NCFM Member Gary Costanza videotapes “HeforShe” confab and Stony Brook University
This is fascinating on several levels:
- Most importantly, this video gives readers a rare inside look at a gathering about gender equality held at one of the most anti-male schools on the planet, Stony Brook University in New York.
- The video shows how the self-professed “feminist” speakers only interest in men is to exploit them to help women.
- That these ideologues answer to gender equality only involves helping women.
- That by omission gender equality apparently does not need women to step up and be responsible and accountable for their own behavior and violence against not only themselves but also men.
- That advocacy research is center stage at the cost of reality and reputable social science.
- That faulty statistics are again used to rally support for non-existent problems, like the women are only paid 77 cents for every dollar a man earns (as Warren Farrell rightly noted, if that’s true why would anyone hire a man).
- That by omission there is no mention that the Advisers helping guide Stony Brook’s Center for the Study of Men and Masculinity are radical feministswith no interest in the best interests of anyone but women.
- Then there’s the director of the Center on Men and Masculines, feminist for hire Michael Kimmel.
- Last, thank you Mr. Constanza for taking the initiative and time to sit through what must have been a trying HeforShe experience, as it was for me watching the video. Your video shows what one man truly interested in human rights and equitable treatment can do with a camera and a big set of gumption.
Thank you again Mr. Costanza!
HeforShe has virtues, especially internationally, but there’s no reason such an effort cannot be gender inclusive for the best interests of all of us.
2 Responses to NCFM Member Gary Costanza videotapes “HeforShe” confab and Stony Brook University
Tim Goldich on October 29, 2014 at 9:26 PM
Hey Gary, thanks for enduring that excruciating meeting in order to capture it on video. That’s an important document!
Howard Goldman on October 29, 2014 at 3:56 AM
Great job with the video Gary . It was very difficult being there for sure. The brainwashing of young adults into vilification of men takes place on campus. That’s what this was all about. Talk of mandtory gender classes is frightening. I’ll keep an eye out for more flyers on campus and will call you again if I see anything to attend. Maybe strategize beforehand next time.
So, um, where’s this vid?