts tongue on frozen pole    12/09

Carmax–guy buys cheap car without doors       1/10

Carmax–guy buys cheap car without roof     2/10

Carmax–guy buys cheap pickup without bed    3/10

Carmax–guy buys cheap car without seats, uses real buckets     4/10

Carmax–wrestler gets hit with folding chair     2/11

Carmax–guy buys car without A/C but has fan       5/11

Carmax–guy uses muscle men as wheels, even skinny guy for spare   6/11

Carmax–guy’s GPS is old guy in the back seat      7/11

Carmax–weatherman guarantees 5 days of sun, TV station not happy      12/11

Carnival–guy gets first water wedgie   4/10–bad outcomes for guys who go first: food-tester poisoned, transporter mutilates guy, cowboy shot with arrows   2/11–(superbowl) guy has 2nd head which sings badly     2/12

***–parents say they like son more, daughter breaks lamp    6/13

***Cascade–husband is right about not needing to scrub muffin pan           7/12

Car Toys–product means she will never have to scrape windshield again     12/12

Castrol GTX oil– 3 guys cars get sludged

Castrol–guys on couch get sludged while laughing at cars on TV getting sludged   6/08

Castrol– Scottish guy hits other guys with dipstick    3/09

Caterpillar–psa promoting getting women and girls out of poverty     11/13

CBScares–valentine gift for her, check yourself for testicular cancer     1/13

CDW–Charles Barkley sleeps with a basketball      3/13

Centrum–wife was right about vitamins       3/13

Century21–(superbowl)–woman defeats Trump, Sanders, Ohno        2/12

CenturyLink–guy makes bad decisions, cart down hill, food from truck, guys’ night out at rodeo night at bar     11/12

Cepacol–female giraffe helps guy giraffe with sore throat   12/08

Charmin–wife and kid of bear laugh at him for losing 10 scoop ice cream cone   5/08

Charmin–bear son isn’t a man until he cleans the toilet paper bits from his butt      3/12

Charmin–wife bear criticizes him for using too much toilet paper       1/13

Charmin–wife bear nags husband to only use a few sheets     6/13

Chase–she is good at yoga, he isn’t    4/10

Chase–wife laughs at him for not knowing how to pay with smartphone     12/11

Chase–(superbowl) kid kicks ball through several houses      2/12

Chase–guy has trouble riding a segue           2/12

Chase–guy is embarrassingly thrilled after finding $1 on the street       2/12

Chase–Drew Brees’ son kicks ball through several houses      3/12

Chase–man shivers in grocery freezer      4/12

Chase–boy gets drumset, parents get noise-reducing headphones    10/13

Cheer–hairy man loses shirt which has the dingies   11/7

***Cheer–Cheer lady takes skirt off tennis player

Cheerios–box says “Shut up Steve”  1/08

Cheerios-contest: she lowers cholesterol, he finishes kitchen plumbing, she shames loser  4/08

Cheerios–dad doesn’t want to share with son    9/10

Cheerios–wife tells him he still has to go to the gym      6/12

Cheerios Honey Nut–bee frightened by several framed bugs on wall     6/12

Cheerios–girl pours cereal on napping dad         6/13

Cheetos–construction workers party while other is behind closed door, but no walls

Cheetos–2 bank robbers are ignored because the employees are on cheetos break      7/12

Cheetos–robot gives a guy a cheeto and then hits him          7/12

Cheezits–immature male cheese       6/10

Cheezits–immature male cheese puts shoe polish on evaluators cup      1/12

Cheezits–immature male cheese get researcher with snake in can        7/12

Cheezits–immature cheese bulks up his muscles      7/13

ChefBoyArdee–wife stops dumb dad who tries to tell kids about veggies in product     8/10

Chevy–Howie Long picks up 2 guys out of gas  6/08

Chevy Traverse–car and guy with no shirt are “beautiful and useful”   10/08

Chevy–Howie Long shames guy for “man-step” on pickup    1/09

Chevy Malibu—women laugh at one’s date, “professional student of life”   2/10

Chevy–transformer throws guy across car lot     2/11

Chevy Volt–guy gets hassled for going to gas station to go to bathroom    9/11

Chevy Volt–guy hassled at drive-thru, worker eats his sandwich    10/11

Chevy–woman pulls on beard of look-alike Santa salesman      11/11

Chevy–(superbowl) Dave who drove Ford did not make it through apocalypse       2/12

Chevy–graduate thinks his gift is new car instead of fridge        1/12

Chevy–announcer is criticized for yelling      4/12

***Chevy–dad wants to buy 2 brake sets because daughter is so rough on them     6/12

Chevy–wife sarcastically asks him if he wants to check the car again       6/12

Chevy–mom wants to run muddy son through car wash        1/13

Chevy–man grabs glasses on a chain from a strange woman, not his wife     11/13

Chili’s–office game of cake walk, woman shoves guy to floor   7/08—guy does goofy dance on top of luggage    6/11–guy does “trust” fall onto pavement, no one catches him     3/12–guy does “happy dance” on suitcase         7/12–“freebies”, he hears “free bees”, wears beekeeper suit     9/12

Cingular — man must have done something really bad since he sent flowers

Circle K–worker jumps off skyscraper after coffee  11/07

Circle K–woman moves chair into guys groin to steal his coffee  11/7

CITI — woman keeps redecorating, finally realizes husband is the problem   5/08

CITI–climbers, focused on woman though man is Alex Honnold–best current climber   1/12

CITI–she tells him he is boring, boring, boring        10/12

***CITI–“have a super sparkly day”       11/12–guy reaches his shirt limit, 2 guys without pants        2/12

Clorox–kid footballer intentionally jumps into mud  12/07

***Clorox–positive ad showing dad cleaning bath for his son   8/08

Clorox–only male mannequins make stains   8/09

Clorox–guy has very dirty white socks   5/10

Clorox–dad changes diaper on kitchen counter, mom disgusted       9/10

Clorox–husband puts plunger on kitchen counter, wife disgusted     10/10

Clorox–husband feeds birds on kitchen counter, wife disgusted      2/11

Clorox–guy cleans fish on counter, wife disgusted     5/11

Clorox–2 dads in park ignore the boy who needed a bathroom      11/11

Clorox–Becky has to wash her robe after disgusting Uncle Steve wears it    4/12

Clorox–son is successful using potty, but spills it carrying it to show mom      5/12

Clorox–son brags about doing potty, mom finds it in tub       10/12

Clorox–mom tells son not to wipe nose on his sleeve, so son wipes on man’s sleeve    12/12

Coffeemate–girl scout shames guy for not deserving drink    11/13

Coke–big promoters of Go Red for Women  2/08

Coke–ad promoting Go Red for Women    2/11

Coke–2 guys have slap fight during taste-test     3/11

Coke–Sharon wins basketball bracket contest 7 years in a row      3/13

Coke–he plays video games instead of picking up her parents at airport     4/13

Coke Zero–man has always watched stuff      9/13

Colgate–guy is slapped by cold ice cream    8/11

***Colgate–woman has more germs in mouth than a black guy          8/12

Comcast–female TV anchor schools guy on Century Link bad deal      1/12

Comcast–daughter criticizes clueless dad who uses her pink laptop      1/12

Comcast–two houses drag race, her’s wins       2/12

Comcast–dad cannot get any love for choosing comcast, even dog ignores him     2/12

Comcast–he ruins her TV show and surprise party       3/12

Comcast–2 news anchors, he leaves when there is 10 seconds to air      3/12

Comcast–guy refers to boss as Bozo while boss is on conference call     3/12

Comcast–groom’s friend interrupts wedding, bride angry         7/12

Comcast–he buys wife 80s computer, daughter gets etch-a-sketch for tablet     11/12

Comcast–he buys her a payphone      11/12

Comcast–dad and son compete in race car game, daughter wins, high-fives mom     1/13

Comcast–Brian Urlacher saves woman from branch, scares installer, biker runs into trash    1/13

Comcast–she wants to be entertained in airport, makes fun of him wearing pillow incorrectly     1/13

Comcast–Usain Bolt has insane brother      4/13

Comcast–ad for pink ribbon (breast cancer) campaign     10/13

Comcast–dad is involved in football game, misses car accident, fire, and bathtub crashing thru ceiling   10/13

Comcast–Tommy steals internet gateway and puts it in his race car    11/13

Comcast–mountain lion enters house while he concentrates on tablet     11/13

ConocoPhillips–mom and daughter make fun of his cooking    10/11

Consumer Cellular– guy doesn’t think he is cheap       4/13

Corona Beer — spooky ghost turns out to be dorky guy with no tan  10/07

Corona Beer–bottle is moved to hide fat ugly guy  6/08

Corona Beer–he looks at woman on beach, she squirts with lime    1/10

Corona Beer–she looks at guy on beach, he shakes her bottle, she picks up his bottle     3/10

Corona Beer–guy sees 3 women on beach, squirts himself with lime     6/10

Cottonelle–guy is shamed for having naked toilet paper    7/11

Cottonelle–Tim has a naked roll    8/11

Cottonelle–she nags him for not backing up the toilet paper     12/11

Cottonelle–he complains the spare roll is out of reach, she tells him to put the seat down     2/12

Cottonelle–2 guys fight over nickname of product, she interrupts with winner      10/12

***Cottonelle–sister turns shower on fully dressed woman who is taking dry shower      3/13—guy believes in credit fairy, woman tells him no such thing    8/08

Crest–guy with onion breath exhales onto pretty trainer      11/11

Crest–she has to get him to say hello  (instead of saying hello herself)     4/13

Crestor–guy celebrates with stupid dance      10/13

Crunchy Nut–guy dresses like in Himalayas so he can eat breakfast during day    7/11

***Crunchy Nut–woman wears Chinese dragon costume to eat cereal during day    8/11

Crunchy Nut–goofy superhero in yellow tights      6/12

Crystal Light–“girl power”, she runs down purse thief who is on scooter      3/12

Curves — why is a cereal only for women?

CVS Drug–all female cartoon with Sarah McLachlan song  12/07

Dairy Queen–male animated lips talk in high excited pitch when talking about product  4/08

Dairy Queen–little girl gets boy to buy her sundae, “like shooting fish in a barrel”   5/08

Dairy Queen–daughter in fort in living room sells dad his dinner   6/08

Dairy Queen–dad is a baby for Girl Scout blizzard   6/09

Dairy Queen–caveman hits other with rock     3/10

Dairy Queen–song details her date’s shortcomings      5/12

Dannon–boy who needs DanActive gets tossed around by girl in judo class   4/08

Dawn — mom with eyes in back of head catches 2 sons misbehaving

Degree–dog bites robot in groin   8/08

Degree–wolves attack sweating guys    1/11

Degree–3 guys in underwear are thrown in ice truck with wolverine      5/11

Degree–guy is running ahead of bear on exercise wheel      3/12

Dell–office carolers, man embarrassingly bad singer   11/08

Delsym–man coughs on woman on plane, he has a talking fist

Delsym–boy coughs on 2 girls at recital, he has talking fist

Delsym–mom tries to quiet son & husbands cough with remote      11/10

Delsym–his coughing ruins Superstar show      12/12

Denny’s–guy has a $4 sweater        1/13

Denny’s–guy has trouble with triangle, square and circle with kids      1/13

Dept of Transportation—drunk drivers (all men) with beer filling cars and helmet    8/08

Dial-a-Mate— ladies are free   5/08

DiGiorno — wife turns sprinkler on rude husband

DiGiorno– guys get carpet muddy   5/10

DirectTV — Charlie Sheen beans batter to show colorful bruise

DirectTV– board room, guy suggests raising prices to get the rich’s disposable income  5/08

DirectTV–in board room, guy says 90% believe anything 50% of time   6/08

DirectTV–in board room, guy suggests “get youthenized”, women smirk, men clueless    3/09

DirectTV–woman asks about King Kong—if only he were more evolved    7/09

DirectTV–waitress wrings rag into drinks of snooty guys     8/10

DirectTV—cop tazes guy who is his competition in fantasy football league    9/10

DirectTV–projectionist hit with blow dart     10/10

DirectTV–cute young woman inherits most everything, man goes nuts when he inherits 6,000 movies   2/11

DirectTV–little girl grabs pixie Eli Manning, won’t let go      9/12

DirectTV–dentist sneezes in guys face, turtle bites guy’s hand      12/12

DirectTV–old man in shoe can’t watch sports because too many kids       4/13

DirectTV–Bill wants romantic comedy, but find’s himself in getting beat up in ring       9/13

DirectTV–guy in sidecar breaks off from motorcycle, speeding downhill     11/13

DirectTV–squirrels attack Dave     11/13

Discover–mom watches son pig out   9/09

Discover–several with bearded “Peggy”    8/10

Discover–guy calls in to quit, “Peggy” gets “retrained”, hit by puppet    4/11

Discover–woman talking to helpdesk, husband didn’t pay bill, and went for milk brought back unhousebroken puppy    1/13

Discover–2 guys high-five over the phone       1/13

Discover–guy who doesn’t like surprises is surprised     11/13

DISH network–astronauts forget to bring tools    5/10

DISH network–astronaut needs space     5/10

DISH network–astronaut is bad singer    6/10

DISH network–he jumps out of moving car to prove her wrong      3/12

DISH–man almost hits another in head with metal bar      6/13

Dodge Charger (Superbowl)–men give in to women as long as can drive car, man’s last stand   2/10

Dodge–woman smacks brother       4/12

Dodge–Anchorman (Will Farrell) teases horse      10/13

Dodge–Anchorman (Will Farrell) yells at dancers     10/13

Dodge–Anchorman (Will Farrell) can’t pronounce mpgs     10/13

Dodge–Anchorman (Will Farrell) glove box holds lots of gum     10/13

Dominos–man makes gaudy abs while waiting for pizza

Dominos–guy shaves eyebrows while waiting, woman delivery disgusted  2/08

Dominos–guys learn NY accent while waiting  2/08

Dominos–guy offers sex while 30 min wait, she asks about remaining 28 min.   8/08

Doritos–guy takes a snow globe to the groin   2/09

Doritos(Superbowl)–2 guys attacked for stealing Doritos     2/10

Doritos(Superbowl)–guy zapped by dog collar     2/10

Doritos(Superbowl)–pug dog knocks door over on guy teasing it    2/11

Doritos(Superbowl)–guy sucks other’s finger, rips pants off of guy to smell them    2/11

Doritos(superbowl)–guy is threatened by Great Dane who buried cat           2/12

Doritos–(superbowl) granny steals chips by using kid on slingshot       2/12

Doritos–Gary turns into a bird of prey      2/12

Downey–Mean Joe’s jersey stinks, she throws it back     3/12

Dove soap–ad promoting programs instilling self-esteem in girls   9/08

Dove soap–another ad promoting self-esteem in girls      9/13

Dove Men Care–guy receives four deserved slaps     4/13

Dr Pepper–Orange County Chopper Senior asks guy what drink tastes like, beats him up for wrong answer    5/11

