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NCFM transcript of Jerry Cox rape false allegation trial – BIG VICTORY FOR THE GOOD GUYS!

August 10, 2019

Jerry Cox

Here is the entire transcript of Jerry Cox’s 7/26/19 false rape accusation trial.

NCFM’s volunteer legal team took this case for a number of reasons, one being that the police and the County arrested and charged Jerry without gathering the exculpatory evidence that was right in their hands (such as cell phone texts, etc.), then dragged the criminal case on for nearly two years even when they knew he was innocent.

Now that we got the restraining order dismissed, we’re going to sue the police, the county, the receiver Mark Adams of California Receivership Group, the false accuser Ashley Harris, and others, for what appears to be their collusive violations of Jerry’s due process.

This was all part what appears to be a coordinated effort to kick Jerry off his land, rack up phony legal fees, and then steal his land for profit after destroying his successful agri-tourism business and forcing him to sell his bison herd and heavy equipment.

This case exemplifies how false accusations often snowball and destroy someone’s life even without any conviction.

NCFM stepped in when nobody else did.  The federal lawsuit will be filed soon.  Stay tuned.


Transcript of Jerry Cox’s false rape accusation trial

national coalition for men

NCFM transcript of Jerry Cox rape false allegation trial – BIG VICTORY FOR THE GOOD GUYS!

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