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NCFM Board Member Fred Sottile, I Need A Little Help with Men’s Rights

September 24, 2020

what don't you understandI Need A Little Help with Men’s Rights by Fred Sottile

There is a lot of talk, still in 2020, about women’s rights. You’d think the issue would have been addressed enough by now. After all, women compose more than half of college enrollment, have equal pay for equal work and any job they like, spend more money than men, are home owners, and disproportionately have primary custody of children.

Women’s rights have been the squeaky wheel of the last fifty years, and that wheel has been greased to the point of dripping on the street.

It seems only fair, at this point, to humbly ask, what do men need? There have been areas of society where women have been handed the short end of the stick. The same is true for men. Men and women used to die at the same age. Now men of the same race die an average of seven years sooner than women. Why is that? You know the list of the short end of the stick for men. Men die in war protecting women at a rate of a hundred to one. Men commit suicide more than women at a rate of five to one. Women inherit from men more than men inherit from women. Women, because of their longer life collect more social security than men, yet pay at the same rate. Finishing this list is what I need help with. (I hate ending a sentence with a preposition, but this article not meant as an academic treatise, it’s supposed to be chatty)

So this is where I need the help.

Men’s Rights? Let’s elaborate. I propose that we do this subject together. I will kick it off. I will begin the list with the hope that you as the reader will improve this article until it is comprehensive. Read the list and add to it. Correct it. Fine tune it. Give citations if you are the type that needs them. I welcome your input.

Each month I will add your input and publish the improved article.

Health Care

There is more money allotted for breast cancer than for prostate cancer.

Women spend more money on medical care than men. Do men subsidize women’s health care?


There is a Federal department that addresses the needs of women. Is there a similar department for men?

There is a Congressional Caucus for women. Is there a similar caucus for men?

Family Law

The average child custody dispute results in fathers getting an average of thirty present of the time. This is less than one third. Is this what we want? Why is this?

Work Environment

Men seem to do all the jobs that are dirty, difficult, and dangerous. Does that seem fair? A woman told me to give her a hundred bucks, and she would do anything I asked. I gave her the money and told her to paint my house. She said, “Not Funny.”What kind of woman was that?


Men seem to do all the jobs that are dirty, difficult and dangerous. Does it seem like a trend is developing?


Pandering to the “fair sex” starts in elementary school. Little girls are inclined to sit and listen. That is the typical classroom format. Little boys need to move around and learn by looking, not listening. We all know this, yet schools are still formatted for little girls.

As puberty hits, girls mature earlier than boys. Boy’s natural sex drive must be subdued, while young women are allowed, and in fact encouraged, to display their sexual software, adding to the distraction and frustration of boys. Hello.

In college this disparity of hormonal differences is only increased. Women are protected from the advances of men, but men are not protected from the fancies of women.

This continues in the work world. Women are allowed to be provocative, yet provocation by men is often regarded as harassment or even rape. Women who desire attention from the cautious men only turn up the provocation until it becomes problematic. Women have created an environment where hiring them is often a path to trouble. Even many women I’ve talked to don’t want this, yet it’s the way it is today. Who really wants this? Why are they in charge? Harassment in the workplace; no one wants that. Having your life destroyed in the workplace; no one wants that even more.


We have DNA tests. If the child is not yours, why are you forced by law to give money to its mother? Scam, Scam, Scam!

So this is the beginning of the effort. Let’s make a definitive list. With the list, we can track our progress. I say, men’s issues have not just been ignored; they have been poo pooed for decades. I think we need a score card. I really do. I am tired of “The Dialog.” I want measureable results. Women have made great strides. The job of “empowering” women was dirty, difficult, and dangerous so men really helped. Now I believe that women with their advanced degrees should see the value and fairness in helping men. Ladies, show us that you can do any job a man can do and fix this inequity, or is it too much for you, and we’ll have to do it ourselves?

Either way, ladies and gentlemen, please improve my crude start with your productive comments. I’m sure you’re better at this than I, so show me your expertise. Make it right.

national coalition for men

NCFM Board Member Fred Sottile, I Need A Little Help with Men’s Rights

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5 Responses to NCFM Board Member Fred Sottile, I Need A Little Help with Men’s Rights

  1. Jim on October 10, 2020 at 7:25 PM

    Women got this far because they’ve been ambitious in pursuing their goals.
    Men have been unsuccessful because most have been lazy(for 60 years)
    There you have it – in a nutshell.

    • Acid Kritana on January 20, 2021 at 6:53 PM


      People care for women more.

      The women-are-wonderful effect.

      The Gentleman’s Code.


      And more.

      Are all designed to put women first.

      This creates a culture that, even though Men’s Rights has existed since AT LEAST 1856, feminism has gone much farther.

      Because people tend not to care about men.

      However, I have noticed Gen Z be much more accepting of Men’s Rights than previous generations, which I will look at more in one of my articles.

      If you would like, once I am done with it, I can give you the link.

      Have a nice day.

  2. Dr Junaid Farooqui on October 3, 2020 at 12:04 PM

    Let me add to this fellows why in any disaster or in emergency children and women rescued first? I totally understand about children, but it is because men’s life is less valuable ?
    If police is called due to family dispute and if there is a need to be cooldown phase and some one need to be out of residence t police always ask man to leave even it is clearly a woman s fault

  3. Brady Quigley on September 24, 2020 at 8:23 AM

    You left out car insurance, and conscription. Also why do men feel the need to protect women at all cost? Is this a form of outdated chivalry that teaches boys they are lesser and disposable? Why is it so hard to get rid of double standards in society if the genders are truly equal? (Boys can’t hit girls, but girls can hit boys?). Also the 67% difference in sentencing for exact crimes? I’m closing why are people so afraid to admit that 80% of suicides are men? I am heating a lot more lately about Suicide awareness, but they never talk about 8/10 being men? Why is this so taboo?

  4. Karsten schuh on September 24, 2020 at 5:44 AM

    I really like the idea and maybe we should have a website just for that. I can add so much here
    – violence against men. Why is it still acceptable to abuse men while women get the p$$$$ pass? The only violence in my life I experienced through women. The executive (cops) and legislative are just tribling down on her abuse and they are systematically used as tools or big brother by women. It’s disgusting to say the least and it’s 2020.
    – dating. Most of the dating still looks like before the equality. Men still pay and organize while she joins in. Even if one has kids and she never and probably even makes more money. It just takes time and money away from my children while she probably just slept in and relaxed.
    – relationships seem to be more used as social security to tetire or their chance to do hobbies by women. I have yet to meet the woman that doesn’t expect the guy to take care of her and they all say they are independent and don’t need a man. It’s literally like his money is our money and her money is hers. Over time it’s creeping in where he pays for all important and she is contributing by buying the groceries sometimes. The female Plantage.

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