Dr Pepper–cartoon merman punches a hole in his water container         2/12

Dr Scholls–guy goes nuts over parking ticket until he starts gellin   2/08

Dr Scholls–guy goes nuts in rain, car splashes, then calm  4/08

Dr Scholls–wart is male   4/08

Dr Scholls–for Her, for high heels   7/08

Dr Scholls–family can’t recognize dad who wants to dance, bike, walk      1/12

Dulcolax–man climbs over woman to get from airline seat  12/07

Dulcolax–woman between gross guys on bus        7/11

Dulcolax–woman miserable in movie theater because of tight quarters with guys     10/11

Dulcolax for women     6/12

Duluth–cartoon guy has his crotch in a vise       9/13

Duluth–man has “ballroom jeans” so he doesn’t sing soprano while crouching     11/13

Duluth–women with long tail T-shirt zaps gawking gophers     11/13

Dunkin Donuts–Dan eats kiddy cereals    9/09

Dunkin Donuts–guy eats her smokehouse sausage too      10/11

Dunkin Donuts–wife who finds everything for him asks “Where would you be without me?”    11/13

Easy Mac — woman microwaves food while man coughs on steam table

Easy Mac — guy wants to share big table with girl but there is no room   8/08

ebay–guy throws phone at bee so he can get new one, daughter disgusted      10/11

Edward Jones—man seals leak in dam with gum  9/07

Edward Jones–man sells painting at auction right after buying it

Eggo–woman scoffs at his carpentry skills as cup slides off table     4/12

eHarmony–woman speed dater deals with strange men     7/13

Embassy Suites–weird guys, “you can handle everything”      3/13

EmergenC–two sons are roudy in back seat      12/12

Empire Carpets–man gets bad haircut, alterations, glasses     7/13

Environmental Defense Action Fund — man on train tracks says global warming wont affect him, little girl behind him  11/07

esurance — cartoon woman outplaying several male robots at basketball & hockey  (2)

esurance–coworkers see embarassing pic on phone where “Frank gets his dance on”   12/10

esurance–woman earns best actress award for saying two guys are funny      4/11

esurance–woman makes fun of out-of-touch guy, raise the roof in 1999     5/11

esurance–woman sends guy’s dating profile to coworkers       5/11

esurance–guy regrets eating gas-station sushi      1/13

esurance–self from future throws himself off computer to prevent mistake      4/13

etrade–talking baby throws up    2/09

etrade–talking babies, make fun of singing   3/09

etrade–(superbowl) Bobby is speed dating in maternity ward      2/12

Excedrin–guy loses control while power-washing deck       8/10

Expedia–presents “building blocks of perfect girls’ weekend    12/09

Expedia–woman and 2 men competing, judge praises woman with “major wow factor”     11/11

Exxon–psa promoting math and science for girls     10/13–sleazy man tries to con man and woman (2)   9/07

Farmers Helppoint–guy riding through traffic on little bicycle  4/08

Farmers–old guy trying to impress woman puts jet ski in tree    11/10

Farmers–guy doesn’t know flooding house is an exercise    11/10

Farmers–guy in simulator car gets hot coffee in lap       8/11

***Farmers–woman drops biggest hail stone       5/12

Farmers–spokesman hits goofy thief on skates with football, he goes into trash       4/13

Farmers–boy breaks valubles, teen boy wrecks car     5/13

Farmers–announcer in back seat tries to stop drivers bad habits     8/13

Febreze — mom cleans son’s smelly shoes and room

Fabreze — man has stinky cooking   1/08

Fabreze–Mom thinks son’s room, chair stinks   6/09

Fabreze–Wife says his chair stinks    5/10

Fabreze–blindfolded people can’t smell stinky Azerbajan wrestling team     7/12

Febreze–car smells like man fresh out of the shower        1/13

FedEx — Scott is used to being busier

FedEx–bald guy with “full head of hair”

FedEx– guy won’t shave, birds in huge beard

FedEx–guy is nicknamed “Dan Fool”

FedEX–in company printing on backs of paper, guy has to eat executive compensation list      11/11

FedEx–dad puts daughter on lap of Santa look-a-like customer, “don’t tell mom”       11/12

FedEx–guy doesn’t have gift, throws pens into shipping box       11/12

FedEx–husband steals kids school supplies and toilet paper, shamed by wife     1/13

FedEx–woman corrects plan, guy who is exec for the day can’t get into office      1/13

FedEx–woman is praised for her idea, guy who types with all caps also yells      3/13

FedEx–Santa fills box with coal for naughty guy     11/13

***FedEx–Nana sends cozies for everything      11/13

Fiat–(superbowl) sexy woman teases, slaps guy     2/12

FiberOne–guy brags he eats what he wants, but is scared when wife is behind him   2/09

Fiber One bar–obnoxious guy disguises to keep getting free samples   6/09

***Fiber One–women look stupid, read her mind      1/11

Fiber One–but her wish for Lorenzo came true    3/11

Fiber One–parents fool son into eating fiber cereal   6/11

Fiber One–wife fools obnoxious husband into eating fiber bar     8/11

Fiber One–he whines, she asks him “Are you done, sweety?”      3/12

Fidelity — wife complains husband can’t get dog to roll over

Fidelity– husband wants car, wife wants Fidelity (no way he will win) 7/07

Fidelity– husband explains investing strategy, wife is very snide, condescending  8/07

Fidelity–husband wants to “kick back”, wife wants to clean house.  11/07

Fidelity–husband forgets discussing Paris, but they will go to Paris   1/08

Fidelity–husband’s goal is to find best burger, wife rolls eyes    12/09

Fidelity–mom with 2 rowdy boys    12/09

Fidelity–woman corrects clueless guy about following green line through Grand Central      1/12

Fidelity–guy nearly walks in front of bus, asks wife if insured        10/12

FloTV (Superbowl)–girlfriend removes mans spine    2/10

Ford Focus–friend finds guy has Michael Bolton on car stereo.  11/7

Ford Cares–selling scarves to help fight breast cancer      10/13

Ford–kid’s coach is loud but not clear        11/13

Fram–guy figure on wedding cake falls over as “relationships fail     5/12

French’s Spicy Brown–hot dogs, he gets sand in crevices, she looks at he-man French’s bottle  4/08

Fructis–throw in the towel on a guy

FruitOfTheLoom–car crew doesn’t have to recalibrate their nuts and bolts    10/13

***Gain–maid caught in hotel bed   4/08

Gain–guy does ugly tango     11/10

Gain–airline counter guy is wearing woman’s sweater      3/13

GasX–man in job interview by woman, bad gas puns, male secretary  4/08

GasX–guy has gas at dinner table    4/10

GasX–2 guys in political debate, bad gas puns    2/12

GasX–antacid bottle has gas, offends woman      4/13

Gavalia–women look Johann up and down         2/12

GE–ancient discus thrower knocks down Parthenon   8/08

GE–anethesia for a guy is a club  2/10

GE–guy in medical amphitheater wants his pants back    2/10

GE–guy does ungraceful landing in Aculpulco dive    12/10

GE–husband pretends to be dramatic announcer, wife scolds        1/12

Gerbers — finishes 2nd behind mothers in baby care  (where do fathers rate?)

Geico — even a cavemen can do it, why no cavewomen?   (3)

Geico–“naturalist” following gecko ends up in dumpster being emptied  5/08

Geico–“naturalist” following gecko ends up on top of RV moving away   6/08

Geico–woman rolls eyes at guy who protects jetski   8/08

Geico–boss falls back on gecko   8/09

Geico–boss gives gecko little suit    8/09

Geico–Billy Jean King disgusted by whiny caveman beaten in tennis by little girl     6/10

Geico–drill-sargeant therapist shames guy    7/10

Geico–Abe Lincoln too honest about wife’s dress     7/10

Geico–two guys live under rocks    2/11

Geico–male pig wees all the way home in backseat, female driver irritated

Geico–guy “samples” grapes, wife thinks it is wrong    5/11

Geico–chicken hawk clubs Foghorn Leghorn     5/11

Geico–incompetent child-care robots are male    7/11

Geico–3 guys do stupid things with smartphones, woman glares at them     6/11

Geico–cave man cheerleader on bottom of pyramid     10/11

Geico–male pig wees down zip line     12/11

Geico–teen girls follow guy and criticize his food with “Oooh”, “Seriously?” “So gross”       1/12

Geico–wheeing pig runs down hill on luge, other guy runs into hay bales      2/12

Geico–guy sings badly to get his dating profile out, women glare     2/12

Geico–Wiley Coyote crushed by safe        10/12

Geico–pig is clueless at lover’s lane      1/13

Geico–pig steals a guy’s girlfriend because he has bad insurance     5/13

Geico–male owl not that wise, she-owl disgusted     7/13

Geico–goofy camel and hump day     7/13

Geico–Old McDonald can’t spell     7/13

Geico–ancient Egyptians make mistake on pyramids     10/13

Geico–goofy falling tree is male      10/13

Geico–goofy pig at football game is “Pig in a Blanket” on jumbotron    11/13

Gildan–guy removes underwear on roller coaster     6/13

Glad–piano movers don’t catch falling piano in glad bag

***Glad–two sons school mom on trash bags      5/11

Glucerna–unbalanced husband falls down    4/11

GMC–wife doesn’t believe his excuses for being late to show     3/13

GoDaddy–guy trips over equipment on set while looking at beautiful women    2/11

GoDaddy–(superbowl) sexy women make teen boys dreams come true     2/11

Glade–husband can’t figure out motion sensor dispenser, wife shows him  7/09

Graduates–big boys don’t pull down their pants in public  5/08

Great Clips–golfer eaten by large venus flytrap     1/13

Great Clips–rock singer in empty stadium       1/13

H&M–(superbowl) women complain about sexy ads, no complaint about Beckham in his underwear       2/12

Hallmark–sympathetic sappy Mother’s day ad, then Father’s day card makes fun of dad–hammer time.   6/08

Hallmark–girls at school cafeteria compare wonderful Valentines from Moms   2/09

Hall’s — irritating man coughing in Japanese restaurant  10/07

Hall’s–window washer shamed into working harder, 2 women glare at him     1/11

Hamburger Helper–kids bound down stairs, dad is clumsy      3/12

Hampton Inn–guy warms waffle with an iron       10/11

Hanes–“stupid” guy dips son to make socks, mom fixes    8/09

Hanes–Michael Jordan destroys annoying talking clothes tag       5/12

Hanes–annoying tag bothers guy grilling, Jordan throws it in grill       7/12

Hanes–guy wears kittens as a sweater      9/12

Hasbro Pictionary–guy comes out of shower into party   12/10

***Healthy Choice–woman going to speed-dating, too much info    10/08

Healthy Choice–man steals woman’s lunch from fridge     3/11

Herbal Essences–biker with silky hair  (Lovely hair is female, male hair is funny)  9/7

Why do most shampoos advertise only to women?  The only exceptions — dandruff shampoos?

Hertz–female “Gas” beats guy at strip poker    6/11

Hillshire–boys have jumprope contest for sandwich, girls tie up boys & get sandwich     1/11

Holiday Inn–lecturer takes disruptive guy’s phone, other guy calls it    9/08

Home Depot–wife asks hubby not to go overboard 7/07

Home Depot–mother & daughter unhappy about unhandy dad  9/07

Home Depot–mom pays daughter to trick dad into remodeling kitchen

Home Depot–man is overly excited about Santa leaving table saw on roof, wife scowls at him   12/07

Home Depot–man wearing headphones ignores wife until she wants to go to HD     1/08

Home Depot–she give him choice of A or B, he says B, she glares, he changes to A      8/13

Honda Accord — bologna on pizza is a “guy thing”

Honda Civic — woman contemptuously calls guy “predictable”

Honda Civic–woman keeps keys of “peppy” car away from hubby    1/08

Honda Civic–man litters    5/08

Honda Pilot–old ugly nudists in downed air balloon, driver can see behind without turning to nudists  5/08

Honda Pilot–guy imbeds himself in cement  6/08

***Honda CRV–father & son deliver turkeys to charity where man calls dad a “good man”   12/08

***Honda—woman cuts generator cord     9/10

Honda–guy hanging onto helium balloons floats away at dealership    4/10

Honda–guys rip shirts putting on big buttons     3/11

Honda CRV–(superbowl) Ferris Bueller takeoff, guy lies, calls in sick from work      2/12

Honda–“Girls just want to have fun” song         9/12

Honda–son ruins dad shirt, breaks window, mom is disgusted by dad’s behavior     12/12

Honda–sleazy car salesman, must pay extra for what is standard in Honda

Honda–sleazy car salesman, dog growls at his bad deals       3/13

***Honda–roommate eats in her car and steals her sweater      12/12

Honda–guy makes fun of other’s argyle sweater      4/13

Honda Pilot–wife is the smart one       4/13

Honda Odyssey–while husband is inattentive, wife stops son from getting into mischief     6/13

Honda– guy has embarrassing wrench over his head    10/13

Hoover–house compared to circus, sons are clowns, husband is clumsy juggler      4/13

Hoover–young son spills red drink on white carpet     11/13

***–he reserves room while parachuting in, she is impressed     12/11–cartoon dad picks bad hotel, he is chased by bear, mom rescues family      6/13

Hot Pockets — Eddie’s friends impose on his mom for food

Hot Pockets — guy hanging out of hospital gown    4/10

HRBlock–2 guys discuss writing off lederhosen  1/08

HRBlock–wife shames hubby for using software, tell box “I’m stuck”  1/08

HRBlock–guy saving money has no hot dog buns or cups, squirts catsup in mouth   1/08

HRBlock–guy makes money suit with refund    1/08

Huggies Lift Lock–baby pees at dad like a hose    7/11

Hyundai — parrot mimics guy

Hyundai — wife scoffs at guy spraying auto wipers  2/08

Hyundai–guy opens car door, spills money  7/08

Hyundai–(superbowl) cheetah chases screaming guy      2/12

Hyundai–(superbowl) guy gets CPR by racing and stopping car     2/12

Hyundai–every family has them—crazy uncle, smart sister       3/12

Hyundai–wife says he doesn’t know anything       5/12

Hyundai–she fakes love of ugly Christmas hat     12/12

Hyundai–she fakes love of ugly Christmas sweater      12/12

Hyundai–dads bad behavior leads to “don’t tell mom”     8/13

IBM–woman wins at buzzword bingo during bosses speech  12/07

IceBreakers–security tackles guy after Carmen Electra says “Whoa”    5/08

IHOP—mean bikers shamed by ordering fruity-tooty meal       8/10

Ikea–wife shames his performance on last anniversary   3/10

Ikea–wife is not impressed with his turnip rose     10/11

Ikea–makes fun of husband’s dream bedroom        7/12

Ikea–Leo is in timeout, but is still destructive      9/12

Ikea–wife rolls eyes while he uses shoe as measuring device      11/13

Infiniti–cocky BMW driver has roof full of snow fall on his car     11/11

Infiniti–small boy being walked by his father is almost hit by guy backing up SUV    4/12

