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NCFM Testimonials

5 Responses to NCFM Testimonials

  1. Ian Campbell on March 25, 2022 at 10:37 AM

    I’ve been looking for months for validation for my feelings of inequality and discrimination against males. Finding this site has made me happier than can be described. My life has been driven by anger and pain. Since I have seen females get away with unnacceptable things, while I admit we as men have done some horrible things, it’s good that someone sees the truth and isn’t just going to societie’s default and the social “norm”. There is no place in this life for inequality and I 100% agree with this organization as a whole.

    • Bob Goldbeck on October 16, 2023 at 9:24 AM

      i could not agree with you more. we need to get the word out. instead of us just stumbling into these sites. there is so much INSTITUTIONAL discrimination against men. Draft registration is the glaring example of how the might and power of the government is used, through all means possible, to locate and track you men to harvest them for slaughter. How can laws designed to punish only men be legal? Should we register women of maternity age? Should we track them and if necessary, harvest them to have the government impregnate them against there will, as part of their civic duty? This of course only in the case if there is an existential threat to America because of a rapidly declining population. Sounds totally absurd, yet the state/government thinks they can harvest young men for the slaughter and many think that is acceptable. Another example as to how men are victimized and the life of a woman is priveleged over that of men.

  2. james hurd on March 24, 2022 at 4:11 PM

    The Doug Ford government in Ontario Canada has maneuvered itself to prevent social services recipients, especially males from the ‘patriarchy’ who have been abused or found difficulty in family law, from not only accessing resources but obtaining services they are otherwise entitled too and legally allowed to achieve. it is a human rights issue. ford has also maneuvered to make sure that police and judges are put in place so legal action against feminism ideology cannot be pushed through. protection racket. Canadian Center for Men and Families in Ottawa is affected. I have lost income from social services and access to resources and been denied help for past abuse and even reporting it to authorities due to this activity. Even higher education in Ottawa area is focused on denying males their rights -especially straight white single males who might have children or have been abused. From a former Canadian forces’ member versed in intelligence gathering. MMIWG affected as well. biased against males.

  3. JJ on December 30, 2021 at 12:07 PM

    NCFM will post unpopular information about prostate cancer exploitation.

    Prostate cancer screening and early detection does NOT save men’s lives. Let’s do the math. Per the USPSTF (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force): “Only one man in 1,000 could possibly have a life saving benefit from screening” and “A small benefit and known harms from prostate cancer screening”. However 1.3 to 3.5 deaths per 1,000 from and up to 6.9% hospitalization from a prostate blind biopsy infection or complication. Also 5 men in 1000 died and 20.4% had one or more complications within 30 days of a prostatectomy. This does not include deaths, injuries and side effects from radiation and other procedures, medical mistakes, a 5 times higher suicide risk, ADT therapy complications, heart attracts, depression, low quality of life, etc, caused by prostate cancer screening and treatments. Detection and overtreatment of prostate cancer has killed or destroyed millions of men’s lives worldwide from understated and multiple undisclosed side effects. The doctor that invented the PSA test, Dr. Richard Ablin now calls it: “The Great Prostate Mistake”, “Hoax” and “A Profit Driven Public Health Disaster”. Follow the money!

    My story:

    Recommended books:
    The Great Prostate Hoax by Richard Ablin MD (the inventor of the PSA test)
    The Big Scare, The Business of Prostate Cancer by Anthony Horan MD.

  4. Anthony Pacella on October 4, 2020 at 6:38 PM

    I can’t believe there is actually a place for guys to speak out about the way men are portrayed in advertising…it appears all men are total boobs and the world would perfectly well off without them. Many ads have the men appear as the care giver which is ok to an extent but the women are the breadwinners while the incompetent husband stays home and does the wash and takes care of the kids…I have been speaking out about this for years. Thank God others see it too!

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