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NCFM Member Earl Fibish Title iV-D Child Support DOGE Letter

March 23, 2025

NCFM NOTE: Mr. Fibish activism is activism you can easily do. Send your letter to and .


Dear Congressional DOGE Caucus:

Please defund Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. This addition to the Social Security Act provides matching federal funds to state child support programs.

As such, it incentives state courts to impose maximum child support awards against non-custodial parents, which are very often fathers that have ended up in divorce courts.

This addition has also seen to it that second wives of divorced fathers, and grandparents of the children of divorce have had their income and bank accounts garnished to pay child support to custodial mothers.

Maximum child support collections are “justified” by minimizing custody time of the divorced fathers.

You may have heard that children deprived of their father’s contact (and love) experience far poorer outcomes than children of intact families: the children of single-mother households are far more likely to become juvenile delinquents and adult criminals; drop out of school; become incarcerated; experience teen pregnancies; abuse drugs and alcohol; and commit suicide.

Maximum child support awards are also obtained by looking at the divorced father’s “imputed income” – what the judge thinks the man SHOULD be making, instead of his actual income. As a result of these injustices, laid-off computer programmers that have had to obtain employment at big-box retail stores have found that 70-80% of their income is garnished to pay child support.

The men that experience this willful failure of the judiciary often have to sleep in their cars, and eat at soup kitchens.

That being the case, it becomes easy to see why divorced men experience an 8-fold increase in their suicide risk. (For divorced women, their suicide risk remains unchanged. These were the findings of Augustine Kposawa).

Through the power of the internet, men know the difficult or catastrophic outcomes that await them if they marry, and then end up divorced. (And, women initiate the vast majority of divorces; and a primary reason is that they feel “unfulfilled”,).  As a result, marriage rates and child-bearing rates are both now at record low levels.

The effects on this on the larger society will also be catastrophic. Social Security may go away soon, as far more people are drawing from the system than paying into it. There will be far fewer people available to care for aging adults. Fewer people also means that far fewer goods and services are produced in the economy.

(For further discussion of this issue, please see the 1-hour video showing a conversation between Tom Golden, Professor Stephen Baskerville, and a man that used to work in the child support enforcement system. It is the fifth video down from the top of this page):

In summary, Title IV-D is an egregious waste of taxpayer funds, and produces a host of social ills and civil rights and human rights violations for divorced fathers, second wives of divorced fathers, grandparents of children of divorce, and the broader society. Thank you very much.

national coalition for men

NCFM Member Earl Fibish Title iV-D Child Support DOGE Letter

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