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NCFM Member Jeanne Falla and father advocacy groups tried to save the San Mateo County Fatherhood Collaborative

January 8, 2016
NCFM Member Jeanne Falla and father advocacy groups tried to save the San Mateo County Fatherhood Collaborative

Jeanne was NCFM’s representative to the San Mateo County Fatherhood Collaborative while it existed. She attended two SMCFC meetings, was developing a good working relationship with then Executive Director Carine Verdusco and is an active member of a broad-based children, father and family advocacy group working to resurrect the program; which, as the article below suggests, may have been defunded for...
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NCFM Member Caleb Papp, Feminist Thinks JC in JC Penny stands for “Just Complain”

December 28, 2015
NCFM Member Caleb Papp, Feminist Thinks JC in JC Penny stands for “Just Complain”

Feminist Thinks JC in JC Penny stands for “Just Complain” A couple months ago an article ran about a girl being sent home from JC Penny for wearing “too revealing”shorts. But that was the slant she put on it. In reality JC Penny simply doesn’t allow anyone, male nor female, to wear shorts to...
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NCFM Happy Holiday Wish, burnt popcorn, why me, Nuts, it’s Christmas

December 24, 2015
NCFM Happy Holiday Wish, burnt popcorn, why me, Nuts, it’s Christmas

Two days before Christmas the department store was less elbow-to-elbow than expected though the parking lot could have passed for a boisterous bumper-car ride. In line at the checkout the woman before me was about to buy a hair curling iron, a jar of Original Organic Gourmet Popping Corn, a small tabletop EasyPop popcorn...
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NCFM Member Naomi Evans, Ending Paternity Fraud in Washington State

December 18, 2015
NCFM Member Naomi Evans, Ending Paternity Fraud in Washington State

NCFM NOT: For those of you interested in this subject you should use the search function at the top of this page and read all articles by and about efforts in Washington State to end paternity fraud. Naomi is an incredible advocate and adversary and has unearthed information about federal rules about child support...
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NCFM VP Marc Angelucci argues NCFM case against male only Selective Service System in Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

December 9, 2015
NCFM VP Marc Angelucci argues NCFM case against male only Selective Service System in Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

  On December 8, 2015 NCFM’s appeal in their lawsuit against the Selective Service challenging the constitutionality of the male-only draft requirement came up for oral argument before a three-judge panel at the 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals in Pasadena, California. NCFM Vice President Marc Angelucci barely got three      sentences in when the...
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