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NCFM, our Secretary Al Rava, and the Unruh Act under attack for standing tall for equal rights

August 12, 2015


what don't you understandBy Harry Crouch, President, NCFM

National Coalition of Men Secretary Al Rava, Esq. has been largely responsible for stopping discrimination against men in the strange state of California at great risk to his safety, health, and profession. Al has been subjected to threats, undue criticism and ridicule because of his unrelenting stand against the discrimination of men in public accommodations. I feel privileged to be a member of NCFM because of NCFM members like my friend Mr. Rava who is a true civil rights advocate and hero.

In California, the Unruh Act has for decades prevented discrimination in public accommodations based on ones sex, which is a good thing. One of our Board Members notes, “… the Unruh Act was big in the 70’s, when all kinds of lawsuits were filed against dry cleaners, haircut places, etc. for businesses discriminating against women. Where was this outrage and name calling then against women’s rights like there is here against Mr. Rava, theUnruh Act, and to some degree NCFM?”

This article has been updated and can be read here:

National Coalition for MenThe Unruh Act is for everyone, not just women.

The Unruh Act and those who had the courage to use it are the primary reason many forms of wrongful discrimination in California no longer exists.

2 Responses to NCFM, our Secretary Al Rava, and the Unruh Act under attack for standing tall for equal rights

Sue Nami on August 13, 2015 at 10:06 AM

The continuing successes by NCFM members in their lawsuits against California businesses that discriminated against customers solely because of their sex has been the largest single factor in ending this type of invidious discrimination in the largest state of the union. Because of NCFM members’ hard work, this type of discrimination is virtually non-existent in California today. Can anyone say “Nobel Prize for Peace?” Simple amazing stuff.


Doug Lefelhocz on August 13, 2015 at 3:25 AM

People who bring up the “pay gap” when talking about some of those lawsuits either forget that poor men exist or simply don’t care about discriminating against poor men. Since those poor men often happen to have African ancestry, this implies that they find it acceptable to discriminate against black men. That this sort of racism gets entailed by business denying equal services to men probably should get pointed out more often. Unfortunately, I can’t comment at any of these sites, because their don’t have a comment section or they have banned me before.


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One Response to NCFM, our Secretary Al Rava, and the Unruh Act under attack for standing tall for equal rights

  1. […] a tote-bag giveaway for mothers on Mother’s Day. Launched by NCFM member Michael Cohn and lawyer Alfred Rava, allegedly the then-secretary of the coalition, the lawsuit claimed the roughly 20,000 men in […]

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