Infiniti–old man in speedo walks by couple in car on cruise ship         7/12

Intel–woman shames guy for his bad handshake with robot   10/9

Intel–nerdy guys can’t decide how to cut cake   10/9

Intel–insensitive guy in cafeteria insults robot Jeffery  2/10

Intel–men are medieval, woman with ultrabook brings them to present        8/12

Intel–man intentionally spills coffee on laptop so he can get new one     11/13

Intl Delight Coffee–obnoxious male barista      11/10

Intl Delight Coffee–man acts like a child for Cinnebon     11/11

Infinity–daughter tells dad mom says he is in doghouse, he forgot anniversary     3/12

Investco–guys bad IRA crashes through roof      12/11

iRobot (Roomba) — kids as pigs and husband as jackass   1/08

Jack in the Box–drunk guys wake up to find they ate keys and phone     10/11

Jack in the Box–wife scolds Jack for whining about visiting his mother-in-law    10/11

Jack in the Box–(superbowl) man marries bacon        2/12

Jack in the Box–roommate stills guy’s laundry money, while “evil” Jack shaves guy’s eyebrows      5/12

Jack in the Box–smart phone with male voice gets everything wrong      9/12

Jack in the Box–Jack’s Philly male cousins are puppets, wife isn’t       10/12

Jack in the Box–man hit with racquetball turns into strutting chicken     12/12

Jack in the Box–Jack foils evil guy with weiner dog lasers     1/13

Jack in the Box–drunk guys eat cellphone and keys     6/13

JackLinks Jerky–men mess with sasquatch, are hurt    5/08

JackLinks Jerky–guy splashes Sasquatch, who skips guy across water      10/11

Jared–female voiced navigation system locks guy in car until she is shown necklace   11/08

Jared–female voiced navigation system locks guy in car and drives him to store      11/11

Jared–big football player cries over proposal on big screen        2/12

Jared–friends convince stupid guy to give her jewelry, not a jersey    11/13

Jared–Le Vian ad for women only      11/13

Jello–dad steals daughters pudding, has pudding face    5/11

Jello–boy steals jello at school, has pudding face      5/11

Jello–2 boys sent to principals office     7/11

Jello–dad scares kids with his “choco beast”       2/12

Jello–dad complains about losing hair      9/13

any Jeweler–almost all show men paying for love or sex  (every kiss begins with Kay)

Jimmy Dean — cloud only eats cold wet cereal  10/07

Jimmy Dean–daughter tells dad (The Sun) that “mom doesn’t make it like that”   11/07

Jimmy Dean–hail is crabby guy, pretty rainbow is woman  3/08

Jimmy Dean–evil crab disrupting student is male     2/11

Jimmy Dean–“dimwit” in spelling bee is male     3/11

Jimmy Johns–new prisoner calms potential rapists with quick delivery    2/11

John Hancock–several men can’t sleep because of scary news, wives calm them down     3/12

John Hancock–several men can’t sleep because of scary news, wives assure “sky is not falling”     11/12

Johnson’s–mom is good, “I mean great”     11/13

Johnsonville–guy in daze, wife hits him in head with tongs    5/08

Johnsonville–wife is not proud of husband whos phone goes off during recital      10/13

Juicy Fruit–3 guys in liferaft do embarrassing dance      3/12

JuicyJuice–mothering is 100% giving   5/08

Just For Men–2 daughters fix dad for dating with hair dye    2/11

Just Go For It movie–Adam Sandler hit in groin in 2 different ads    2/11

Kayak–morons make it to the top in business      5/11

Kayak–guy operating several dummies shakes pop can and sprays another guy   12/11

Kayak–shopper thinks rice flour is cocaine     12/11

Kayak–head of Kayak refuses to let guy have access who bullied him as a boy      1/12

Kayak–brain surgeon manipulates guy’s brain to search the web for him         2/12

Kay Jewelers–many ads, all showing men showing love with gifts.  12/07

Kelloggs Mini-Wheats–guy mini-wheats pretend to be in sauna (cereal bowl), one has 8-layers showing.    10/10

Kelloggs Mini-Wheats–male mini-wheats sexually swoon over fruit     3/11

Kelloggs Raisan Bran Crunch — “ello ello” British greeting

Kelloggs Raisan Bran Crunch — guys make fun of buddy’s lameness

Kelloggs Raisan Bran Crunch — guy has flap in his PJs  10/07

Kelloggs Raisan Bran Crunch — road trip with 99 boxes of Raisan Bran Crunch   3/08

Kelloggs Raisan Bran Crunch — guys on factory tour, kid asks “what grade are you in?”  4/08

Kelloggs Raisan Bran Crunch–stupid tag lines  7/08

Kelloggs Raisan Bran Extra–guys waiting outside for store to open, its a 24 hour store   9/09

Ketel One Vodka–3 guys in rain wait for cab, give it to 2 women   5/09

Kevasol–nude male model has nail fungus     5/13

***Keystone beer–klutzy guy opens door and bangs pretty woman 12/07 (This could go both ways)

Keystone–guy sees old girlfriend, says he has matured, then “I Like Big Butts” ringtone plays   12/08

KFC–crispy “mans” chicken is eaten by girl, man is shamed  8/07

KFC — man with arm up vending machine, laughed at by man and woman  9/07

KFC–woman at work eats lunch with knife, men freak out

KFC–son’s friend calls his mom “Nancy” instead of “Mrs Barber”.  He is corrected   4/08

KFC–two guys in retro 70s car, clothes, hair    3/12

KFC–mom lets grandad and son wrestle over food       5/12

KFC–adult Jerry lives in parent’s basement playing video games      7/12

KFC–dad eats sons tenders during game of hide-and-seek      9/12

KFC–dad eats daughters tenders when he claims her boyfriend is calling      3/13

KFC–daughter tells dad he ate the bones     4/13

KFC–he offers her hot bites, she slaps him      7/13

KFC–not smart to buy son a drum set     9/13

KGB (Superbowl)–Sumo wrestler hammers guy     2/10

Kia–among several shots of people pulling up to wrong side of gas pump, woman rolls eyes at guy   1/08

Kindle–woman in bikini smugly shames guy who can’t read his electronic book in bright light     9/10

***Kindle–ditzy blond is “happy pants”    11/11

Kindle–woman shames guy who’s notepad costs more than her 3     2/12

Klondike bar–husband keeps looking at wife when pretty woman walks by, give him a Klondike bar   5/08

Klondike bar–husband listens to wife and adds to conversation, give him a Klondike bar   5/08

Klondike bar–guy gets wedgie so he can have Klondike bar     8/10

Klondike bar–guy listens to wife for 5 seconds for bar      5/11

Klondike bar–guy does embarrassing 5-second dance circle       5/12

K-Mart–husband insults wife’s casserole    3/10

KMart–husband loses fight with lawn chair      3/13

Komen–“3 days of pure joy”        1/13

Konica–guy carried on chair hits head on EXIT sign     2/12

Kraft Mac&Cheese–“Dad really screwed this up”      4/11

Kraft Mac&Cheese–dad steals daughters mac&cheese, she sells golf clubs and watch at pawn shop     5/11

Kraft Mac&Cheese–son blackmails dad to watch PG movie      9/12

KY — “yours” and “mine” , she talks for both    5/08

KY–he’s “the man”, but she says it’s KY     1/10

KY–guy can’t be a 10 every time      8/10

LaQuinta–man “nails” a nail on conference table     10/11

LaQuinta–guy has leg up on his competition      6/12

Las Vegas–shin-wacking competition   5/09

Las Vegas–guy only gets “certificate” for attendance at work     9/12

Lays–guy 8 inches tall upset about small chip bag,  “cut you short”   5/08

LendingTree — woman banker goes with LendingTree instead of own bank  10/07

LendingTree–guy looks for mortgage in his underwear with puppet, “awkward”     6/13

Levi Dockers (Superbowl)– guys without pants    2/10

Lexus–rude guy pelted with a thousand snowballs      12/11

Liberty Mutual–mostly men cause destruction, guy runs into screen door, guy steps thru ceiling, bike on car into garage   9/12

Liberty Mutual–mostly men destroy cars–AC drops from apartment, in pond, etc      10/12

Liberty Mutual–guys destroy cars with basketball, karate, football        3/13

LG–wife makes fun of his “cat skating” sweater    11/11

Lifelock–ID theft criminal opens a credit card account at store    10/11

Lifelock–man in cab steals info from left-behind laptop      7/13

Lime Away— he left seat up     11/10

Lincoln–guy drives away from woman with messy dog     5/13

Lincoln–guy locks car door on messy golf partner     6/13

Little Caesars– “Oh, she told you!”     10/13

Little Debbie–mom and daughter laugh that he can’t have snack until he cleans garage and attic   9/13—embarrassing guy in drag    2/11

Long John Silvers — guys exchange burgers

Long John Silvers — guy jumps off cruise ship

Lorax movie–(superbowl) cartoon figure hits many man but scolded when about to hit a woman      2/12

Lotrimin—groom walks down the aisle barefoot      5/12

Lowes–clueless guy asks female clerk to pretend to be his wife for Christmas gift.  12/07

Lowes–dad tells son what a hard-bargainer he is, when Lowes does for everyone   4/08

Lowes–man is a bear till can get outside in spring   4/08

Lowes–wife and daughter give hubby evil eye when he thinks they are done remodeling   5/08

Lowes–wife says “nobody’s going to have a better price” but hubby looks anyway, embarrassed   5/08

Lowes–girl paints room “rocker girl” purple    4/10

Luna bars — their Clif bars are for everyone, but Luna bars are only for women?  Why? Pander.

Lysol Wipes–mother traps 2 dirty sons in net

Lysol Wipes–germy son spreads germs to sister

Lysol Toilet–cleaner kills ugly cartoon germs left by son.  2/08

Lysol Wipes–Dad and kids make mess in kitchen   8/08

Lysol–Dad makes mess in kitchen, son makes mess in tub    5/09

Mac & Cheese–dad really blows it by inviting business partner for dinner without notifying wife      2/12

Macy’s–Martha Stewart checks out guy’s butt   4/08

Macy’s–Martha Stewart fixes frat  03/10

Macy’s–wear red for women     1/11

Macy’s–guy is speechless in front of beautiful model, female friend mocks him     3/13

Macy’s–Justin Bieber is on naughty list     11/13

M & Ms–cartoon character in fridge has small m due to shrinkage   5/08

M&Ms–sexy green female has guy M&Ms speechless and mouth dropping   12/08

M&Ms–the awfulness of male pretzel going into male M&M     10/10

M&Ms–guy opens cupboard looks for snack, gets everything thrown at him   11/10

M&Ms–characters are afraid of guy with hungry eyes     7/11

M&Ms–(superbowl) guys are called fools for thinking brown M&M showed up naked, guy M&M takes off shell, women glare     2/12

M&Ms–female M&M warned about chocolate-eating woman, M&M hooks her up with male M&M who is attacked in car      1/13

Mass Mutual–woman steps back just before bus splashes guys    10/9

Mastercard–Mr Bill gets smashed  6/08

Mastercard–child helps “father become a better man”      3/09

Mastercard–wife opens jar that he can’t     1/10

Mastercard–guy falls down cliff     4/10

Mazda — scout thinks he can identify sports car coming, but its an SUV  1/08

McCormicks–dad can’t wait for Thanksgiving dinner, sneaks nibbles       11/13

McDonald’s — 2 guys competing for best deal, beaten by female coworker with $1 hamburger.  10/07

McDonald’s–woman breaks up with guy in car, calls him back to get her breakfast    12/07

McDonald’s–2 girls (strangers) dis guys over mocha   11/08

McDonald’s–couple fights over who gives son meal, dad wins, but son thanks mom     2/10

McDonald’s–he can’t paint because of rain, she suggests shopping instead, “simple joy of being smart”     1/11

McDonald’s–she asks about guy who says “Sundays are just for football”, he says “He’s a jerk”,  “simple joy of being smart”    1/11

McDonald’s–“my me-time is when he doesn’t get the hint”        6/11

***McDonald’s–dad grabs mom’s fries who smacks him while telling daughter to share     6/11

McDonald’s–man and woman unison talk until she wins when he says she is pretty     8/11

McDonald’s–he will miss rib sandwich, she says she married a 14-year-old      10/11

McDonald’s–he eats her rib sandwich, she glares      10/11

McDonald’s–he has trouble coming up with pet names      11/11

McDonald’s–guy lies about living at home with mom      1/12

McDonald’s–he tries to apologize with chocolate and caramel drink     2/12

McDonald’s–he is not listening to her at dinner table       3/12

McDonald’s–she is very suspicious, he has to give her his mint shake     3/12

McDonald’s–two women beat the guys at billiards      7/12

McDonald’s–male egg mcmuffin is rejected by female oatmeal       7/12

McDonald’s–“she’s beautiful, smart and sensible”         9/13

McDonald’s — has a long history of insulting commercials

MegaMillions–guy cuts himself with saw     2/11

Meineke–woman interrupts man’s choice of plans     2/09

Meineke–man’s toupe comes off while give choice of plans from above    3/09

Mentos–spider beats up a guy          1/12

Metamucil–if women ignored their hair like they ignore their heart  11/7

Michelin — safe, fuel efficient, eco-friendly factory with woman and little girl

Microsoft–wife rejects his golf on Sunday presentation    10/11

Microsoft–son turns dad’s boring sales presentation into a dazzler       11/11

Microsoft–kids keep adding to dad’s shopping list online      12/11

Microsoft–guy in middle seat on plane crowded by two big guys     11/13

Midas–guy’s brakes fail, he drives into Midas shop    4/08

Midas–high five hurts talking hand      10/13

Midas–hand realized he won’t be able to drive car     10/13

Mikes Lemonade–grocery clerk can’t fathom doing something over & over & over …     7/11

Milk–California bull tries to impress cows with French, embarrassed by cow fluent in French  2/08

Milk–milk bottle beats goofy burrito up rope      10/13

Miller Lite–man can’t say “I love you” but can say he’d love another beer       1/10

Miller Lite–woman asks guy: me or dog, me or mother, but guy can’t answer for me or beer     1/10

Miller Lite–woman asks why he loves her, he can’t come up with anything    3/10

Miller Lite–bar maid shames guy with purse    5/10

Miller Lite–woman shames mama’s boy    12/10

Miller Lite–guy wearing sunglasses in bar told to “man up”    12/10

Miller Lite–whole series of “man up” ads during 2011 March Madness, following:

Miller Lite–female bartender makes fun of guy in tight jeans    3/11

Miller Lite–female bartender makes fun of guy wearing bronzer    3/11

Miller Lite–female bartender makes fun of guy using text-speak, other woman shoots him down   3/11

Miller Lite–guy golfer uses women tees     3/11

Miller Lite–guy spends time fixing hair–ugly     3/11

Miller Lite–guy goes backpacking with wheels on “knapsack”    3/11

Miller Lite–3 female lifeguards save guy from unmanly behavior   5/11

Miller Lite–guy doesn’t man up on roller coaster, friends laugh at him      8/11

Miller Lite–guy is clueless about beads during Mardi Gras      1/12

Miller Lite–guy freezes on climbing rock        1/12

Miller Lite–clueless guy uses his Aussie accent to get girl to drive him home, thanks her and walks inside     3/12

