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Army Brigadier General Jeffrey Sinclair Courts Martial Drama Now Over. Judges Decision Sure to Send “Super-Feminists” at the Pentagon into a Tizzy.

March 20, 2014

Jeffrey SinclairArmy Brigadier General Jeffrey Sinclair Courts Martial Drama Now Over.  Judges Decision Sure to Send “Super-Feminists” at the Pentagon into a Tizzy.

By NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi,

Another forced, feminist politically correct and politically driven sexual assault criminal prosecution of a high-ranking military man falters.  Prosecutorial misconduct and false allegations and perjury on the part of the accuser cited as the prime reasons for the outcome.

With the past few hours, the long drama being played out in the military courtroom at Fort Bragg North Carolina involving the trial of flag-officer, Brigadier General Jeffrey Sinclair has finally ended.  He was fined 20K, faces no jail time, and most likely his career is over.

General Sinclair, the former Deputy Commander of the famed and historic 82nd Airborne Division had faced a slew of charges including adultery, various command violations, forcible oral copulation and sodomy and death threats.

The ordeal involving Sinclair; a highly decorated combat veteran began back in 2012 when rumors and then news reports surfaced that Sinclair was involved in some type of sexual assault/harassment related allegations.  Subsequently, and in short order, Sinclair was formally charged by JAG prosecutors for a host of charges that could have sent the flag-officer to the Leavenworth Detection Barracks for the rest of his natural life.

Jeffrey Sinclair reached the flag rank of Brigadier General without being part of the club; the “ring knockers;” meaning he is one of a handful of Army officers to have reached flag rank without having attended West Point.  Various news reports show that BG Sinclair did not follow the rules of political correctness, and many military chat rooms and social media pages referred to him as being similar to the famed General George Patton; a no-nonsense and hard-driving leader.

It seems that BG Sinclair took the route of being a warrior, of concentrating on his job and duty of eliminating our enemies and did not follow the touchy-feely feminist rules of political correctness.  It seemed that his leadership and management style riled the “super-feminists” and the neutered politically correct “boot-lickers” at the Pentagon.  It also riled some of the extremist ideological politicians as well as our intellectually challenged Secretary of Defense.

It has also been reported that “horn-dog” BG Sinclair had a problem with keeping his package zipped up in his ACU’s, kind of like the same problem that General Petraeus had.  I grant you, the married Sinclair’s proclivity for hotties, and his lack of control of his “Johnson” is problematic; but did it rise to criminal proceedings?  Did the sexual escapades of General Patton, General Eisenhower, and General Sherman reach the level of criminality?

Oh wait, General Petraeus nor his paramour Major Paula Broadwell, both West Point graduates, were ever charged much less went to courts-martial.  In fact Major Paula is still in the Army Reserves, and the only sanction she has experienced is to have her security clearance lifted.  The retired General eventually resigned as the CIA Director because of the scandal.

Sinclair’s primary accuser is an unidentified 29-year-old female who has only been called “Captain Bo-Peep.”  As evidence in the courts-martial is now becoming clear, the poor-poor saintly, brave, super brave victim who came forward engaged in a three-year steamy sexual relationship with the stud-muffin general.  During that time period, the pure and angelic captain sent the general over 1,300 sex filled text messages and emails complete with X-rated photos.  Hmmm?

Apparently, the sweet nun-like captain learned that she wasn’t the only side nookie that the general had, and voilĂ , she screeched charges like forced sodomy and oral copulation, and claimed that Sinclair had threatened to kill her family if she revealed the affair.  The only problem with that is that Miss Captain angel wings continued to send steamy sex filled text messages and emails to the general, professing her love for him, AFTER the alleged violations occurred.  Hmmm?

During the course of the investigation and various pre-trial hearings, Captain Bo-Peep made many contradictory statements, committed multiple acts of perjury and attempted to destroy a cell phone that contained sex filled text messages and explicit photos.  During her testimony at the courts-martial, the stumbling, fumbling captain was asked to confirm or deny that she wanted the general to divorce his wife and marry her; she flatly denied it.  The defense then provided an email from her that contradicted her just completed statement.  Hmmm?

It’s possible, if not probable, that Captain Bo-Peep received immunity or some type of deal for her tearful perjured testimony, as she will most likely be hailed as a brave hero to the super feminist politicians and Pentagon leaders, and will never be punished for her role in the illegal affair or the false allegations she levied.  In fact she will probably receive a promotion to Major and be given a plush Pentagon job along side the “Super-Feminists.”

