Update of Major Martin Case at Fort Campbell
As Major “Kit” Martin approaches his court-martial on May 9th, a flurry of activity and news media attention has been brought to bear; locally and nationally.
As documented in our earlier posts about this case, there was the issue of the murder of a predominate defense witness, and two others in Pembroke Kentucky. The witness, has been identified as Calvin Phillips’ whose body was discovered on November 19th after local authorities discovered two bodies in a burning vehicle just minutes prior. The other two murder victims have been positively identified as Calvin Phillips’ wife; Pam Phillips and next door neighbor Ed Dansereau.
Local Nashville Channel 4 Investigative Reporter Jeremy Finley recently documented and revealed a number of details and facts that suggest that Major Martin’s, now convicted felon ex-bigamist-wife; Joan Adele Harmon, aka Joan Adele Harmon-Guerra, had primary motive to murder Calvin Phillips.[1] [2] The two, six-minute prime time news reports are linked below.
When asked by reporter Jeremy Finley why she pleaded guilty to a felony count of Bigamy in Christian County, her disingenuous and false response was that she had no choice as she could not afford an attorney.
As the snippet below from the official Christian County certified court document reveals, Joan Harmon, was represented by privately retained Attorney Brandi Jones, of the Fleming Law Group and Mediation Center of Springfield Tennessee, which she paid for.
Court records show she rejected an initial offer for no jail time if she plead out, but turned it down. It appears she delayed the guilty plea until she was actually facing trial. Testimony at last September’s Article 37 Unlawful Command Influence & Prosecutorial Misconduct hearing by Christian County Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney, Katherine Garber-Foster, reveals that the Army had some influence in the process so she would not be discredited as a convicted felon, a “bigamist,” when she testified at Major Martin‘s military trial.
Joan-Harmon-Guerra may be a pathological liar, a term not used lightly here. During the course of our investigation we have documented numerous lies by her, to include a video of a court hearing where she was caught lying and coaching one or more of her children to lie. Testimony from a Kentucky Legal Aid attorney that she overheard Joan’s kids in a nearby waiting room discussing their potential testimony, was one of many factors that resulted in the judge’s decision to deny Harmon-Guerra a restraining order, ruling that “the petitioner was not credible and that the petitioner tampered with witnesses to testify falsely.”
The news reports and sources close to the case show that private investigators working for Major Martin’s defense team conducted an in depth recorded interview with Calvin Phillips two weeks before his murder. The recordings; snippets of which appear in the Channel 4 broadcast reveal that his bigamist ex-wife never told Calvin Phillips that she was ever abused, raped, or sodomized as she claims.
What also came out in the broadcasts was a document provided by Fort Campbell JAG attorneys in which they acknowledge Calvin Phillips and Joan Adele Harmon-Guerra had an extra-marital sexual affair while she was still illegally married to Major Martin. She denied having an affair with Phillips during the Channel 4 interview.
Official Fort Campbell court records show that local police officer Mark Goforth walked into Phillip’s warehouse in Pembroke while Phillips and Joan were having sex, sometime in February 2012; about six months before their separation. At least two other witnesses confirmed their extra-marital sexual affair.
The evidence is overwhelming that Joan Adele Harmon-Guerra; while still legally married to another man in Tennessee, and while illegally married to Major Martin in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, was having an extra-marital sexual affair with Calvin Phillips in the Commonwealth of Kentucky — a double or triple illegal sexual marital affair which according to Joan Harmon-Guerra didn’t happen? Is anyone confused yet?
In the Channel 4 News broadcasts, Reporter Jeremy Finley revealed that investigators working for Major Martin’s defense team, sent a lengthy email to the Hopkinsville Police Department Crime Stoppers, who had made it known that they were offering a $1,000 reward for information about the homicides.[3]
This email contained information discovered by investigators that established Joan Harmon-Guerra’s motive for wanting Calvin Phillips dead; specifically, Phillips was going to out her and “blow the lid” off of her contraption of lies.
Here are some snippets of the information sent to Hopkinsville Police Department Officer Paul Ray. Virtually all included witness statements were and are backed up with audio recordings.
Major Martin’s defense and investigatory team established substantial evidence pointing to Joan Harmon-Guerra and Calvin Phillips conspiring against Major Martin.