Miller 64–female boxer pummels guy in practice     4/12

Miller 64–4 guys lose to 2 women in beach volleyball    5/13

Mirena–she ponders whether to have more kids considering her bad son      3/12

Mitsubishi–guy beats himself up over energy bills     3/12

Motel6–“enough male-bonding for one day”    5/08

Motorola(Superbowl)–3 men slapped, one falls off ladder   2/10

Motorola–she needs “Hello Handsome” translated to Spanish, turns out it is a dog not a man      12/12

Moto X–obnoxious guy playing Perry’s phone, can’t sing, gets text from Sharon       9/13

Moto X–obnoxious guy playing Alan’s phone gets text for him to pick up ointment for rash      9/13

Moto X–obnoxious guy playing lazy phone misses picture at child’s recital     9/13

Motts–she drinks Motts and is in color, he is in black and white    7/11

Mountain Dew–Jack Hanna is run over by rhino  6/08

Mountain Dew–lightning avoids women, hits guys    8/08

Mr Clean–2 male spray bottles give play by play         2/12

Mucinex — mucus character is male

Mucinex D–mucus and nasal swelling characters are male, plus wife must give him the product    11/11

Mucinex — he coughs and keeps wife awake     12/12

Mutual of Omaha–domestic violence victim gets out and succeeds     5/11

myFaves–guy thinks trip is with guys, but wife says he better check that or end up in garage.  11/07

NAPA–male know-how can hooked up to battery cables and zapped      11/13

National–golf instructor struck many times, including in groin     11/13

National Highway Traffic Safety Admin–male drivers texting and crashing        11/11

Nationwide–minister criticizes groom for not having enough insurance, female agent saves day   7/08

Nationwide–old woman hits guy in head with purse after fender bender   1/09

Nationwide–man wakes up to all items in house cut in half, he is in underwear       1/13

Nationwide–pretty woman replaces stolen items by 2 male burglars

Nature’s Bounty–listening husband forgot the bread    4/11

Navy Credit Union–she saves the day when Campell left the paddles behind     11/13

NBC–(superbowl) eastern European people can’t watch comedies unless guy turns generator by hand      2/12

Neosporin–2 boys cuts unhealed, mom heals daughters cut   6/10

Neosporin–2 boys complain that cuts hurt bad, girl whose mother gave her Neosporin says hurt not so bad     4/12

Netflix–woman wants to see hunks skinny-dipping scene     6/11

Netflix–man cries when wife watches shows without him       6/13

***Newcastle–camera focuses on hands of unattractive female brewmaster     3/12

New York Life–daughter having fun on slingshot ride, while dad is scared    11/13

Nexium–male doctor does lousy job with jackhammer       1/12

***Nexium–female doctor does lousy job as violin player        6/12

Nexium–doctor is lousy baseball pitcher, almost hit by hit ball        7/12

Nexium–doctor is lousy baseball pitcher, hits batter with ball, batter chases     12/12

***Nexium–female doctor tries to be radio newscaster         1/13

Nextel–school run by air shipping co., boy in locker and absent boy gets detention   2/09

Nicorette–guy is named Veronica      8/10

Nike–woman runs cross country to meet man who collapses after short distance     4/12

Ninetendo–3 macho gamers are beaten by 2 girls in Asia       3/12

Nissan Altima—tested by a little boy    11/10

Nissan–car honks whenever a guy is about to go too far      7/12

Nissan–man stares at new car, wife thinks he is looking at woman, locks him out of car    7/13

Nutrisystem–Terry Bradshaw and Jullian debate gender, she always wins     1/13

Nyquil (Dayquil)–she is energetic skier, he sleeps on chairlift     11/12

Nyquil–she falls out of bed when he coughs      11/12

Ocean Spray–girl makes fun of bog worker

Ocean Spray–bog worker imitates Ninja for Ninga fruit

Ocean Spray–dorky bog worker pelted with dodge balls, one to groin    4/08

Ocean Spray–guy washes info off of womans calendar   6/08

Ocean Spray–dorky guy adds sugar to bog    10/09

Ocean Spray–guy turns on lidless blender, gets sprayed    4/10

Ocean Spray–guy knocks fruit into water   5/10

Ocean Spray–dorky guy shakes can and sprays himself on opening     7/11

Ocean Spray–dorky guy’s  taste buds thank him for the lime taste     2/12

Ocean Spray–dorky guy dresses as George Washington, can’t tell the truth about truck      2/12

Ocean Spray–dorky guy swings on rope, falls into water        4/13

O’Charley’s–boyfriend in shower insults her father while he is just outside curtain   11/08

O’Charley’s–dad runs over doll with lawnmower    3/09

O’Charley’s–guy falls down hole     3/09

Odor Eaters–male dog talks about stinky shoes which are man’s work boots   4/08

Off Clip-On–man is afraid to be sprayed with bug spray       7/11

Oikos–(superbowl) woman head butts playful John Stamos      2/12

Oikos–yogurt turns dorks into John Stamos      7/12

Oikos–one bite turns dorky men into John Stamos for 5 seconds      12/12

Oikos–airline passenger kisses John Stamos and steals his yogurt     1/13

Oikos–everyone thinks that her “doing better” means a better guy         4/13

Old Navy–sexy girls in bowling alley cause guy to throw ball across lanes     8/11

Old Spice–guy’s brain blows up     3/12

Old Spice–footballer takes a 40 min shower, misses second half     10/13

Olive Garden—guy meets her friends, which is practice to meet her parents     10/10

Olive Garden–“girls night out”    1/11

One-A-Day–adult man takes gummy vitamins      11/11

One-A-Day–donations to food bank with purchase of women’s vitamins     6/13

***Orange Juice–guy has clingy girlfriend after one date       1/11

Orbit—guy gets dirty mouth playing spin the bottle with a goat      6/11

Orbit–foul smelling food in elevator is always obnoxious male       5/12

Orbit–foul-smelling food on plane is always obnoxious male        9/13

Orbitz–old woman would turn pool boy into pool man       5/12

***Orkin — woman burns popcorn

Orkin–male bug tries to get in house by delivering pizza    3/09

Orkin–male bug tries to get in house by delivering couch    6/10

Orkin–2 male rats take over house while family on vacation      11/11

Ortho–wife shames husband for killing grass as well as weeds    3/09

Ortho–husband does not like drama      9/10

Oscar Mayer–man tries to disguise that he ate half her sandwich    1/10

Oscar Mayer–wife says “no” several times to husband’s stupidity, “yes” to hot dogs     4/12

Oscar Mayer–man says “no” when asked about his failures, “yes” to hot dogs       6/12

Oscar Mayer–man ruins tailgating, knocks over table with car, wife uses fire extinguisher on his food     1/13

Oscar Mayer–dad fails miserably to talk slang to son and friends       1/13

Oscar Mayer–wife criticizes his pulled pork       1/13

Oscar Mayer–guy tries to fool friends that he has had pulled pork in smoker for 5 hours     1/13

Oscar Mayer–grandpa is too transparent—rude       4/13

Oscar Mayer–mom says “no” to son’s bad behavior in store     8/13

Oscar Mayer–dad is embarrassingly bad at speaking “cool” with kids    8/13

Oust–woman has 3 problem odors- dog,?, husband   12/08

Outback–golfers hurry thru course, shoot past women  6/08–guy is scroogled, eats too much pie and squashes chair, has smug wife      3/13

Pace–guy who gets salsa from NYC has a fuffy coffee drink     10/13

Pam–guy forgets anniversary   12/09

Pam–dad (a muffin) can’t meet daughters boyfriend because he looks so bad, didn’t use Pam   11/11

Papa Johns–Peyton Manning takes ref job and get coin toss call wrong          1/12

Papa Murphys–dad is totally incompent at grilling burgers     3/12

Papermate–she considers stealing nice pen, but guy hanging in net says it is a trap       12/11

Pearle Vision—he can’t do “pleasantly surprised”     6/11

Pearle Vision–guy mistakes phone number for the price

***Pearle Vision–woman tries to pick second pair of glasses out of guy’s lunch bag       2/12

Pearle Vision–he is now Mr Responsible now that the casino dropped the charges     5/12

PediaCare–counted on by moms and pediatricians        1/13

Pella Windows–sleazy guy salesman, nice Pella saleswoman  12/09

Penney’s–girl spins boy until he collapses       2/12

Penney’s–he burns BBQ, she is disgusted       6/1

Pepsi–Justin Timberlake sucked across town, groin into mailbox, hit in head   5/08

Pepsi Max–man thrown thru cafe window    9/10

Pepsi Max–guys can handle injuries but not diet soda    2/09

Pepsi Max–wife kicks guy, smashes his face in pie, puts soap in his mouth, throws can at him (hits woman)    2/11

Pepsi Max–cooler that shoots cans hits guy in groin and head    2/11

Pepsi–(superbowl) woman sends Elton John to the dungeon     2/12

Pepsi Max–(superbowl) Coke driver wins Pepsi supply      2/12

Pepsi–Sofia Vergara appears to flirt with guy, but really wants a Pepsi     1/13

PeptoBismol–husband Rex got into dog treats   9/08

PeptoBismol–wife calls help line cuz husband has had too much cherry   1/09

Petsmart — Mr Barky Van Schnauzer

Phillips Colon Health—wife volunteers man for gas reducer  on airplane     1/12

Pistachio–ex Soprano smashes nut with guy’s head  9/09

Pistachio—dwarf gets ball in head to break shell    12/10

Pistachio–Mr Bill’s hand is smashed by hammer      4/12

Pistachio–Dennis Rodman is nuts      9/13

Pizza Hut — father doesn’t tell family “pizza’s here” while eating toppings, wife scorns him. Later shows wife eating toppings but no scorn.

Pizza Hut–mom and kids afraid when dad makes dinner. 9/07

Pizza Hut–she finally doesn’t have to settle, he thinks she’s talking about him      2/10

Planet Fitness–guy bragging about his abs is kicked out of gym    12/12

Planters–guys starving on boat, one sees other as Planters mascot, attacks him     3/10

Pop Tarts–woman pretends to be GPS, steers stupid male tarts into toaster       4/13

Post Office–woman laughs at man who says scale is 5 lbs high   7/09

***Prego–woman questions prior decision (80s outfit)      10/11

***Prego–woman gets monkey on her back while zip-lining     10/13

Preparation H — man on bike on bumpy road in pain, daughter is disgusted with him  11/07

Preparation H — woman gets on bike seat with barbed wire, but gets nice ride     12/10

Prevacid–guy is shamed for having to leave comedy show    12/09

Pria bar — this is PowerBar’s bar for women (like Luna) for no good reason other than pandering

Priceline–Shatner falls off bridge in bus, explodes          1/12

Priceline–wife rolls eyes at husband’s complaint that Shatner grabbed his arm too hard    2/12

Priceline–girls weekend in Vegas     8/13

Prilosec — really offensive guy bothers woman at office 7/07

Prilosec–jerk interupts guys trying to watch game on TV   12/07

Proctor&Gamble–proud sponsors of moms    2/10

Proctor&Gamble–proud sponsors of moms    8/12   (during Olympics)

Progressive–woman uses online voodoo doll to snip boyfriend’s groin

Progressive — pole came out of nowhere to hit musician in van

Progressive — Progressive is honest while messy (Cheetos) son is not

Progressive — mom with 4 rowdy sons too busy for paperwork

Progressive — guy didn’t tell wife he has motorcycle, boat, RV   5/08

Progressive– man wears purse   11/9

Progressive– woman scorns man whose mother won’t let him drive    1/10

Progressive–bad driver is his ride home      11/10

Progressive–dorky guy does Disco on skates    12/10

Progressive–guy dressed up as big dollar signs does embarrassing dancing    1/11

Progressive–two obnoxious competitors get Megan’s name wrong, Flo sneers     2/11

Progressive–guy poses for Flo’s camera, wife glares      4/11

Progressive–woman selects service center with hunky guys     5/11

Progressive–2 competitors go silly for carousel    5/11

Progressive–competitors have man calendar, Flo mocks them      5/11

Progressive–inspiration for bundling was half man–half horse      6/11

Progressive–man got hands stuck in bundler     7/11

Progressive–Flo rejects guy who fell for her, Progressive and outdoors make a good couple    8/11

Progressive–competitors lie, pants catch on fire     11/11

Progressive–2 competitors praise Progressive and become camera shy      2/12

Progressive–smug Brad talks in 3rd person about himself         2/12

***Progressive–Flo has ugly driver’s license photo      4/12

Progressive–guy tries to bundle cat and rocket      6/12

Progressive–confident man tries to catch chainsaws      12/12

***Progressive–woman confused by Flo’s mumbo-jumbo      1/13

Progressive–announcer may have broken his speen        4/13

Progressive–ratesuckers stick to car–all men except maybe one woman       4/13

Progressive–woman is offended when coverage checker checks out dorky Ken      4/13

Progressive–dorky competitor knocks down row of motorcycles     5/13

Progressive–atom-splitting board zaps a guy who disappears        9/13

Progresso — wife makes fun of husband’s light soup   10/08

Progresso–mom calls cook, embarrasses him about his PJs     11/11

Progresso–her clothes now fit, can she talk to a woman      12/11

Public Service Announcement–man kills 3 kids while texting while driving     11/13

Public Storage–wife has yard sale of his stupid stuff        3/13

Purolator–guy getting dental x-ray is protected by sheet of cardboard     4/12

Quelf–he must obey her card, he rolls over like dog      11/11

Quicken–she rudely rejects his marriage proposal    12/11

***Quicken–she has treadmill ap on phone      12/12

Quicken–dork has “high-five” ap on phone       12/12

Quilted Northern–ads for toilet paper show several women, no men    12/10

Quiznos — pretty woman at Quiznos shop vs dorky guy at “Wrong Way” sub shop   (2)

Quiznos — man can’t remember the letter to say “mmmm”    10/07

***Quiznos–beautiful woman hates plain woman because of her wonderful sandwich  11/07

***Quiznos– woman at laundry eats $5 bill   5/08

Quiznos–he doesn’t like her floasted coinage, but everyone else does     10/13

QVC–ad for benefit against ovarian cancer    7/13

Radio Shack–dad in apron dusts while mom gets network set up    8/08

Radio Shack–guy sings badly while wearing headphones    8/09

Radio Shack–roller blader wearing awful Santa swim trunks is rude to 2 women     11/11

Radio Shack–dad torments son with model flying helicopter     12/12

Radio Shack–dad embarrasses son by having the wrong phone         1/13

Raisin Bran–daughter asks dad if “Mom make you eat that?”         4/13

Red Bull–at will reading, wife goes after dead husband who gave money to floozy   6/08

Redd’s–man hit in face with apple at party     3/13

Redd’s–man hit in face with apple at bar     3/13

Redd’s–man hit in head with apple at tailgate party     9/13

Red Robin — burger violation

Red Robin — embarrassing dad steals robots burger   8/08

Red Robin — guy steals bite of spicy burger, blames Deb   8/08

Red Robin–boxer knocks out two of Siamese triplets because they didn’t bob and weave     4/12