Not to be undone, the judge ruled that there had been serious prosecutorial misconduct and unlawful command influence in the case when emails were kept from the defense, many from the chief JAG prosecutor LTC Will Helixon to Fort Bragg Commanders advising them of his concern about the alleged victim’s credibility and honesty.  When it was made clear to him that the prosecution would go ahead despite proof that the accuser lied and this was a sham of a courts-martial, LTC Helixon quit in protest.  He was promptly labeled incompetent, unstable and suicidal.  At least one member of the prosecution team demonstrated a sense of integrity.

How many times have we seen whistleblowers being labeled delusional, dishonest, or suicidal when reporting, and then eventually proving their claims?  That mantra is getting about as old and tired as the mythical “sexual assault epidemic” in the military.

The bottom line is that it is clear that General Sinclair is a horn-dog and that he let the little brain over-ride the big brain.  He did have and admit to having an adulterous affair, and for that he has paid and will pay dearly for that.

Did the fact that Sinclair wasn’t one of the glorious West Point “ring-knockers” have anything to do with the initiation of an inquiry and courts martial have anything to do with this?  Did the fact that Sinclair was an ass-kicking warrior who did not follow the political correct rules of the Pentagon “Super-Feminists” and other neutered feminized beady-eyed boot-lickers have anything to do with this?

Was there, or is there an element in the military or political hierarchy that was so intent on bringing down a high-ranking military man for sex related offenses, at any and all costs, has anything to do with this, even when their chief accuser found to be a liar, and the prosecution was tainted?

General Sinclair may be a horn-dog and he is paying for that, but in reality, after several million dollars in tax-payer funds being wasted, all we have in the end is an inappropriate adulterous consensual sexual affair.  Sinclair pled guilty to having a sexual affair with a subordinate officer, possessing pornography in a combat zone (allegedly the dirty pictures sent to him by the accuser), impeding an investigation, and pressuring others to send him explicit pictures.  This apparently was done as a tactical move in such that the photographs were then prohibited from being introduced as evidence pending the outcome of the more serious charges.

Kind of sounds like some of the antics of JFK and Bill Clinton, doesn’t it?  Nookie sessions; dirty pictures; the tactical placement of a Cohiba, and a soiled blue dress!

This case has gained national notoriety and Sinclair had the financial resources to get competent legal counsel, but if such a despicable miscarriage of justice can be brought against a general, what do think is happening against other men of lesser rank, notoriety, and considerably less financial resources to defend themselves?

As I have exposed in many of my earlier articles as well as those of many others, there is no “epidemic” of sexual assault in the military.  As this case demonstrates, there is an “epidemic” of the hysteria and myth of a manufactured epidemic of sexual assault in the military, and that no expense will be spared nor will any prosecutorial misconduct be curtailed in pursuit of this myth.

I am sure that we haven’t heard the last of this case, and your usual group of man-hating super-feminist politicians and military leaders will call for more “reform” and more legislation to combat this terrible “epidemic.”  Let’s hope that some political and military leaders will show the same type of integrity that LTC Helixon has demonstrated, and say, ”enough, let’s use a microgram of common sense here.”

This dramatic event is bad for everybody.  Sinclair should have used his head and kept his zipper, zipped.  Captain Bo-Peep should have used her head and not engage in an affair with a superior officer and married man, and sent him more than 1,300 sex filled messages and photos.  The tax-payers are on the hook for the waste of millions of dollars, and another black eye of ineptitude and misconduct has been put on the JAG Corps, the Army, and Pentagon leaders.

Is this the kind of atmosphere we want to project and continue in our military today; that men; no matter your rank will be vigorously pursued and prosecuted to the ends of the earth, while women are given a free pass?  Will cases that amount to nothing more than a consensual affair between two consenting adults be escalated to national prominence and relentless prosecution at all costs to justify a non-existent epidemic?  We shall see if Captain Bo-Peep, Major Paula, and other women in the military are held accountable for their own willful participation in these acts, but I doubt it.  The double standard is clear and overwhelming.

I wonder what the reaction is of Senators Gillibrand and McCaskill and their cohorts are now, since the highest profile military sexual assault case in modern times has blown up like a smart bomb?  That smart bomb in this scenario is called, “THE TRUTH.”

About the author:  Michael Conzachi is a three decades retired law enforcement homicide detective, former police academy instructor and a U.S. Army veteran as an Airborne Infantry “LRRP & JE” Squad Leader in the 82nd Airborne Division.

national coalition for men

General Jeffrey Sinclair was a scapegoat to propel elitist feminist agendas.

But General Jeffrey Sinclair screwed up and did misuse his position.

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6 Responses to Army Brigadier General Jeffrey Sinclair Courts Martial Drama Now Over. Judges Decision Sure to Send “Super-Feminists” at the Pentagon into a Tizzy.

