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Rape Victims – Male

April 15, 2011
Rape Victims – Male

Historically, many rape laws excluded male victims from the protections women receive.  The Model Penal Code, for example, defined “rape” so that only women could be victims.  In England, funding for sex abuse victims is often denied for male victims regardless of how devastating. The federal government spent hundreds of thousands of dollars studying rapes on college campuses...
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Posted in Issues, Uncategorized | 17 Comments »

Feminist Kabuki Theater?

April 8, 2011
Feminist Kabuki Theater?

What About Men’s Health? I don’t know any other way to profile the subject matter of the linked news story at bottom, than as the sexist farce, neglecting men, that it is. 1. Given: according to the CDC, of the 12 leading causes of death in America: men lead in 12 categories, are tied...
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VENTURA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES v. V.F. – another judge finds paternity fraud ruling unjust

March 31, 2011
VENTURA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES v. V.F. – another judge finds paternity fraud ruling unjust

Not Officially Published (Cal. Rules of Court, Rules 8.1105 and 8.1110, 8.1115) 2007 WL 2391262 Only the Westlaw citation is currently available. California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115, restricts citation of unpublished opinions in California courts. Court of Appeal, Second District, Division 6, California. VENTURA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES, Plaintiff and Respondent,...
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National Directory of Domestic Violence – Men are an afterthought

March 29, 2011
National Directory of Domestic Violence – Men are an afterthought

Organizations like the National Coalition to End Domestic Violence when testifying at public hearings or applying for funding say they help everyone, including men. Really? We sent $50 plus freight to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence for a copy of National Directory of Domestic Violence Programs, 30 Years of Working to Keep Women...
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Everythings ducky with these guys

March 28, 2011
Everythings ducky with these guys Contrary to popular gender feminist stereotypes, male members of many species routinely gather peaceably for camaraderie, and work. After a winter storm that brought 6.75 inches of rain to Van Nuys, standing water in the local park brought Mallard ducks to feed in small ponds of standing water. The four Mallard drakes in...
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Harry Crouch, NCFM and R.K. Hendrick interview re men getting screwed

March 24, 2011
Harry Crouch, NCFM and R.K. Hendrick interview re men getting screwed

3/18/2011 the San Diego Community Coalition presents. “Men’s Rights – An Important Human Rights Issue” Radio broadcast is 3 hours. There is often talk about the glass ceiling and little talk about the glass floor. Men are being denied their rights as fathers, workers and human beings by the courts and other institutions that...
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Denver Post Bashes Men Over Medical Marijuana

March 24, 2011
Denver Post Bashes Men Over Medical Marijuana

blogs.denverpost/eletters Men and marijuana use Re: “Deeper doubts about ‘medical’ marijuana,” March 20 editorial. So the fact that most medical marijuana users are male means it’s a bad thing? Wow. As a men’s rights organization, we thought more men used it because of long work hours, job stress, work injuries, health issues, loss of...
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NCFM Member Dr. Edward Stevens Promotes “Male Studies” to balance “WoMen StuDIEs”

March 21, 2011
NCFM Member Dr. Edward Stevens Promotes “Male Studies” to balance “WoMen StuDIEs”

There are no less than 900 WoMEN StuDIEs programs worldwide including roughly 500 in the United States of America. Another source that I cannot relocate pegged the number at over 1,400 including several programs in South Korea. Early programs were not much more than terrorist training camps for women who didn’t like men. Men...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Health Men, National, News, Uncategorized, Washington, D.C. | 2 Comments »

Leave My Penis Alone!

February 25, 2011
Leave My Penis Alone!

By Harry Crouch and Marc Angelucci “These, then, are the human genitals. Considering their great delicacy, complexity and sensitivity, one might imagine that an intelligent species like man would leave them alone. Sadly, this has never been the case. For thousands of years, in many different cultures, the genitals have fallen victim to an...
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