Regardless, Fort Campbell JAG prosecutors Major Jacob Bashore and Major James Garrett are determined to prosecute Major Martin, even though they know or should know that their only living witness to the fabricated charges, Joan-Harmon Guerra, may have murdered or caused to be murdered one of their other star witnesses, Calvin Phillips. Keep in mind, Phillips would have destroyed the Army’s case by turning against bigamist Joan-Harmon-Guerra. And, there would be no charges against Major Martin without Joan-Harmon-Guerra’s vicious vengeance and retaliation against him for telling her he wanted a divorce.
Besides the extensive coverage by Investigative Reporter and Author Bob McCarty, who has nearly two dozen articles and videos on his site,[4] the highly respected military blog; “Military Corruption dot com[5],” has posted a hard-hitting article after conducting their own investigation.
The Department of Defense, Office of Inspector General forwarded a letter to Major Martin addressed to NCFM and dated March 21st confirming his Whistleblower complaint and investigation is ongoing. The investigation has been expanded to include the Army’s Under Secretary of Defense. A snippet of that letter appears below.

Major General Mark (“Hammer”) Stammer
Major General Mark Stammer (left) was Acting Commander at the time charges against Major Martin were conceived by the Army. Stammer is one of the prime subjects in the Department of Defense, Office of Inspector General’s investigation. Stammer is known as “Hammer Stammer” or “Stammer the Hammer.” Hopefully, that will change to “Stammer in the Slammer,” as in maximum security prison Fort Leavenworth .
Overwhelming evidence shows the Army’s persecution of Major Martin is tantamount to a proverbial witch hunt at the behest of now Major General Mark Stammer. We hope all of our efforts along with the Inspector General’s investigation and involvement of the Under Secretary of the Army, result in Stammer’s censure, if not courts-martial. Such a courts-martial would bring to light the politically correct interference that turns generals against their own troops and their oath of service.
The Internet and various advocacy groups, Facebook pages and organizations that deal with the sexual assault witch hunt, primarily involving persecutions of male service members are rife with examples, court cases, and case-law decisions of disingenuous and dishonest military commanders who trample on the backs of the service members they command, in a self-serving way to curry favor with the Senate and House Armed Services Committees to get the “wink-wink, good job” congressional nod for promotion, or to protect their careers or pensions.
The innocent, the wrongly accused and the wrongly convicted are collateral damage, acceptable loses, as long as they are men, in the nonexistent mythical sexual assault hysteria in the military.
[1] http://www.wsmv.com/story/31841231/recording-of-victim-2-weeks-before-murders-reveals-connections-to-person-of-interest
[2] http://www.wsmv.com/story/31853178/person-of-interest-in-triple-murder-said-victim-was-to-be-his-star-witness-in-court-martial
[3] https://www.facebook.com/Hopkinsville-Christian-County-Crime-Stoppers-204071072957832/?fref=nf
[4] http://bobmccarty.com/category/military-justice/major-kit-martin/
[5] http://www.militarycorruption.com/kitmartin.htm
General Mark Stammer’s Unlawful Command Influence. Public statements by General Mark Stammer show his flawed stance on allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault, in an interview he emphasized, “Sexual harassment and sexual assault are inconsistent with Army values and are not going to be tolerated here at Ft. Campbell. In a meeting with Ft. Campbell leaders, General Stammer said,
“If the assault occurs in military jurisdiction, I prefer it to stay there. I have absolute trust, faith, and confidence in the chain of command and our judges that they will address these issues fairly and timely. The Commander, at whatever level, is the leader he is singularly responsible not a prosecutor, not someone on the periphery, not a staff adviser, him and him alone I am going to hold him personally accountable for doing his job. He is not going to have an excuse.”
At Fort Campbell, by order of General Stammer’s Policy Letter 7, any allegation of domestic violence directs commanders to take negative actions against accused Soldiers with no evidence required. Among other things, it directs commanders to issue a military protective order against the soldier, move the soldier to the barracks, require them to turn in their private weapons, and consider separation from service. Commanders also contact social workers, Family Advocacy Program (FAP), trial counsel prosecutors, victim advocate program, and other agencies based on just one unconfirmed allegation.