Reese’s — proud to be whipped  2/08

Rent-a-Center–both husband & wife say he is never right    8/11

Resolve–husband tracks mud onto carpet        1/13

Reynold’s Wrap–guy can’t cut turkey that he cooked, wife glares      11/11

Ritz–2 guys eat Rachel Ray’s ritz  11/7

Ritz–hairdresser Lorenzo is wild with scissors due to hunger     4/12

Robitussin–baby in mom’s arms wakes and cries when dad coughs      11/12

Robitussin–guy coughs during wedding toast, spills drink on several women    11/13

Rockwell–door falls on man      11/12

Royal Caribbean–what’s the last romantic thing he did for you?     3/12

Ruffles–woman beats several guys at poker during boys night out     6/12

Russell Investments–guy fixes radiator hose with chewing gum, engine explodes, hood falls on his hand      11/11

Safe Auto — several women slap men for revealing obscene insurance rates  (one woman is slapped by other woman)

Safe Auto–guy keeps calling late at night to see if customer service is there, wife disgusted   5/08

Safe Auto–guy with “just 3 accidents” is laughed at, thrown thru door    6/08

Safe Auto–repeated kicks to the groin to show what it feels like to be caught without insurance     2/11

Safe Auto–guy gets several wedgies      7/11

Safe Auto–martial artist wreaks guy’s house     7/11

Safe Auto—Geno has his hand on Norm MacDonald’s assets

Safe Auto—Kevin keeps junk in his glovebox

Safe Auto—Dave had no insurance, had to move in with Norm with jock on line in living room

Safe Auto—Norm gets a lot of calls from guys breathing heavily

Safe Auto—guy without insurance is put in stocks

Safe Auto–many doctors line up to give guy prostate exam    3/11


Samsung–girlfriend dresses guy, just like other woman      12/11

Samsung–boy sends message to wrong girl, it is “rejected”         7/12

Samsung–she wins video game, he has smaller phone, he likes to whine      11/12

***Samsung–she takes credit for office work she did not do       12/12

Samsung–wife has to show rocket surgeon where to find water in refrigerator     5/13

Samsung–women make fun of graduate who does belly-flop     6/13

***Schlage–she threatens ex after breakup and dumps a waiter’s tray     5/13

Scope–she complains that he makes more dirty dishes just after she washed them       11/11

Sears–guy uses dog food instead of charcoal    6/10

Sears–woman needs new washer & dryer because husband spills on shirt and twin boys play in mud     2/11

Sears–husband cuts off tag and a chunk of her hair      7/11

Sears–dad loses son in store, who leads him to gift for mom      11/12

Sears–man upset with guy staring at wife, but staring guy is a mannequin     1/13

***Sears–woman dancer falls over washer     4/13

Sears Kenmore–son brings ravenous guys home from college      4/13

Sears–dad with Christmas tree is chased by bear      11/13

Sears–man chasing turkey runs into tree     11/13

Samsung–girlfriend dresses guy, just like other woman      12/11

Samsung–boy sends message to wrong girl, it is “rejected”         7/12

Samsung–she wins video game, he has smaller phone, he likes to whine      11/12

***Samsung–she takes credit for office work she did not do       12/12

Samsung–wife has to show rocket surgeon where to find water in refrigerator     5/13

Samsung–women make fun of graduate who does belly-flop     6/13

***Schlage–she threatens ex after breakup and dumps a waiter’s tray     5/13

Scope–she complains that he makes more dirty dishes just after she washed them       11/11

Sears–guy uses dog food instead of charcoal    6/10

Sears–woman needs new washer & dryer because husband spills on shirt and twin boys play in mud     2/11

Sears–husband cuts off tag and a chunk of her hair      7/11

Sears–dad loses son in store, who leads him to gift for mom      11/12

Sears–man upset with guy staring at wife, but staring guy is a mannequin     1/13

***Sears–woman dancer falls over washer     4/13

Sears Kenmore–son brings ravenous guys home from college      4/13

Sears–dad with Christmas tree is chased by bear      11/13

Sears–man chasing turkey runs into tree     11/13

Shell–technician yells as engines stop, woman comments “awkward”     3/12

Sierra Mist–guy with beard comb-over and wearing just underwear to work   11/07

Sierra Mist–nurse gives patient’s drink away.

Skechers–Kim Kardashian rejects guy (trainer)   2/11

Skechers–girls are healthy, boys are bad food         5/11

Skittles–man falls off treadmill     6/13

Sleepnumber–she rolls her eyes at how restless he is in bed     11/13

Slim Jim–several men slapped with packages      11/13

Slimquick–its how women lose weight   12/7

Smart Start–what is it about a cereal that makes it for women only?

Smirnoff–man in cooler      5/12

Smirnoff–man in fridge        6/12

Smokey the Bear–guy leaves burning leaves in front yard unattended     2/12

Smokey the Bear–guy says campfire is close-enough to being out, she turns into Smokey to scold him     2/12

Snickers–guy spells team name wrong in endzone

Snickers–historical characters, Robin Hood a bit wierd   5/08

Snickers–historical characters, start singing Greensleeves  7/08

Snickers–two sharks prefer the taste of Steve    2/11

***Snickers(Superbowl)–Rosanne Barr gets hit by log in the side     2/11

Snickers–guy is a rude Joe Pesci until he eats     8/11

SnoreRelief–women brings out duct tape to quiet husbands snoring   1/08

Sobe–woman wins staring contest by pushing up her boob      7/11

Soft & Dry — make him sweat

Soft Scrub– girl’s  bath replaced by dirty brothers   3/10

Sonic–guy eats food off of the car roof     3/12

Sonic–guy can’t subtract 99 from 100        2/13

Sonic–guy eats dessert in back seat to hide from wife, she finds him      3/13

Sonic–guy can’t use imagination during tea party       4/13

Sonic–several ads showing two jerks sitting in a car

Sony — dad as a horse’s ass

***Southwest Air–woman blocks man in elevator (she didnt want to wait for him)  9/07

Southwest Air — guy gets a finger full of icing off Janice’s birthday cake  11/07

Southwest Air — guy puts coins in bank vacuum retrieve   1/08

Southwest Air — guy dancer knocks over DJ equipment  12/08

Southwest Air–guy burns microwave, sets off sprinklers   3/09

Southwest Air–barechested baggage handlers spell out “bags fly free”    3/10

Special K crackers– woman with 3pm hungries sees guy with popcorn in hair  5/09

Sprint–ad in romantic chick flick style, she’s in love with phone  8/08

Sprint–dad keeps pocket dialing    12/09

Sprint–in back seat, she transfers report that he left at office    5/10

Sprint–woman breaks up with guy in many free ways: email, text, phone      8/10

Sprint–guys golf cart goes in lake     11/10

Sprint–sponsors a girls’ soccer team    5/11

Sprint–obnoxious dad goes for “3-D Gold” while filming ping-pong     8/11

Sprint–because fat guy uploaded embarrassing pics of himself in swimsuit, he couldn’t attend conference call       3/12

Sprint–because dad downloaded business app, he couldn’t film daughter’s performance as tree      3/12

Sprint–dad tries to hog phone services–one with most body hair, wife wants shower       9/12

Sprint–woman confirms two facebook requests from women, rejects Greg’s request     11/13

Stanley Steamer–guy messes up carpet during Dee Snider weekend      5/12

Staples — workers think 10% off applies to coffee, hair gel, plant food, and worms.  Three guys and a gal, but gal is normal while guys are idiots

***Staples–woman uses easy button which doesn’t work at gas station, wants to put some gas back   8/08

Staples–Mom gets son calculator for school, he spells “booger” on it    7/09

Staples–She wants to upgrade (computer), her girlfriend thinks she means boyfriend       10/12

Staples–dad can’t get son to help him with computer problem     10/12

Staples–dad deletes all baby pictures by mistake        11/12

Staples–man turns magician into llama     2/13

Starburst–whale spits on 2 guys  9/07

State Farm–man gets hit in stomach with bag of peanuts at ball game.  10/07

State Farm–guy singing badly in car by himself  10/9

State Farm–guy eats doggie treat by mistake    2/10

State Farm–woman gives dirty look to guy whose zipper is down   3/10

State Farm–husband backs into car    12/10

State Farm–several men buy stupid stuff (falcon, moose head) with savings, women glare    6/11

State Farm–Jerry ran his car up a telephone pole again, after quitting State Farm    7/11

State Farm–couple makes fun of quarterback Rogers touchdown dance    10/11

State Farm–Jerry crashes through building       11/11

State Farm–parents kick son out of house      11/11

State Farm–Hank says wife is a “lucky lady,” she not thrilled      12/11

State Farm–teammate Mathews invents his own Discount DoubleCheck move, Aaron Rogers irritated     1/12

State Farm–3am tech call, wife suspicious “She sounds hideous”, “Well, he’s a guy”       1/12

State Farm–guy on phone remarks about the chicks at the Journey concert, wife glares     3/12

State Farm–Bobby Knight frightens office workers       3/12

State Farm–2 guys on fan cam at game do stupid dance     3/12

State Farm–David Copperfield is insecure and rejected     3/12

State Farm–two guys walking with lots of groceries, one has SUV        3/13

State Farm–two bankers on billboard try to hide that SF now lends     9/13

State Farm–guy from other insurance teases a woman with a dollar on a fishing line     10/13

Steak & Shake–guy castrates dolphin ice sculpture with chainsaw   7/08

Steakum–noisy eater interrupts filming of love scene    12/10

St Jude’s–little girl puts paint on Michael Strahan’s nose    11/13

Stouffers–family eating out in car, boy gets ketchup in eye   4/08

Stouffers–father and 2 farming sons argue over who contributes more to the food     3/12

Stove Top–pilgrim fakes a scurvy attack     11/13

Stride Gum– ram butts guy   8/08

Stride Gum–Yeti punches guy in stomach and pops out his gum     11/11

Stride Gum–guy buys weird outfit with very short shorts       1/13

Suburu–big tent event, guy in monkey suit

Suburu–Outback detergent, guy falls off cliff with woman belaying   9/09

Suburu–guy loses sunglasses in his jacket hood   10/9

Suburu–couple lost in rocks in desert, he honks horn, she is disgusted    4/11

Suburu–son takes off clothes and misbehaves in car with Mom    8/13

Suburu–mom is nostalgic about daughter growing up in back seat     9/13

Suburu–2 sons are learning to drive, mom says they are not ruining car but maybe dad      10/13

Subway–man photocopies butt instead of having receipt for business lunch  1/08

***Subway–woman orders big butt meal

***Subway–woman wants to keep self-esteem, guy behind counter says no special orders   1/08

Subway–fireman tricks co-workers into playing rock-paper-scissors while he eats sandwich   7/11

Subway–(with child voices) new girlfriend demands Todd’s sandwich    7/11

Subway–(with child voices) Todd gives sandwich to other woman     11/11

Subway–Michael eats everyone’s sandwiches       1/12

Subway–Michael Phelps pushes guy into pool     1/12

Subway–Pepperoni sandwich causes 2 guys to think of embarrassingly romantic trip to Venice    3/12

Subway–fireman is clueless that chief stole avocado sandwich, woman rolls eyes     7/12

Subway–2 women (with girl voices) steal coworker’s sandwich and drink       11/12

Subway–guy loses sandwich while tweeting    10/13

***Sudafed — woman blows up head like balloon

Sudafed–guy hit in head by football players helmet, squeezed against window on subway    2/10

SunDrop–guy does embarrasing dance      1/12

SunnyD — man log rolls SunnyD bottle and falls on crotch   1/08

Super 8 — man is splashed at the office    10/12

Swiffer–several faked a woman breaking up with a guy, but were about a mop instead.

Suzuki — smug woman beats man to ferry  11/07

Taco Bell — men don’t have lapdogs, wife tells him to walk his Pekingese  10/07

Taco Bell — guys bag from other place catches fire   11/07

Taco Bell–guy in elevator bites other guy’s food   6/08

Taco Bell–2 guys in meeting of bad news distract others with food  8/08

Taco Bell–guy as pregnant woman to sneak snacks into game    3/09

Taco Bell–guys crazy about bacon       6/10

Taco Bell–sandwich lady shoves cart into guy      9/10

Taco Bell–guy goes nuts after winning free taco, 2 women laugh at him    4/11

Taco Bell–Mike tries to ask her out while her cheese melts, she calls him Mitch        5/11

Taco Bell–truck splashes guy eating cool ranch burrito       3/13

Taco Bell–Hurricane Dave gets overconfident in basketball from eating steak      11/13

Taco Del Mar–he thinks tamales are better than wife        11/12

Tampax — upgrade your guy and your feminine hygiene

Target–college son misuses gifts from mom   8/09

Target–guy gives necklace, she “didn’t know we were there yet”    12/09

Target–dad tries to connect TV, kids focus camera on his butt    12/09

Target–“It’s what every woman wants”

Target–(chlorox wipes), boy doesn’t wash hands after going to bathroom   8/10

Target (Snickers)–man steals icing off of cake, wife is upset   2/11

Target–guy orders onion vinegrette, has bad breath    3/11

Target–man says he made dinner while hiding take-out packages   2/11

Target–he apologizes to her in bed      5/11

Target–Josh talked to another girl    7/11

Target–Dad can’t find funny smell while carrying baby on chest     7/11

Target–golfer leaves her at the airport      8/11

Target–boy dips hands into jelly and peanut butter jars     2/12

Target–man is too weak to move sofa     3/12–female cabbie yells at 2 guys and kicks them out of cab      1/12–(superbowl) boy pees in pool           2/12

Teleflora–mom grinds boxed flowers who talk like sons in disposal, including stamens    4/10

Teleflora–guy sends heartfelt note with flowers “Your rack is unreal”, Faith Hill glares at him    2/11

Teleflora–Faith Hill shames guy who still lives with parents because of hottub      5/11

Teleflora–(superbowl) women’s prostitution ethic, sexy model tells men, “give and you shall receive”      2/12

Temptations–guy wears his cats as boots      9/12

***Tempurpedic–mom is a bear is she doesn’t get enough sleep    6/13

Tide–husband stains tablecloth   8/09

Tide–makes fun of guy’s jogging outfit    3/10

Tide–Dad “busted” for mess (he cleans tablecloth)        10/10

***Tide–mom stains daughters green top      11/10

Tide–dad tries to stain daughter’s mini-skirt    12/10

Tide–wife tells him “you suck at folding”      11/11

Tide–dad is put in jail by daughter for 20 minutes to life        1/13

Tide–like father, like son, both stain a lot    7/13

Tide–father and son are delicate flowers and messy    8/13

***Tidy Cat–woman baby talks to cats, they think its charades  4/08

TimeWarner–copy machine eats guys tie  4/08

TimeWarner–woman has to call dad to learn to unplug misbehaving washer   12/10

T-Mobile–animals in fav5 including pig  7/07

T-Mobile–stupid dad thinks 5X5 is 26, mom & daughter shame him.  8/07

T-Mobile–guy has to keep recording answering machine message to date  12/07

T-Mobile–dad upset about phone use, even though daughter aces physics, son drives thru garage  3/08

