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NCFM in Aviation News Objecting to Nippon Airlines’ Sex Discrimination, Nippon Changes Policy

February 28, 2010
By National Coalition for Men
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NCFM legal victory cited on Psychology Today blog by Dr. Linda Mills

December 16, 2009

On 12/9/09, NYU Professor Lind Mills mentioned NCFM’s legal victory for equal rights for male victims of domestic violence in her Psychology Today blog, “Embedded.” Excerpt: “That’s why it was major news last October when the National Coalition For Men successfully argued to the California Court of Appeals that state-funded
domestic violence shelters violated the...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Los Angeles, National, News | No Comments »

NCFM on WEHC Radio re Rihanna/Brown and Partner Abuse

December 9, 2009

On 12/8/09, WEHC Radio (Emory & Henry College), which airs in Virginia and D.C., hosted NCFM’s Public Relations Director, J. Steven Svoboda, for a show on domestic violence particularly in the African-American community.  Svoboda discussed the key points in NCFM’s press release on the Rihanna/Brown incident, NCFM’s work on domestic violence overall, and NCFM’s mission, history and accomplishments.  NCFM thanks the co-host, Professor Aris Winger, for...
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Posted in Action, Activities, National, News, Press Release, Washington, D.C. | No Comments »

NCFM on the national TV show “The Secret Lives of Women”

December 1, 2009

NCFM member David Woods, who was the lead plaintiff in the Woods v. Horton victory for battered men, is appearing with his attorney, NCFM member Marc Angelucci, on the national TV show “The Secret Lives on Women” on the WE channel on 12/1/09 and again on 12/22 and 12/29.  The episode is called “Husband Beaters.” Husband Beaters...
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NCFM News Release calling on fair coverage of Rihanna/Brown

November 5, 2009
NCFM News Release calling on fair coverage of Rihanna/Brown

National Coalition For Men Internet: Company Information : National Coalition For Men P.O. Box 41291 Los Angeles, CA 90041 USA Ph. (818) 907-9383 Media Contacts: Marc Angelucci, Esq 818-907-9383 Rihanna Should Discuss Her Own Violence As Well As Chris Brown’s, Affirms National Coalition of Men National Coalition For Men calls on Rihanna...
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Posted in Action, Activities, National, News, Press Release | 1 Comment »

NCFM in Examiner: “Praxis International Encourages Domestic Violence”

September 24, 2009

Trudy Schuett mentions NCFM’s work in her fantastic article in the Examiner about how Amanda McCormick of Praxis International apparently made a position statement on behalf of Praxis when she said she knows “alot of men who deserve to be beaten” during her keynote address at the annual conference of the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic...
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NCFM New Release: Battered Men, Too, Are Hurt by Budget Cuts

August 11, 2009
NCFM New Release: Battered Men, Too, Are Hurt by Budget Cuts National Coalition For Men Internet: Company Information : National Coalition For Men P.O. Box 41291 Los Angeles, CA 90041 USA Ph. (818) 907-9383 Media Contacts: Marc Angelucci, Esq 818-907-9383 Battered Men, Too, Are Hurt By California Budget Cuts To Domestic Violence Services, Announces National Coalition For Men Male victims should not be...
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NCFM Thanked by D.A. Who Removes Sex Biased DV “Facts” from Police Training Video

July 1, 2009

NCFM’s San Diego Chapter, though NCFM President Harry Crouch, recently succeeded in getting the San Diego District Attorney to remove false, gender-biased material from their new police training video on domestic violence, such as the myth that domestic violence is primarily male-on-female and is a leading cause of death for women.  The story, including a letter from the District Attorney thanking NCFM,...
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Posted in Action, Activities, News, San Diego | No Comments »

University of Chicago prints NCFM letter supporting men’s group on campus

June 13, 2009
By   6/2/09   Dear Editor   I was so happy to read about the student group “Men in Power” in the Chicago Tribune. Groups like this are part of a growing, global men’s rights movement that advocates for equal treatment of men in areas such as child custody, domestic violence policies, reproductive rights,...
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