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Nikita Coulombe

NCFM Member Nikita Coulombe, 20 Studies That Show How Women Do Not Support Other Women

November 19, 2018

I collected these studies in one place because women talk a lot about supporting other women but when it comes down to it, women often undermine each other in insidious ways. That women in general cannot seem to get along with other women in the long-term has been one of the great disappointments of...
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Posted in Dating, Differences Between Men and Women, Nikita Coulombe | No Comments »

NCFM Member Nikita Coulombe, We Think Women Are Better People, But They’re Not

November 17, 2016
NCFM Member Nikita Coulombe, We Think Women Are Better People, But They’re Not

We Think Women Are Better People, But They’re Not By Nikita Coulombe   … and no women ever invented life-saving antibiotics, electricity, or the printing press. Seems women haven’t invented very many things at all — men are listed as the primary inventor in more than 9 out of 10 patents, and the top patent classes where...
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Posted in Differences Between Men and Women, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Nikita Coulombe, War Against Men | 1 Comment »

NCFM Member Nikita Coulombe, “Re-thinking the midlife crisis”

April 16, 2016
NCFM Member Nikita Coulombe, “Re-thinking the midlife crisis”

Re-thinking the midlife crisis I was recently chatting with a friend of mine who not only as a highly successful company, but has a non-profit where he gets to pursue one of his passions. To many, these factors alone would put him in the “made it” category of life. To top it off, he’s...
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Posted in Authors, Mid-life crisis, Nikita Coulombe, Sex drive | 1 Comment »

NCFM Member Nikita Clulombe on “Masks and Tiaras: How Princess and Superhero Culture Reinforce Sex as a Commodity and Male Disposability”

March 16, 2016
NCFM Member Nikita Clulombe on “Masks and Tiaras: How Princess and Superhero Culture Reinforce Sex as a Commodity and Male Disposability”

  Masks and Tiaras: How Princess and Superhero Culture Reinforce Sex as a Commodity and Male Disposability How much would you say the media influences how you see yourself? If you’re like most people, you’d probably say “not that much.” I know I want to feel that way. But how can we be sure?...
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Posted in Differences Between Men and Women, Discrimination Against Males, Elite, Equal Rights Amend, Feminism, Male Disposability, Men's Rights Movement, MGTOW, Nikita Coulombe, Supremist, War Against Men | 2 Comments »