T-Mobile–brother hoses sister who knocks him around as well as wet wedgie   8/08

T-Mobile–dad stares at woman at son’s soccer  9/08

T-Mobile–wife makes fun of husband who keeps butt-dialing her   1/09

T-Mobile–daughters set up “superdelicious”  dad      3/09

T-Mobile–salesman avoided and hosed, but Zeta-Jones gets attention    6/09

T-Mobile–husband flirts with Zeta-Jones, says he is married “technically”   7/09

T-Mobile–teenage boy gets too frisky with Zeta-Jones   7/09

T-Mobile–T-Mobile woman is great, other phone guy has guy on his back   11/10

T-Mobile–2 obnoxious guys on mini bike    11/10

T-Mobile–guy pixilates when he steps out of wi-fi zone, his mother hits AT&T guy   12/10

T-Mobile–shirtless iphone guy and bald AT&T guy embarrassed by pink T-Mobile woman    1/11

T-Mobile–dorky AT&T guy sings badly with keyboard, pretty T-Mobile gal sneers    2/11

T-Mobile–guy misses free throws, he only makes 46%, she shames him     1/12

T-Mobile–spokesmodel criticizes guy dressed as Cupid for no pants      2/12

T-Mobile–spokesmodel on motorcycle zooms by slowpoke guy     5/12

T-Mobile–Bill Hader drops phone in urinal      8/13

T-Mobile–Bill Hader forgets to wash phone before putting it in rice    8/13

T-Mobile–fat guy sits on and breaks Bill Hader’s phone      8/13

T-Mobile–robber won’t steal Bill Hader’s bad phone      8/13

T-Mobile–Bill Hader doesn’t quickly receive texts, doesn’t pick her up at hospital    8/13

T-Mobile–Hader hears his phone bouncing around in clothes dryer      9/13

T-Mobile–parents sell Jeremy’s car to Darrell     10/13

T-Mobile–Jeremy’s parents upset over high rates in Europe    10/13

T-Mobile–Jeremy’s mom must give piano lessons to pay his phone bill    10/13

Tombstone–mom makes 3 sons take off shirts so they won’t get stained      10/13

Tostitos–truth or dare, man chased by wolves, male bonding   4/08

Toyota — world’s worst parallel parker is a guy 8/07

Toyota — Nicky with bad bladder, has accidents and hits sister in back of head.  10/07

Toyota–guy gets hybrid to stop waking baby, but klutz drops something to wake baby   1/08

Toyota–wife says “Buzzsaw” will not get back in the band     12/10

Toyota Corolla–mother badger eats guys face

Toyota Corolla–guy may get bad sushi  2/08

Toyota Corolla–guy must get to girlfriend on small amount of gas before water polo team steals her.  He is hit in head with ball    3/08

***Toyota Sienna–mom who thinks she’s hot leaves diaper bag on roof    3/10

Toyota Sienna–2 dads compete with each other     4/10

Toyota Highlander–lame dad embarrasses son   11/10

Toyota–(superbowl) reinvented rain makes guy skinny, his pants fall down      2/12

Toyota–guy drives away with gas nozzle still in car, blows up gas station      5/12

Toyota Venza–Suburu guy has no style        10/11

Toyota–he spaces out with car that is “exciting and reliable”, it is her “me time”      12/12

Toyota–he is in red camry making a fool of himself     12/12

Toyota–two guys lose bet, must shave half their heads       4/13

Toyota–genie puts accident-prone son in bubble wrap, kids use him as basketball      4/13

Toyota–dad uses stupid wishes from genie, loses his spare tire on car, infinite witches, animals laugh at him      4/13

Toyota–he sarcastically agrees that she has a good memory, she gets upset        4/13

Toyota–talking baby stinks up car    6/13

Travelocity–dad makes bad reservation, hotel pool has no water      11/11

Travelocity–he screams that he didn’t make reservation with Travelocity, she glares at him      4/12

Trident Gum–reprise of VERY bad ad from several years ago.  Squirrel runs up leg of 5th dentist and bites in nuts   11/08

***TriVago–fat guy gets better deal than beautiful model       4/13

Tropicana–woman slaps buff gardener to impress her girlfriends     12/10–“I don’t need to bring a dude with me”       6/13

TruGreen–Penn & Teller fix lawn and give guy a puff ball head      3/12

TruGreen–Weed Slayer kills yard but not weed      3/12

TruGreen–guy staples cat under lawn carpet     3/12

TruGreen–guy seeds his lawn, only to have a flock of birds come and eat all of the seed         4/12

TruValue–salesman sees woman with dirty face, remembers his problem with squirrel who hits him with bulb  4/08

Tums–piece of chicken slaps guy in face   3/10

TurboTax–wife complains he won’t ask directions, he says left turn, but female GPS corrects     1/10

TurboTax–announcer asks Kristi Yamaguchi if he can write off his hairpiece, Kristi looks disgusted      2/10

TurboTax–plumber did taxes earlier       1/13

Twix — Mom and daughter catch boyfriend picking up Mom’s underwear.  (This one may also make fun of Mom for her big underwear.)

Tyco–woman activates security elevator, man can’t, he falls through hole in floor      3/13

***Tylenol PM — woman face down on conference table

Uloric–guy carries huge beaker containing his pee        5/11

Universal Resort–girl says she wants to turn her brother into a human being     3/12

***UPS–female boss is not funny      11/12

USDOT—beer-filled cars and helmet belong to only guys     5/10

USDOT–only guys ticketed for no safety belt       5/11

USPS–shopping vs shipping, wife tricks husband     12/09

USPS–guy gets a good deal on a billboard in the middle of nowhere     3/12

***USPS–owner has wife outside business dancing in chicken suit     3/12

USPS–director gives actors instructions, he overacts, she is perfect     3/12

***V8–toddler hits mom

V8-waiter hits male diner,

V8–woman in drive-thru hits male driver

V8–man let’s dog eat vegies off plate, dog hits man in head  11/07

V8 Fusion– wife hits hubby 3 times    1/8  (men aren’t allowed to hit women, but women can hit men)

V8–couple at salad bar, wife hits man   4/08

***V8 Fusion — woman’s reflection hits her in restaurant  1/8

V8–Jackie Chan tilts guy back in chair, pours liquid into mouth     5/12

V8–mom won’t let son leave table till vegies are eaten, he grows old       11/12

V8–female trainer bops guy doing pushups    8/13

Velveeta–guy is liquid gold-digger, asks woman for soup     10/13

Verizon–dorky boy band, member goes solo

Verizon– dad says he is looking out for number 1 to family, but he is number 1  10/07

Verizon–Mr Commitment, why buy cow when only pay the day you use it  3/08

***Verizon — mom can quit job as a taco

Verizon Wireless — wimpy guys who can’t make it into NFL or NHL   (2)

Verizon Wireless — other incompetent network is all guys

Verizon — family camping, dad gets blame for mosquitos  5/08

Verizon — guy worker has feet stuck in cement   8/08

Verizon–(Rhapsody) son embarrassed by dad dressed glam   9/08

Verizon–secretary reads lazy boss the day’s trifling schedule   10/08

Verizon–mom grimaces at son’s mispronunciation of “paella”    3/09

Verizon–guy dumps gallon of sprinkles on ice cream    3/09

Verizon–only phone smart enough to keep up with women     1/10

Verizon–palm pre plus smart enough to keep up with Mom    2/10

Verizon–many women “rule the air”      8/10

Verizon–guy with slow phone is hosed by firemen    7/11

Verizon–10 yr old Susie has impressive lemonade business      2/12

Verizon–guys playing basketball list several bad ideas      3/12

***Verizon–mother and daughter cry about daughter moving out, Razr phones console them     4/12

Verizon–weird guy dances on video with her cat       5/12

Verizon–father and son need subtitles to translate their grunts      5/12

Verizon–man brings home Christmas tree that is too big for room      12/12

Verizon–brothers compete for best snowman, mom and sister win      1/13

Vicks — George coughs on everyone  11/07

Vicks–guy with man-cold can’t reach remote, disgusted wife throws medicine on him    1/11

Vicks–guy slips on kitchen floor during sick day      3/12

Virgin Mobile–Branson finishes fast, disappoints woman     12/12

Visa–men do funny dances to Super freak song    9/09

Vizio–daughter catches dad listening to her station     11/13

Vlasic–guy yells with excitement at funeral        5/12

Volkswagen(Superbowl)–12 men slugged, one to groin  (maybe 1 woman slugged but too far away to see)     2/10

Volkswagen–salesman scares baby   4/10

Volkswagen–guys want to go to Vegas during test drive     11/11

Volkswagen–family during test drive, leaves salesman in the garage     11/11

Volkswagen–(superbowl) Darth Vader chokes guy using the force         2/12

Volkswagen–father will kill son for accident       6/12

Volkswagen–dad’s negotiating for car is really sports talk      7/12

Volkswagen–guy in mid-sized car embarrassed after he is caught air-drumming to Rush     10/12

Volkswagen–very dorky guy tries to teach son to throw baseball      1/13

***Volkswagen–woman has irritating laugh during 9-hour drive      3/13

Volkswagen–family mocks dad who brags about his car deal     7/13

Volkswagen–wife hears parrot mock man who brags about his car deal     8/13

Volkswagen–unknown co-worker says passenger wishes he was voted most appealing     9/13

Volkswagen–guy finds himself singing badly in meeting     10/13

Vonage–several years ago had “people do stupid things”, all were men.

Vonage–vonage woman easily wins over phone company guy  11/07

Vonage–mom makes expensive calls to India, wife tells him not that expensive      2/12

Walgreens–woman shames man for wrapped oven-mit gift   12/07

Walgreens–man who says he won’t get deleted, gets deleted from camera  12/08

Walgreens–2 men compete for Valentine presents, one shamed for contact solution     2/10

Walgreens–2 women shame Drew Brees    9/10

Walgreens–Valentine gifts in aisles far apart, customer needs the walking to lose weight     2/12

Walgreens–climber is asked if he wants to call his mommy     3/12

Walgreens–old rocker hurts himself      3/12

Walgreens–golfer with allergy hits tee marker instead of ball    3/12

***Walgreens–mom with allergy puts keys in son’s lunch by mistake     5/12

***Walgreens–girl gets into grandma’s purse and throws money in fountain     10/13

Walmart–“moms can do anything” including making football snacks   9/08

Walmart–wife makes steak, hubby confused, did he forget birthday?   7/09

Walmart–guy drives thru garage door while pretending to play Xbox   11/09

Walmart–wife threatens to leave if he not ready in five minutes while he primps (against stereotype)   12/09

Walmart–boy gets head stuck in balusters     4/11

Walmart–two burly mechanics carry little dogs      5/11

***Walmart–woman thinks expensive car is hers, instead of station wagon      5/11

Walmart–2 girls smear sleeping grandpa with beauty products     5/11

Walmart–boy as Lincoln forgets lines, others text lines, one embarrasses him     7/11

Walmart–guys using smartphone to try to diagnose friend  (leprosy)      8/11

Walmart–son calls dad from college study hall, but he’s really in dorm where roommates are chicken fighting      8/11

***Walmart–woman thinks older tourists are paparazzi, she exposes their film      8/11

Walmart–husband scolded into dog house for bringing his “toy” (drill) to Christmas dinner       10/11

Walmart–song “Grandma run over by Reindeer” was true, dad scolded    11/11

Walmart–Uncle Leon has to sit at kids table     11/11

***Walmart–woman thinks she is rich enough to buy crown jewels     11/11

Walmart–guys get tools for Christmas    12/11

Walmart–dad stuck upside down in tree on snowshoe trip     12/11

***Walmart–mom wants to teach kid to walk because it is taking valuable cart space     12/11

Walmart–couple getting in shape, he is winded running in from car     12/11

Walmart–teen boy sings badly to girl on phone

Walmart–she calls him Ken in Barbieland       12/12

Walmart–she kicks him in shin to see if he is awake     12/12

Walmart–she tells him how to save money on nook, he says he knew      12/12

Walmart–glasses repaired if son breaks them     8/13

Wanchai Ferry–woman scolds panda to get elbows off table      10/11

Warner cable–guy nickle and dimed to death (All death figures are male)  12/07

Washington Mutual–other bankers (all men) are nude

Waxvac–man hurts himself with Q-tip in ear      12/12

Weber’s BBQ–family substitutes Weber’s sauce when dad not looking       6/13

Wells Fargo–dad exaggerates about kids school activities, mom corrects him      11/11

Wendy’s–woman rolls eyes at guy who is a “meatatarian”    8/08

Wendy’s–2 women with 2 course lunches shame guy with 1 course and “pooky bear” ringtone    4/10

Wendy’s–guy frightened on ladder because woman keeps saying “fall”     9/10

Wendy’s–guys get slapped to show spiciness of sandwich    2/11

Wendy’s–woman shouts “I should dump him” in restaurant     5/12

Wendy’s–man has trouble with very hot burrito      1/13

Wendy’s–Wendy wears a necklace which says “Mom”     9/13

Wendy’s–office worker staples his tie while staring at her sandwich      10/13

Weightwatchers–Charles Barkley tells us to lose like a man     12/11

Wheat Thins—helicopter rescuer steals snack from guy trapped under rock       10/10

Whiskas–guy talks embarrassingly to cat while still on conference call to work    3/12

Whiskas–golf buddy interrupts guy baby-talking to cat      4/12

Windex — birds crash guy into glass door  (2)

Windex — disgusted wife cleans door after birds crash hubby into it  9/07

Windex–too bright to be his house, not everythings as bright    5/08

Windex–wife tricks hubby into cleaning pool    3/09

Windex–mom tricks 2 teenage sons to get ready for school on Saturday   10/9

Windows Phone–guy does awful dance with phone   11/10

Windows Phone–guy picks phone out of urinal, other guy gets baseball in head     11/10
Windows Phone–guy texts on phone and ignores wife in negligee    4/11

Xerox — coworkers avoid irritating laughing man  10/07

***Xerox — jerky woman victim of broken mute button

XM — sports fans sock each other

Yoplait–woman on phone, talking about her sweets, husband looking in fridge for them  1/08

Yoplait–calcium for women   8/08

Yoplait–contribute to Komen   9/10

Yoplait–woman shoves cart into guys to get to black forest yogurt     1/11

Yoplait–woman says bald guy hasn’t changed a bit at reunion    2/11

***Yoplait–kids embarrassed by mom with smoky eyes     11/13

Yoplait–daughter swopes out edgy boyfriend      11/13

Zicam–male pre-cold monster is hit by stepvan     11/12

Zillow–she rolls her eyes at his opinion     6/13

Zurich–“fore” with guy getting hit on head with golf ball  12/07

national coalition for men

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56 Responses to Anti-Male Media Bias

  1. Complainer on December 16, 2013 at 7:35 PM

    I organized this list. I would like to respond to some of these comments

    maddogmike wanted to know the count of the ads: 1483 ads showing men in a bad light (95.25%) vs. 74 women’s ads (4.75%). As I said, this is about a 19:1 ratio. My guess is that the ads showing men in a bad light also get more airplay. And I have to believe there is a significant difference in degree in these ads, too. One Safe Auto ad proves this. The whole commercial consists of people kicking a man in the groin. This is supposed to be a “funny” ad, showing what it feels like not to have Safe Auto insurance. (it is online.) Another example is from Trident Gum, where a squirrel runs up inside the pantleg of the 5th dentist and bites his “nuts.” Progressive Insurance had an ad where a woman on a voodoo-doll website went after an ex-boyfriend’s crotch with scissors. Many other ads show men getting hit in the groin. I can’t think of any comparable “funny” ads that show such sexual violence against women. We would be shocked. But this kind of thing is OK against men.

