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NCFM Member and Director of Intact Kenya, Kennedy Owino, Migori County Condemns Mass Male Circumcision

February 13, 2017


NCFM NOTE: NCFM has been helping Kennedy for several years by posting information about his courageous efforts in Kenya and providing some financial support which has allowed him to buy promotional materials and defray travel expenses.  We will continue doing so since his cause is just and he is accomplishment oriented. If you are an NCFM member your support helped Kennedy save lives. Excellent work Mr. Owino. A school teacher attending one of Kennedy’s presentations explained that…

The circumcisers have always given him money in the form of bribery so that he could release as many boys possible for circumcision.

One has to wonder if the “circumcisers” sold the foreskins for research or making perfume and facial creme. Various internet sources claim one foreskin can be worth $100,000. We often wonder if circumcisers are not really reseller harvesters. It appears this school teacher unwittingly facilitated several millions of dollars in foreskins. We’re guessing that if the foreskins of the boys the teacher sent for circumcision were mutilated by reselling harvesters that all the boys received for their body parts was pain.

Migori County Condemns Mass Male Circumcision

By Kennedy Owino

On Monday 19th December 2016, I arrived in Migori town early enough to take a permit from the Migori County Environment office. The three men and two women who were in the office at that moment were surprised to hear that we were seeking a permit to hold an anti-circumcision event, something they were shocked to know about because they were hearing this for the first time. I invited them to attend our event which was scheduled to take place on the following day (Tuesday 20th December 2016). It was in this environment office where I first heard about giving a bribery to people so that they attend an event. In Migori County the this money for bribery is popularly known as “allowance.”

A few minutes later, I went to the office of the assistant chief of Oruba sub-location, Mr. Charles Ouma. The chief was hosting the event in his Sub-location at the Onyinjo Grounds in front of the ODM office in Migori town. We walked with the chief informing people about the event requesting them to attend and learn more about how dangerous it is to promote VMMC. As expected, people were shocked but they said they would attend.

The chief didn’t send anybody to be the master of ceremony as we had agreed with him earlier. The chief arrived at around 3pm when we were nearing the end of our ceremony. When given a chance to speak, he said that he cannot assist in taking legal action against those who are circumcising children in his administrative unit of Oruba Sub-location because according to him circumcision was introduced by the government as a policy and he cannot go against any policy that is being implemented by the government. He ended up announcing to the audience about unclaimed identity cards idling in his office, yet he knew that we organised the event against mass MALE GENITAL MUTILATION (MGM).

The chief … said that he cannot assist in taking legal action … because according to him circumcision was introduced by the government as a policy and he cannot go against any policy that is being implemented by the government.

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national coalition for men

Migori County Condemns Mass Male Circumcision

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2 Responses to NCFM Member and Director of Intact Kenya, Kennedy Owino, Migori County Condemns Mass Male Circumcision

  1. Pedro Fuentes on July 28, 2017 at 5:41 AM

    Circumcision doesn’t stop HIV
    For instance, Mozambique is one of countries with the highest HIV prevalence in adults. It’s a country where circumcision wasn’t a common practice.
    But, despite the many millions of dollars spent on preventing the spread of HIV, and having attained 63% circumcised men (age group 15 to 49) since VMMC implementation programs in a few years, the disease is continuing to advance in Mozambique.

    May 2017 Mozambique News

    1. Mozambique: HIV Prevalence Rate Rises in Mozambique
    Prevalência do HIV aumenta para 13,2 por cento em Moçambique

    In English

    2. Mozambique reaches 63% male circumcision threshold
    In Englis:

    The truth is that circumcision doesn’t work.
    Simply that.
    It’s only another case of white men experimenting with African people.

  2. radarman67 on February 17, 2017 at 12:39 AM

    That is sick, but it’s their custom so they don’t do it here. I am not circumcised back then they didn’t do it.

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