  1. Joseph Jesus on April 5, 2014 at 12:31 PM
    • You Suck on November 23, 2019 at 11:26 AM

      Wow! This article is a complete POS. Funny here we are 5 years later and Military Sexual Assault is being dealt with as it should, so you couldn’t be more wrong here. Do you actually have an education beyond the 8th grade level? After reading this I highly doubt it. Here something else you’re wrong about Jeff Sinclair is no war hero or warrior, he should ever have even been promoted to BG. He’s a POS, perverted, sexual predator. Maybe the two of you could share a nice cabin in backwoods Tennessee or wherever it is came from. Or maybe a jail cell in Leavenworth, where he belongs. He’s a disgrace to the Army and the Officer Corps and deserves none of the praise you’ve given him in this shit you call an article. It’s a shame that taxpayers dollars were wasted not only trial but in continuing to pay his Military pension as an O5/LTC. Whoever authored wherever you are should probably apologize to the World for even publishing it.

      • NCFM on November 23, 2019 at 12:06 PM

        We don’t usually publish straight vitriol, but this is a good example of someone who has to resort to shame, blame and guilt verbiage usually heard from wayward domestic violence program providers; or, other ideologues who believe in believe the woman regardless of evidence to the contrary. Unfortunately, an inanimate nonprofit organization cannot share a cabin with a human in a backwoods cabin or anywhere else. Regardless, it seems the author of this missive disagrees with the court not sending General Sinclair to prison for eternity. That’s Ok. We are fairly certain so did others. Such is the nature of our judicial system, civilian or military. Notice also that his screed provides no evidence, not one shred thereof, to support the accusations. Typical… Regardless, the author is welcome to her/his opinions.

        • YoureanIdiot on November 26, 2019 at 8:35 AM

          Let me go ahead and qualify myself, I’m actually an Army Officer of over 20 years currently serving in the Reserve Component. In fact I deployed with the same Brigade Task Force as Jeffy Sexcapades during OIF II, so yes I’m qualified to say that both he and the Brigade Commander whom I believe testified as a character witnes at his trial, were both world class assholes. This opinion was shared by the vast majority of Soldiers, NCOs and Officers within the Command. Again, neither of these two Men are war hero’s or not deserve the praise you’ve given them. Also let me qualify my Cabin in backwoods Tennessee statement, that was aimed at the author who penned this POS you call literature. Maybe the former Brigade Commander BG(R) Randall Dragon could also join the two of you and you can live a nice quiet life enjoying nature and living off the land. Perhaps share war stories of your great heroism, that I’m pretty nobody cares about. Bottom line, Sinclair was and still is an asshole. I’m fully confident he committed sexual assault and threatened this young impressionable Captain in a clear abuse of power. Another case of an ego maniac general officer claiming to be Military god and above the law. So yes my opinion is the establishment did their best to protect one of their own and project some sort of squeaky clean image when we all know that’s just not the case. And also to my point to author who penned this garbage, he indicates sexual assault is nothing but a myth. Again here we are 5 years later and he couldn’t be more wrong. You can read the other comments for proof of that. Instead of labeling my comments and calling them out at vitriol, you might think about what you chose to publish in the first place. Either way I have all the “proof” that I need that Sinclair is a crimina and deserved a punishment for worse than what he got. This article is nothing other then some former 82nd Airborne Paratrooper trying to protect one of his “boys”. All the while compromising his integrity and decency. You truly should be ashamed of yourselves.

  2. Josh on March 29, 2014 at 9:37 AM

    I enjoyed most of your article up until you called the sexually assault epidemic in the military “mythical”. I served 9 years and I assure you it is not mythical it’s a very real problem. The issue is complicated by the number of false accusations that discredit real problems but that doesn’t change the fact that they exist. I know personally several females we were forced or intimidated into sexually relationships with their seniors. When they attempted to report the issue they were ridiculed and became the victims of command retaliation.

    • George on April 3, 2014 at 2:40 PM

      No one is saying that sexual assaults don’t happen in the military. Sadly, they do — just like they happen in the civilian world. However, the military sexual assault “epidemic” really is a myth. Unfortunately, a dishonest survey was recently used to create the impression that the number of incidents has suddenly skyrocketed, and that the problem is now overwhelming.

      A close examination of that survey reveals a wide range of obvious problems with both its design and its implementation. For example, it asked respondents to include incidents that happened up to one year BEFORE they entered the military. Frankly, the survey appears to have been specifically intended to produce a result for political purposes. This is why the military sexual assault “epidemic” is now widely referred to as a myth or a scam.

      As you say, false accusations are a problem — they complicate efforts to address any real problems. We can see the impact of false claims in the Sinclair case. Based on my own personal military experience, I would add that sexual power is a two-way street, and allegations of “rank pressure for sex” are often FAR less clear-cut than they might seem. In the same way that false accusations are a serious problem, surveys that are designed to produce hysteria, are also highly counter-productive.

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