    Some complained that ads are just as bad for women and that I was biased in my interpretations. Bree made this point. I tried to be unbiased in making the list, but probably failed to some degree. It is not a rigorous scientific survey. But her examples were just wrong and severe distortions. She complained that I treated women’s love of yogurt and cereal differently than men’s love of bacon. First of all, I only questioned why Activia and Curves ads were aimed only at women. Why would an advertiser exclude half of the population for a product of a general nature? Besides, the advertisers do treat men and women differently. Activia and Curves ads have been quite respectful of women. Meanwhile, the bacon ads showed men acting like idiots. Jack-In-The-Box showed a man marrying bacon. Taco Bell showed guys going crazy over bacon. And Beggin Strips even showed a dog with a male voice going nuts over bacon.

    Speaking of animals, why are nearly all goofy animals and other non-humans, male? Is it because men aren’t really as human as women? Aflac’s duck, Orbit’s smelly foods, Hanes irritating labels, Allstate’s Mayhem, Kellogg’s goofy mini-wheats, Mucinex’s and Advil’s Mucus, Geico’s geeko, pig, camel, caveman, and falling tree are examples. It seems any female non-humans are only there to embarrass the male characters—for example, the female M&M who introduces a male M&M to a woman who eats him.

    Bree also mentioned “manly” ads. To be honest, I do not know what to do with these ads. For the most part, I did not include them. On the one hand, I suppose these ads could be considered a celebration of manhood and should be included as exceptions. But on the other hand, they also could be ads shaming men, playing to men’s sense of inferiority. I tend to lean toward the latter explanation since they usually have a humorous or sarcastic tone. And why are there no ads which explicitly talk about women’s womanhood?

    I tried to be fair and unbiased in making this list. There is much judgement involved and others may come up with reasonable, but different interpretations. Having said that, I do not think I came up with a fraudulent 19:1 ratio when the truth is really 1:1. I was not that far off. But you are all welcome to try to come up with 1483 TV ads showing women in a bad light, including several “funny” ads about sexual violence against women.

    Speaking of violence, why is violence against women very rare in ads, while violence is omnipresent and even funny when against men? Why can V8 have several ads that show a woman bopping a man, but cannot have even one showing a man bopping a woman? This theme extends to animal attacks as well. Sears recently showed a bear chasing a man with a Christmas tree, and DirectTV showed squirrels attacking Dave. Tostitos once showed wolves chasing men with cuts of beef attached. A Toyota ad once implied a badger bit a guy’s face. For the most part, I suppose women are too saintly to be hurt in ads. Or maybe women’s complaints prohibit such things.

    This brings up the comments that discouraged me the most—many men felt that I am whining and that I should just shut up. Any complaints by men are seen by these men (and some women) as being unmanly. Women and feminists have benefitted a great deal from this misguided attitude. These men are being played for fools by feminists. This constant put-down of male complainers has resulted in the stifling of justifiable complaints by men. As a result, we see only women as victims and all men as victimizers. This has consequences. Women get the vast amount of aid and sympathy available. Unless this attitude changes, our sons and grandsons will continue to die earlier than women, will receive less research funding while dying earlier and more often of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes, will be judged more harshly by judges and juries, will be the vast majority of casualties in war, will be the bulk of victims of violence, will commit suicide more often, will continue to fall behind in education, will continue to be falsely accused of rape because it is a good “learning experience,” will continue to be arrested for domestic violence even when wives and girlfriends beat them up, will continue to lose their kids upon divorce, will continue to be over 90% of work-related deaths, will continue to receive less governmental and charitible aid, etc. This constant drone in the media of how inferior, stupid, and evil males are, must have an effect on our boys. Being strong, independent, and reluctant to complain can be admirable qualities for men. But being macho can go too far. It can make us suckers. Or M&Ms. Women are having us for lunch and laughing at us.

    • Mike on December 20, 2013 at 2:46 AM

      …And WHY do advertisers such as Miller Lite feel the need to be anti-transgender AS WELL AS anti-male, with commercials that feature FEMALES bashing males for (supposedly) being “feminine”, as in the FEMALE bartender ridiculing males for carrying purses, wearing tight pants, wearing bronzer, etc.? Women and girls demand the right to wear GUY clothes and do “guy things” and still be regarded as straight, feminine women and girls, so why do females (and advertisers) think they are “leveling the playing field” — making things “equal” by enforcing such a double standard? I’ve NEVER seen even ONE commercial laughing at or otherwise ridiculing females for wearing GUYS’ clothes or doing “GUY things”. Women obviously don’t seem to be aware (or they are, but don’t care) that they are, in other words, hypocritically saying that females are weak and second-class citizens, when they laugh at males for doing “girl things” or wearing “girl clothes”. Women just don’t seem to have any sense of fair play. Why is this?

    • ssss on January 24, 2014 at 9:04 AM

      Can you please post more misandric videos?

    • Mr B J Mann on May 5, 2014 at 7:45 AM

      Apologies if this has already beed raised earlier, but I’ve not had the time to look at the list in detail, never mind read all the comments, so I’m assuming all the ads in the list, and all the references to ads, are from the past decade.

      I got here by Googling VINTAGE anti-male ads after reading yet another “metrosexual” (British term for right-on, feminised, “liberal”, London centric male) article about the terrible way women were portrayed in the bad old days (when women, as well as men, had a sense of humour, rather than a sense of grievance) and people could still produce “tongue-in-cheek” (non-serious/meant to be taken light-heartedly: if you’re not familiar with the term in the US) ads.

      I’m sure there must have been humorous “anti-male” ads in the 50s and 60s too.

      Anyone got any examples to counter the feminists complaints about “Mad-Men” advertising?!

    • Harry Vederci on March 12, 2020 at 10:33 AM

      What bothers me is that ALL of the sitcoms portray the man as a bumbling doofus who can’t help doing something stupid while the woman acts like a Tibetan sage that has to come in and fix everything the man has done. This has been going on for Decades! Can anyone imagine the hue and cry from women’s organizations if the genders were reversed and the women was the stupid one?

  2. "T" on September 16, 2013 at 4:12 PM

    Don’t forget the AllState ad where that woman calls out her boyfriend for saying that women are worse drivers, and then practically waves her discount check in front of his face for no practical reason. Why, exactly? Was the pride of debunking a myth that hasn’t been referenced since 1996 not good enough for her? Even worse is the fact that when he tries to defend himself, she shushes him. Girl power, my ass!

  3. Joseph Kent on July 26, 2013 at 6:46 PM

    I might have missed it; but I have seen no mention here of the common thread that runs through these anti-white male ads and the bizarre ad agency that inevitably is behind these messages. The ad agency responsible for this racial and gender hatred is called “Translations”.
    The CEO of this agency and the person perhaps most to blame for these bigoted ads is a short, chubby bald, African American named Steve Stoute.
    Want a villianin all of this bigotry and anti-white male messaging?
    Steve Stoute is your guy. Funny; bigotry doesn’t look any better on a short, chubby, bald black guy than it looked on the anti-black skinny white Southern bigots of the 40’s and 50’s.
    Bigotry is just ugly. Got it, little Steven??
    Joseph Kent

  4. Joseph Kent on May 24, 2013 at 2:19 PM

    THANK YOU. I hardly watch TV anymore; I’m so sick of the BS perpetrated by the media re: the perversion of the genders.
    During the last real military threat to our American society, we sent Navy Seals to a foreign country to destroy the enemy
    Thank God for all the female Navy Seals who risked their lives and went into Pakistan into combat and risked their lives; and into Afghanistan to defeat the Taliban.

    THE NAVY SEALS Who answeresd our enemy WERE ALL MALES???
    OOPS. Sorry.I thjought all of our heroes were female.
    As Gilda Radner would have saide: OH…. NEVER MIND.

  5. maddogmike64806 on October 31, 2012 at 7:50 PM

    I would like to know exactly how many commercials are on this long list. Because I counted only 26 commercials that made fun of women or portayed men in a positive light.

  6. Anonymous on September 15, 2012 at 6:09 AM

    Some ads may have been influenced by feminists but I think some are just meant to be funny tropes… made when people were thinking that people wouldn’t actually take them seriously and it would just be funny.. like the ad that implies men only last 2 minutes.

    Activia may be aimed at women because of women’s yeast infections? Being ignorant on who gets or can get yeast infection doesn’t make you sexist though… hmm. Even some guys think yeast infections are a stinky woman’s issue

  7. James on August 10, 2012 at 10:06 PM

    Media is powerful. It shapes the consciousness and self estimation of all of us.
    The image and presentaion of maleness that effects the expectations of boys is producing succesive generations of men who do not acheive, and do not even strive. Peter Griffin, Homer Simpson, and a huge assortment of “sports” figures continuously define the role of the male. Commercials such as those above subtlely create limiting responses for the male self image.
    Male participation in all the major forms of social, academic, creative, and scientific life, once dominant, are now sharply reduced, and contiuning to erode. The proportion of male college graduation rates are down to just over 40 percent.
    Long sought equality clearly has not been acheived. And all this is clearly revealed in the quality of our current politics.
    What is needed is a new agenda. No one sector of humanity can triumph at the expence of competing sector’s ruin. Wether it is religion, gender, race, or any other measure, only a society that actively promotes the success of every person within their abilities will truly succeed.

  8. Huu J on May 28, 2012 at 3:39 AM

    May i also point out about violence towards men by women in the media (movies, advertisements, TV and music clips etc) yet the campaign to end violence against women in the media has become a law to protect women unconditionally…much like endangered species or species that cannot protect themselves ^_^ no offense.

  9. Bree on May 24, 2012 at 3:07 PM

    I find this list extremely hypocritical.

    This list is kind of a giant contradiction. What exactly, is your criteria for what's deemed offensive against one gender or another? Because you list yogurt and cereal commercials as being offensive towards men, as they portray only women loving yogurt and cereal. But then when it's a commercial portraying only men loving bacon, or whatever, it's offensive towards men? Shouldn't that be considered bias against women? We love bacon too! This list doesn't make sense.

    I tried to read it objectively, and I know that there's stereotypes against men in the media- the stupid, fat, lazy sitcom dad who can't do anything right, the boyfriend who can't control his sexual urges, etc. But it's not JUST men, there's plenty of stereotypes against women in the media to match: you're either a bimbo, or an ugly man-hating feminist, or a "strong female character" that doesn't actually do anything except serve as eye candy, or a nagging housewife/jealous girlfriend. The only way you're worth anyone's time as a woman according to the media is if you're a Victoria's Secret model. And by that extension, there's bias and stereotypes against any other social groups (all races, all religions, all walks of life). The only groups I can think of that aren't stereotypes in the media that often are white people and straight people.

    Personally, as a woman, I consider the constant barrage of commercials showing women going bananas over chocolate, yogurt, cereal, whatever, really grating.

    The media does it all the time, and it hurts both men and women. There's loofahs and cereal for women, but there's SHOWER TOOLS and MAN CRUNCHIES for men. There's Dr. Pepper for men (whose commercials feature an action star and guns and other "manly" stereotypes) and there's Schick Quatro for women, with pastel colors and women dancing around the screen in silk dresses. I could go on and on and on with examples like this.

    Basically the media has us all played.

    • Huu J on May 28, 2012 at 2:59 AM

      Once again women have become oblivious to their irony in equality. Its a MENS rights forum. Much like the womens rights forum, their sole focus is about women. I don’t hear you highlighting their biasm towards the matter, so don’t express your opinions upon our rights to voice our side of the coin.

      • paula jablonski on July 8, 2012 at 3:13 PM

        Stay the fuck out of mens’ business. Always the uninvited boor. Please guys make this the day you stop apologizing to women. An even playing field gives no special considerations.

    • Rick on August 28, 2012 at 8:39 AM

      women cant stand an mention of discrimination against men. It’s sickening.

    • Dave on August 18, 2016 at 7:55 PM

      I can’t believe I’m actually saying this but I read your comment and it made me think. I get incredible pissed off by these anti-male ads, or ads that portray men as stupid slobs (which are nearly constant) but I have to admit you made a good point. People in commercials are ridiculous stereotypes, and the people who produce these commercials see the consumers literally as cattle. Marketing is just evil.

  10. Mad Dog Mike38321 on April 6, 2012 at 11:39 PM

    Football, Rugby, Rodeos, and race car driving isn’t enough, now women want to bash our manhood and intelligence.

  11. Mad Dog Mike38321 on April 6, 2012 at 11:05 PM

    I was channel surfing tonight and I came across one of the local TV stations airing what seemed to be a cross dressing contest. I began watching and realized that this was the local intermediate school for 5th, 6th, and 7th graders. All of the male teachers dressed as women proudly prancing around in evening gowns, in front of children. Maybe I am wrong for thinking this, but at what point did it become vital for our male teachers some of the only true male role models our young boys have left have to don a dress and be feminine. I am not homophobic

    • Mike on December 20, 2013 at 3:53 AM

      There is NOTHING wrong with a male donning a dress and being feminine. You do not seem to have any problem with WOMEN donning PANTS and being MASCULINE, as women often do today. NO ONE ever has any problem with that. Women cross-dress all the time and no one ever has any problem with that. You are NOT being homophobic, as (contrary to popular belief) men who wear dresses and/or skirts, or makeup, etc. are usually STRAIGHT, and NOT gay. You are not being “homophobic”, just anti-male. These TV stations and networks that have shows where males “cross-dress” are NOT promoting or encouraging men to be feminine, they are doing this to LAUGH AT and MAKE FUN of men being feminine, because they are anti-male. They turn around and encourage women to be masculine, and that is considered “cool”. It’s a double standard. Women are allowed to wear masculine clothing and do “guy things” and they are STILL considered to be inherently feminine. I feel that we MEN should enjoy the SAME RIGHT to express a “feminine side” and likewise still be regarded as masculine. It’s only equality between the genders.

  12. Jonathan on March 18, 2012 at 8:41 AM

    I've got one. The Fran Drescher sitcom ad for "Happily Divorced" that states "All good men are married or gay."

    • paula jablonski on July 8, 2012 at 2:17 PM

      So glad to hear my very own thoughts expressed here. Are women that dumb to be brainwashed by these ads? When men in commercials and tv are treated with such distain, how can one respect their ideas about equality? Also do not the females see real life as it actually is? get out there and find out that women really don’t rule the world. Average intelligence tells you the falsehood of that opinion. women have shown through wrathful revenge that the caveman genes are still in the pool.

