As it has done many times in the past, feminism means to turn a legitimate men’s issue into an illegitimate women’s issue. This time, it would reframe a devastating weapon that women all too often wield against men into yet another way in which *women* are the victims. It begins by discrediting a well-known and deeply established gender reality. According to the kids themselves, “Moms are almost five times as likely to badmouth dads as dads are moms.” [Farrell, Warren, Ph.D., Father and Child Reunion: How to Bring the Dads We Need to the Children We Love (New York: Penguin Putnam Inc., 2001) p.48.]
In theory, divorce law prohibits parental alienation. In practice . . .
“I called my ex-wife Thursday to see what time I could pick my daughter up for the weekend,” said Ben. “She laughed and hung up.” Robert nodded knowingly. “My wife took my kids to Florida in April,” he said. “I’m not even sure where they are.” “I know where my son is,” said Tom. “He lives with his mother not more than five minutes from my house. I haven’t had any time with him in almost a year. I took him to a ball game just after he turned seven. We had a great time. A couple of days later, my ex convinced a judge that the kid didn’t want to see me anymore. My lawyer and I have been to court I don’t know how many times trying to get a judge to let me see my son or at least talk to him. We keep getting turned down.” Tom’s voice cracked. “She’s teaching the kid to hate me,” he said. “And I don’t even know why.” [Leving, Jeffery M., Fathers’ Rights: Hard-hitting & Fair Advice for Every Father Involved in a Custody Dispute (New York: BasicBooks/A division of HarperCollins Publishers, 1997) pp.xiii-xiv.] If these feminists get their way, this devastating parental alienation will no longer be prohibited, won’t even be acknowledged to exist (except as a weapon used against women).
With supreme irony, the same feminists who managed to get Sexual Harassment legally defined as whatever a woman subjectively feels it to be, now go all “scientific” on us:
“Parental alienation has never been verified as scientifically proven, which demonstrates its dangerousness and the senselessness of its use in the courts. . . . The theory of parental alienation has proved to be a misogynistic procedural weapon over the years: “theoretically gender-neutral, it is clear to us that it’s very frequently used against women,” said Reem Alsalem, UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women.”
But what else can we expect of the data and conclusions drawn from all these “Females United for Making the World Perfect for Women and Girls (Men and Boys be damned)” organizations? Of course, the UN Commission on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) will come to a “men have the power and women are the victims” conclusion.
Accountability sans compassion for men; compassion sans accountability for women: it’s breathtaking to see how low feminism will stoop to further its agenda.
– Tim Goldich…/un-commission-on-the…/
My son is currently in a custody battle, where the wife after 16 years of marriage with no violence whatsoever, weekly attendance at church for 16 years, upstanding citizen in the community for years, has criminalized my son to gain advantage in the divorce action. The Orange Beach police arrested him for a felony for taking scissors from a business he built out the space personally, owned, incorporated and helped build for years, on the word of his then-filing for divorce wife. She claimed an amount of value way above the cost or what was logically understood. Obviously, the municipal judge, the city , head of high crimes division tried to put him in prison for 3 years. He had to wear an ankle monitor for approximately 4 months which encouraged the divorce judge to restrict visitation of his children. He went from full time very involved father to two hours a week in a courthouse if she wanted to. Sometimes it was 12-16 days in between visits. He has been arrested 6-7 times on trumped up charges. Did I mention the soon to be ex wife cuts the Mayor of Orange Beach’s hair every 3 weeks for 16 years. My son handles multi-million dollar clients to regular homeowner real estate transactions along the gulf coast of Alabama. He has had to sign transactions in jail. His ex wife threatened to “ruin him” and he’s lost many business relationships and clients from the city and county misappropriation of their power. Luckily, we appeared in the felony action before a judge that dismissed even finding probable cause despite testimony from prompted Orange Beach police.
But Orange Beach continues even today to try to arrest my son for trumped up BS the wife continues to be able to manipulate. She’s a control freak and had my son put me out of their lives and my grandchildren 3 years ago. I also was a victim of this 1, 2, 3 step of criminalization in order to win divorces. I’m 5’ and my ex was 6’1” and he got a pfa against me and proceeded to divorce and criminalize me but Elberta police would not participate. However, this same county divorce judge awarded my ex $2,000,000 and me $300,000
We are no “Johnny Depp” case but this area has been crooked since the 80’s. I worked for the ex Judge of Orange Beach and saw many, many illegal activities including sexual harassment from this judge and mayor. I witnessed them fixing cases, IRS evasion of income taxes, etc. Never dreaming I would be the target of their misuse of office and position.
Everyone in the community is aware of how crooked it is, has been and continues to be. We are on our 10th month of this crap and as a desperate mother pleading for a tortured child, I solicit anything you could do to investigate or bring light to these horrible injustices in this municipality and county divorce judges.
Thank you for any consideration and support you can offer.
Unfortunately, we are going through an administrative realignment and cannot take on any more projects.