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NCFM, Women Industries News, Tiffany Carr $750K per year to run domestic violence programs

February 14, 2020

Tiffany Carr

Another Example of Glutenous Greed in Domestic Violence Programs – Florida DV CEO Under Investigation for $750K+ Salary


Over the years, NCFM has reported on a number of examples of excess and greed in how taxpayer funds are being misused for domestic violence programs and shelters.

Tiffany Carr, the CEO of the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence, (FCADV) the primary Florida agency that oversees and disperses federal and state taxpayer dollars to various DV programs and shelters across the state, is under investigation.

Here is a 2004 photo of Tiffany Carr.  Perhaps she is gesturing how large her paycheck is.

Tiffany Carr

Numerous news organizations (linked below) are reporting that an investigation of Carr has been launched by Governor Ron DeSantis’ Office, who issued a statement in part.

“…the governor’s office received deeply disturbing information regarding the organization’s practices over the past several years.’’  â€śThese practices include exorbitant compensation payouts, abuse of state dollars, withholding of information, and breach of public trust.”

Various news reports reveal that Carr’s annual salary of $761,560 is being scrutinized including pay raises totaling $313,475 over a two-year period.

News stories reveal that the FCADV reports that Carr has income beyond her base salary of $761,560, including an additional $40,050 in deferred compensation and benefits, $105,000 in an unusual supplemental retirement plan, but it was not clear whether this $105K was part of her annual base salary.  Over the past six years, the FCADV reported Carr received between $40,000 and $130,000 annually as part of that retirement plan, totaling $540,000.

The Miami Herald searched property records which revealed that Carr and her husband own three houses: one in Tallahassee, a waterfront home in Port St. Joe, and a Macon County, N.C., home in the mountains of the Nantahala National Forest. The Port St. Joe and North Carolina homes were both purchased in the past five years.

Additionally, it has been reported that in a four-year time period, Carr received an additional $5 million in unauthorized paid time off.

Carr stepped down from the job in July of 2018 after an in-depth joint investigation by the Miami Herald and the Tampa Bay Times.  At the time, she claimed that she had a “significant health diagnosis.”  Whether that is true or not is still yet to be determined but isn’t it strange that she stepped down once local news agencies reported on this excess.

It has also been reported that current officials from the FCADV have stymied and ignored requests from various government officials looking into them.

Florida House of Representatives member Tom Leek, R-Daytona Beach has been very vocal on the issue of the intentional delay by the FCADV and it’s Board who dumped 104,000 documents on the House Public Integrity & Ethics Committee, of which Leek is the Chairman within the past 48 hours.

Representative Leek, stated

“…after months of delay, the FCADV “dumped 104,000 documents on us late Wednesday afternoon after the resignations of its staff and withdrawal of its attorney.”

He added,

“I’m a little stymied here this appears to be more than a breach of the public trust. This, in fact, may be criminal.  The only sensible thing this board has done is to lawyer up.”

A basic Google search of the FCADV and a look at their website reveal the usual language of a domestic violence agency,

“… empowering women and children…”

“… controlling you with “that certain look in his eyes” or certain gestures…”

“… an estimated 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year…” ….. no mention of male DV victims… hmmm?

Tiffany Carr

NCFM conducted an extensive review of their website and while much of their language was gender neutral, we were unable to see any references to male victims of domestic violence, and all photos suggesting DV victims were female.

So, we have once again, a domestic violence agency that seemingly only projects the false narrative that only women are DV victims and only men are perpetrators.

So, we have once again, another in a long list of CEO’s or heads of DV agencies or programs receiving exorbitant salaries and benefit packages.

So, we have once again, a scenario where the exorbitantly paid CEO steps down or resigns once the excess is reported in the news.

So, once it is exposed in the news media, various domestic violence agencies under investigation attempt to thwart, delay, and ignore government officials conducting inquiries.

About a half billion taxpayer grant dollars are dispersed every year, all over the country, by the Department of Justice and under the auspices of the Violence Against Women Act.  And while the DOJ and its various sub agencies have Inspector Generals, it took diligent investigative work of journalists to expose this level of glutenous greed before the State of Florida acted.

A half billion dollars up for grabs with little to no oversight or accountability.  What could go wrong?  With such a large carrot being dangled, there are bound to be cretins, in various forms, crawling out from under rocks to take a bite.

One can only wonder how many female and male victims of domestic violence were turned away, not served or were unable to get a shelter bed?

Perhaps Tiffany Carr might offer to house a few in one of her three luxurious homes.  A mountain retreat and a waterfront home should provide a soothing solace.  That is providing that the government doesn’t seize those properties, and Mrs. Carr might also relocate to another residence,,, one which requires the wearing of an orange jumpsuit.


national coalition for men

NCFM, Women Industries News, Tiffany Carr $750K per year to run domestic violence programs

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4 Responses to NCFM, Women Industries News, Tiffany Carr $750K per year to run domestic violence programs

  1. Crazy Chester on March 5, 2020 at 8:40 AM

    “Another Example of Glutenous Greed”
    It seems to imply maybe the target of the article really, really, enjoys cheap white bread rather than the greed implied by “gluttonous”
    Just read another article here where a lengthy paragraph was inserted twice.
    I love the meat of the content, but there seems to be a need for more editorial oversight before publication, even if they are solely web based articles and opinions.

  2. Cathy E Butler on February 29, 2020 at 9:33 AM

    There is a hotline in Tallahassee for anyone who has information concerning the abuse of Shelters and this Organization during what is expected to be a couple of years of investigation. If you feel you have been abused by this system or have insights contact 1-800-543-5353

    • NCFM on February 29, 2020 at 12:30 PM


      Thank you for the information. Please keep us updated.

  3. Dr. Philip Hadlock on February 14, 2020 at 3:02 PM

    Ms. Carr truly embodies the radical excesses and injustices of this nation’s misguided views on domestic violence and refusal to reassess its priorities such that all individuals–regardless of gender identity–receive equal protection.

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