  13. Mike Savage on March 15, 2012 at 10:47 PM

    Well I have read some of the comments left and I see the feminist have chimed in with their usual man hating comments and denial of the truth. The problem that this segment addresses is the ongoing male bashing and media conditioning of the masses to make males see themselves as stupid, sloppy, expendable, and abusive. The media has often been blamed for creating violence in our youth, a fact I totally disagree with, but the fact the media has been used for male bashing goes back decades. Men need to wake up and re-think our roles as men; we need to stop conforming to the feminist idea of male slavery. In plain terms if a man wants to be a stay at home father we need to stop helping the feminist condemn him for that choice. Feminist want equality only when it is convenient for them. Women must make a decision, be the weaker sex or the equal sex, it is not fair for them to be both.

  14. Ian on February 12, 2012 at 4:02 PM

    I think a lot of these commercials are a stretch but i agree that there is major male-bashing in the media. One should be proud of there gender, and themselves regardless, but it seems that all being a guy means in the media is if your not the "hero" your an idiot, abuser, or a jerk.

  15. DarkByke on February 9, 2012 at 11:33 AM

    I see that the feminists have been here downvoting some of the better comments left on this thread!

    • paula jablonski on July 8, 2012 at 2:37 PM

      Men are just funnier than women. Look at all these male comedians. George Carlin said that it takes superior intelligence to be continuously funny. They are so confident in themselves to make fun of themselves. The weak sisters are too timid and self-loathing.A top banana is secure.Women are stupid. Way too paranoid and serious in this life.Men are also philosophically superior, as they are aware this life is short and final. They loosen up the world and are beautifully non-petty. They just know better.Besides, the clowns of comedy not only make the shows work, they make more money.Pretty smart I’d say. Remember, life is short, don’t pervert it by thinking your so important in the sceme of things. You ain’t.

  16. Hugo on January 21, 2012 at 4:37 AM

    What everyone must understand is that we do, indeed, live in a stereotyped world. Whether we like it or not, our Western society revolves around stereotypes and grouping people. From race to class and sex and gender. If someone does something deviant from their expected stereotype, they get frowned on or classified by others. Such as a girl who cuts her hair short and wears nothing but boy clothes. She is often seen as a dyke or mistaken to be a lesbian. If a guy were to wear makeup or carry a bag, he can often be mistaken for gay himself.

    Men and women are EXPECTED to fall into their "correct" categories defined by society.

    Same goes with commercials. If commercials display a deviant, then this is what happens.

    It is an act of "hate", or "racism" or "sexism". But really it is just trying to be different from all the other generic commercials.

    • EEM on March 9, 2012 at 10:43 PM

      Touche! Hugo is right on with his comment. Especially in the United States, while we claim to be independent, the truth is we are a very conformist society. Conforming does have short-term benefits, especially in crisis situations (seems like we are always in one these days). However, the conformist culture we live in has detrimental long term effects, including loss of creativity, less artistic talent, and more dogma & rigidity. Our culture & society thrives on categorizing people. In general, our culture likes to label folks, put them in one type of box or another (stereotyping) and then dismissing said person(s) with a detrimental label. Its a masterful invalidation tool to neuter anyone – male or female – who dissents or differs from societal & cultural norms. Its really sad, and, I believe, partly why we see so many depressed people today.

    • Mike Savage on March 15, 2012 at 10:50 PM

      Men need to stop conforming and start fighting. We have apoligized to the feminist long enough. now they are starting to oppress us.

      • Anony on April 1, 2012 at 7:51 AM

        There is nothing to fight, considering these stereotypes have been around for centuries. Men created their own stereotypes.

        • paula jablonski on July 8, 2012 at 2:44 PM

          Another bitch playing annonymous

  17. Aron on December 21, 2011 at 7:14 AM

    I personally don't find anything wrong with these commercials. It sounds mostly like you are all nothing but bored, lame, moaning whiners…. Like women! 😀

    Don't get me wrong. lol I love my wife. 🙂 And we have a great relationship that works. We both work at least 52 hours a week. Both of our jobs are stressful (she is a neurologist and I'm an accountant) and we have three lovely children, a boy and twin girls. Both of us take time to study with them and do events with them when we are able, though that is not often. But our children know we love them and are there for them.

    My wife makes a little more than me, but that is okay. So long as we can pay bills and care for our children that is all that matters! 🙂 And that should be all that matters to you guys too. And actually, I am quite fond of cooking and cleaning. It is good exercise and my wife enjoys pushing the lawn mower to get a work out. We share the duties though. We clean our own messes, our own dishes, and we take turns with the children every night. Sure we fight every now and then, but no couple is perfect, and we always do our best to pull through and fix the issues. If she is particularly tired, then I make sure to care for her. If I am particularly tired, she cares for me.

    It is an even exchange of everything, and we are all very happy.

    Instead of bitching like helpless damsels in distress, why don't you all just mind your own business and take care of your personal lives. Obviously you have no real life if you are too busy complaining about other people and what they want to be happy.

    You live only once, y'all. Make the most of it and you have no right to try and keep others from living happily as well.

    There is also a huge difference between radical feminism and feminism. You have your extremists, and they are the ones who really do more harm than good. But this harm is not intentional. Like you all, they just want a shot at equality.

    Women do not get the same opportunities men do. For example. In Psychology, it used to be a men's profession, but more and more women are taking it up. Many women are brilliant with psychology, and because there are more women in the field, the pay rate has decreased in an obvious slope the past 7 years. The same is said for doctor's positions.

    My wife works more hours than I do usually, since she is always on call and works Monday-Saturday and sometimes even on Sundays and holidays. But she gets paid less than the assistant technician she works with (who is male).

    You all have extremely false, and unjustified claims posted all over your website, and I find it horribly offending. I am sure that there are millions of others who, too, find this material horribly offending.

    Stop behaving like god damn pussies and start behaving like MEN. SUCK IT UP. We live in a Patriarchal, Capitalistic world, and that won't change. Believe me. So stop acting like hormonal fourteen year old girls who have nothing better to do than bitch, moan, and whine about the unfairity of it all! Face it! It"s LIFE!!!! LIFE ISN'T FAIR.

    • Gregory on December 23, 2011 at 2:05 AM

      Very good! I love how you don't fail to point out the flaws in all of this. btw, your wife sounds like a really hard worker! You seem to have it made, man!

    • High I.Q. on December 23, 2011 at 4:25 AM

      I agree with you. After reading the whiny rant and the whining replies I, too, wondered what's the motivation or lack of that precipitated this ridiculous thread. It appears that the card carriers of the classic Little Rascals' "He-Man Woman Haters Club" have created a platform that lets them mask their immaturity by equivocating about a discrimination that does not exist.

      It's comedy guys. Get a sense of humor or better yet, get a life. Sheesh!

      • paulajablonski on July 8, 2012 at 12:59 PM

        Of course it’s just funny when men are the target, right? But if the commercials,tv etc. are aimed at women, the immaturity of females screech out like a gutshot panther. Damn hypocrites.

    • Guest on January 11, 2012 at 9:07 PM

      You are wrong in so many ways! Women do get the same opportunities that men do! You stereotype both genders while using crappy stereotypes, suck as telling only MEN to SUCK IT UP! No I won't suck it up… Fuck you!

      • TheKingofMen on January 15, 2012 at 5:25 AM

        I fail to see stereotypes. This guy just tells it like it is.

      • EEM on March 9, 2012 at 10:37 PM

        #2) First, again, no one is saying they want their wifey to stay home and bake cookies. Al contraire, we want women to go forth even more and be completely accountable in ALL ASPECTS of life, not just economic/employment, but also legal, custodial, emotional, cultural and societal issues. THEN, and only then will we have achieved true equality. You say life isn't fair, yet, again, if it were women who were on the receiving end of the negative ads, media, legal issue, etc. then you'd be acting like a MANGINA again and falling on your proverbial chivalrous sword to protect women…while unbeknownst to you the feminist movement is only using you as a poster child for a whipped, defeated man who has lost his own identity.

      • paul jablonski on July 8, 2012 at 2:03 PM

        Playing helpless is just a slly game of convenience by women when they get lazy or insecuere and want a man’s help. Men don’t be afraid or feel less manly if you choose no to help a woman. Turndown is exactly what these big babies deserve. there was a saying in the 70’s. Women don’t know what they want in a man. First they want an Alan Alda then it’s John Wayne. Learn their stupid tricks and protect your own ass. When I was much younger my sister saw how girls were manipulating me, mercilessly. She sat
        down and told me just how evil and deceitful they could be. I learned fast and she felt more strongly about her brother than other man-hating bitches. Never kiss their ass and hold your own ground—Fuck’em. They’ve took too much rope.

    • EEM on March 9, 2012 at 10:37 PM

      #1) In one sense, Aron helps the Men's Rights Cause b/c his wife actually works, makes a decent living, and apparently also holds her own at home with the chores etc. Congratulations Aron it sounds like you have found a decent woman. Unfortunately, you go on to invalidate some of your own points & opinions, and then engage in angry diatribe swearing, cursing & cussing and telling men to suck it up. All being smarmy attempts to invalidate the thoughts, opions, and feelings expressed by other men & women here.

    • Jonathon on March 18, 2012 at 9:07 AM

      Okay, your first couple of paragraphs were quite promising as it paints a picture of what should really happen between men and women in terms of a partnership. The second half of your paragraph took a nose dive when you made points that were disrespectful to other people. Men are not "bitching like helpless damsels in distress," but rather stating the truth of what is really going on and wish to seek more respect. The TV ads from youtube that you may have seen on this website are not ads that promote equality. They portray superiority of one sex over another, and not equality. No one behaves like "god damn pussies" as you claim because they are stating the truth of being treated like less than a human being in a western society that has become culturally biased against men. No, we are not going to "suck it up" either. We will raise awareness of the issues which are so "unspeakable" in our country and we will keep talking about them. We are behaving like men by standing up for ourselves. We are done with being treated with contempt, no matter what we do. Your interpretation of "behaving like men" is being the obedient, subservient lap dog who doesn't stand up for himself when he is being treated like less than a human being.

    • Huu J on May 28, 2012 at 3:13 AM

      Aron, its ironic how you pointed out all we do is complain yet the longest post on here so far is yours =_= Also, you sound more like a woman than a man. Well, you remind me of a woman who i recently confronted in front of her class mates about mens rights which she simply laughed at. This is why there is so much men complaining on forums. We need places like this where we can vent our frustrations and reveal the true face of "equality" that women so much pride themselves in the move. And don't demean us men by labeling our roles. We get enough of that from women. If women can fight for their rights, then us men should to, and it takes more of a man to admit that there is a problem than a man who ignores common rights everyone deserves.

  18. Harry Crouch on November 16, 2011 at 10:48 AM


    I'm guessing the broomstick is gender neutral and the pain is the same.

    • Devin on December 21, 2011 at 1:12 AM

      Why should something have a gender or sex to be painful?

  19. Kristin Jagelski on November 14, 2011 at 4:20 PM

    By the way, it was a group of young males who attacked him and they used a broomstick.

  20. Kristin Jagelski on November 14, 2011 at 4:20 PM

    The media almost never discloses the name of underage female victims of violent rape. Yet, they disclosed the name of a minor male victim. It was in the U.S. many years ago. He felt he could not live down the public disclosure. As an adult, he moved out of the country. He later committed suicide, not too long ago. I want to see how his family is doing and why they never took issue with the press. His name was Samoan. I'll check here for postings, since I can't find anything anywhere.

  21. John on May 22, 2011 at 8:43 AM

    Im ashame to be an American !!! I dont wana go and Fight for this contry !

    • Devin on December 21, 2011 at 1:11 AM

      Don't you mean "iIm", "ashamed", "wanna" and "fight"? This just proves the illiteracy of most of us men in the US.

    • paul jablonski on July 8, 2012 at 1:43 PM

      You sound like the typical “you save my life, but my life is too precious to save yours. Policemens’wives aren’t so nervous about their spouse cheating with a female cop when cruising as a team, they worry about their husbands not having their backs covered by the female partner.
      This angers men and keep wives up all night worrying that no male partner is available. Recently on a female ass-kissing dr. Phil show (where females where ridiculously portrayed as superheros)a female patrol officer said she would never have a women as a partner on patrol. Besides, it’s sad for you women because you’re being “played” by esp. the visual media. It’s all about the bucks. They know that millions of fems are watching tv in the afternoon, so it’s all aimed at placating women. Women will buy anything if their silly views are catered to. It’s a perfectly legal con where BOTH sexes profit.The complimented fish take the bait and corporate counts the bucks. Getting back to ladies becoming helpless when convenient, hours ago I watched a program about 9-11. A black man was horribly burned and one female after another looked and ignored him .It took an injured man (white) to rescue him. The rescuer was crying about how no one would help the man. The brotherhood stands strong, and like the penis, females are envious of that to. A quote from the late great Chicago writer and international acclaimed celebrity: “Chivalry may be lost in men, but it has yet to be found in women.”

  22. Zimba on May 21, 2011 at 12:27 AM

    Excellent work!!!!!

    • Devin on December 21, 2011 at 1:13 AM

      I fail to see the point. I can pick out just as many (if not more) videos of anti-women ads. And I'm a dude.

      • mush1183 on December 13, 2013 at 3:59 PM

        Then do it.

  23. WallaceLA on May 12, 2011 at 5:23 PM

    This data is fantastic work, depicting the gravity of the tragedy.

    The only qualities left in Western females are vanity and greed, how appealing.

    • Devin on December 21, 2011 at 1:10 AM

      However, it is men who run the media and dictate what women should care about, and the number one thing is VANITY. Men instill this in women through media, adds, etc. Also, greed? Why is it that men strive for more and more money?

      Honestly, I think all points from BOTH sides are moot. And most of these ads, there are hardly anything wrong with them.

      I prefer a woman who can stand on her own. What if something were to happen to me? If she couldn't take care of herself or family, what the hell would happen to her and my family???? She NEEDS to be able to stand on her own, be independent, and definitely speak her mind.

      I don't want a robot for a wife like most of you guys seem to want.

      • David on January 31, 2012 at 8:54 PM

        hey Devin this is David Lightbody, I had a wife now I have a child and i am in family court being discriminated against and cant see my daughter I am a veteran of the afghan campaign.I was in the army.I have a new girlfriend and we want to get married but my wife is giving me a hard time on that too.I am disabled emotionally an mentally with some mild physical problems and also there is orders of protection against me I was never arrested for anything I don't know how the judge is doing this to me.Please help me man,My phone number is 1 845 260 1871 also my email is anyone who reads this please help anyway you can i live in Westchester ny my daughter lives in Jefferson county my mother has cancer and i want her to see my daughter before anything happens my older brother recently died and my dad died as well.I need reinforcments.tahnk you sincerely David Lightbody

      • EEM on March 9, 2012 at 10:30 PM

        Devin's missed the point of the thread and info. The main point being, if these same types of ads & commercials were switched around showing women as the 'dummies' and 'incompetents' there would be an outrage. The point is, Devin, both genders are to be treated equally & respectfully. Not sure how Devin misinterprets ad criticisms that bash men as a desire for their gf/spouse not to stand on her own…in fact, that's the whole point of this website. Complete fairness & equality in legal, cultural, societal matters and including media portrayals of each. Beyond the obvious gender bashing in these ads, though, a perhaps even larger issue is the dumbing down of America as witnessed by the creation of these Ads and Devin's irrational conclusions of the thread.

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