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NCFM quoted in Associated Press re victory for battered men in WV

October 8, 2009
NCFM quoted in Associated Press re victory for battered men in WV

Judge: W.Va. shelter rules biased against men By: P.J. DICKERSCHEID Associated Press 10/08/09 10:15 AM PDT Excerpts: “The West Virginia legal challenge is among a growing number of battles being waged across the country by groups that allege state laws requiring gender-neutral programs are skewed by discriminatory rules and regulations that embrace gender biases. ...
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NCFM in Examiner: “Praxis International Encourages Domestic Violence”

September 24, 2009

Trudy Schuett mentions NCFM’s work in her fantastic article in the Examiner about how Amanda McCormick of Praxis International apparently made a position statement on behalf of Praxis when she said she knows “alot of men who deserve to be beaten” during her keynote address at the annual conference of the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic...
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NCFM Sends Letter Confronting Amanda McCormick’s Hypocritical Support of Violence Against Men

September 23, 2009
NCFM Sends Letter Confronting Amanda McCormick’s Hypocritical Support of Violence Against Men

In 9/09, a male victim of domestic violence reported to NCFM that on 9/14/09 he attended the Washington State Domestic Violence Coalition conference and was extremely offended when the keynote speaker, Amanda McCormick of Praxis International, said some men “deserve to be beaten.”  NCFM sent Praxis the following and will make additional complaints, and we encourage others to take action as well.;...
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NCFM Thanked by D.A. Who Removes Sex Biased DV “Facts” from Police Training Video

July 1, 2009

NCFM’s San Diego Chapter, though NCFM President Harry Crouch, recently succeeded in getting the San Diego District Attorney to remove false, gender-biased material from their new police training video on domestic violence, such as the myth that domestic violence is primarily male-on-female and is a leading cause of death for women.  The story, including a letter from the District Attorney thanking NCFM,...
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NCFM VP Marc Angelucci’s article “Rihanna-Brown incident an example of double standards in attitudes toward partner abuse” published in L.A. Wave

March 19, 2009

L.A. Wave Newspaper, which focuses on the African-American community in Los Angeles, prints op ed by NCFM board member: “Rihanna-Brown incident an example of double standards in attitudes toward partner abuse.” “If anything can be learned from the recent violence between Chris Brown and Rihanna, it is the sheer double standard that male victims...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Los Angeles, National, Uncategorized | No Comments »

NCFM participates in historic domestic violence conference in Sacramento

February 19, 2008
NCFM participates in historic domestic violence conference in Sacramento

On February 15 and 16, 2008, NCFM participated in and helped support a historic, groundbreaking domestic violence conference in Sacramento, California with leading domestic violence experts and speakers from around the world.  The conference was a huge success and was standing room only.  The California Attorney General and California Judicial Council were there along with probation departments, judges,...
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NCFM-LA protests exemption of “able-bodied males” from ban on slavery by International Labour Organization

February 19, 2008

On February 19, 2008, NCFM-LA sent the following letter to the International Labour Organization: VIA CERTIFIED MAIL February 19, 2008 Mr. Juan Somavia Director-General International Labour Organization Route des Morillons 4 CH-1211 Geneva 22 SWITZERLAND Dear Mr. Somavia, The National Coalition of Free Men (“NCFM”) is a nonprofit organization that looks at the ways...
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