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Fatherlessness on a grand scale – an open letter to Julia Gillard on the 2011 Family Violence bill

December 1, 2011
Fatherlessness on a grand scale – an open letter to Julia Gillard on the 2011 Family Violence bill

I would just like to thank Fathers4Equality for all the information and support your group has made available to me over the years, especially during the times when I felt completely dissolutioned and abandoned by the family law system in this country.  Despite the hardships along the way, and for the one year when...
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Posted in Child Abuse, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Divorce, Domestic Abuse/Violence, False Allegations DV, International, Legislation Bad, Politicians International, Radical, Shameful, Supremist, Women Organizations | 3 Comments »

“Learnt Sexism”, London School of Economics, discrimination against men, and more evidence of feminist brainwashing

November 12, 2011
“Learnt Sexism”, London School of Economics, discrimination against men, and more evidence of feminist brainwashing

Hi NCFM! Press release: Friday, November 4th, 2011: UK student activist Tom Martin interviews clueless university students about “Learnt Sexism” and discrimination against men. Tom Martin, the man suing the London School of Economics (LSE) for discrimination against men in one of its gender studies Masters degrees, appears in a new video asking LSE...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Education, Employment, International, Progress, Schools Colleges and Universities, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Victim Mentality | 5 Comments »

NCFM Baja, Mexico Liaison Robert Yourell reports that more men favor abortion in Baja, but by a small margin

November 1, 2011
NCFM Baja, Mexico Liaison Robert Yourell reports that more men favor abortion in Baja, but by a small margin

By Robert Yourell NCFM Liaison Baja, Mexico  Legalized abortion in Mexico? Mexico has been no paradise for those advocating legalized abortion. A recent poll (details below) tells us that less than 10% in Baja California would permit abortion in case of rape or threat to the mother’s health. Abortion is illegal everywhere except Mexico...
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Posted in Health Boys, Health Children, Health Girls, Health Men, Health Women, International, Mexico, Robert Yourell | No Comments »

Media focus on rapes and other female miseries while ignoring male executions, worked-to-death laborers, tortured prisoners, and nine-year-old boy soldiers trained to kill and be killed.

October 24, 2011
Media focus on rapes and other female miseries while ignoring male executions, worked-to-death laborers, tortured prisoners, and nine-year-old boy soldiers trained to kill and be killed.

The Global Victim by Tim Goldich President, NCFM Chicago Chapter An excerpt from Tim’s new book  Loving Men Respecting Women Rape of Man It is overwhelming enough to try and grasp gender reality here in our own culture without presuming to understand gender reality within foreign cultures that are alien to us. Convincing the...
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Posted in Conscription, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Forced Labor, Government Programs for Women, International, Military, Myths, Sexism, Shameful, Tim Goldich, Victim Rights | 14 Comments »