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NCFM Vice-President and Dear Friend Marc Angelucci murdered

July 12, 2020
Marc Angelucci

Alive, photo by NCFM Member McCall Jones

Marc Angelucci, 1968-2020

Marc Etienne Angelucci, Vice-President and Board Member of the National Coalition for Men (NCFM) and longtime President and Founder of the Los Angeles Chapter of NCFM, was tragically murdered early just before four p.m. on July 11, 2020, in front of his home in Crestline, California.

Why Don’t We Hear About Men’s Rights? | Marc Angelucci #RPR

Marc Angelucci was truly beloved, with a personality that had a magnetism that many of his friends and colleagues found to be truly magical. Marc was an unbelievably generous man, living on a shoestring despite some personal health challenges so he could donate many millions of dollars of his time to mostly voluntary legal work on behalf of men’s rights and the genuine gender equality that is so badly needed in this country and this world.

The motive behind Marc’s murder is not yet determined though the San Bernardino County Sheriff deserves our gratefulness for diligently working to determine the facts, including driving to Marc’s family’s home in Los Angeles and to NCFM President Harry Crouch’s home near San Diego to investigate Marc’s death.

Marc compiled a truly legendary set of legal achievements, including recently winning an equal protection case against the Selective Service Administration overturning male-only draft registration. In 2008 Marc won a landmark appellate case against the State of California (Woods v. Horton) which held it is unconstitutional to exclude male victims of domestic violence from state funding for victim services. Marc also helped draft and enact legislation to stop paternity fraud, served on the California DCSS Paternity Committee, served on the Training Committee of the L.A. County Domestic Violence Council, and testified before the California Senate and Assembly Judiciary Committees. In a remarkable tribute to Marc’s skill at building bridges and remedying discrimination, the Southern Poverty Law Center, which some might think would be opposed to much of his work, invited him to be an Honoree on their Wall of Tolerance.

Marc’s presentation at our (NCFM’s) 40th Anniversary Conference in San Diego

Marc graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of California at Berkeley in 1996 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and received a law degree from UCLA School of Law in 2000, where he received several public interest awards and founded two student bar associations. While at UCLA, Marc also started a student chapter of NCFM.

Marc joined NCFM as a law student in 1997 after a friend of his was denied domestic violence services because he is male. In 2001 he formed the L.A. chapter of NCFM and served as its president until 2008, during which time NCFM-LA became an active chapter that organized rallies, filed lawsuits and received significant media attention.

Marc was extremely well-spoken and a skilled publicist for men’s issues, appearing on the Phil Donahue show, on Dr. Phil, and in countless other television, radio, and newspaper outlets. Marc published op-ed opinion pieces in the Los Angeles Times and numerous other press outlets, tirelessly speaking out for a fairer, kinder world.

marc angelucciMarc was a man full of joy and love, a true pleasure to know for all of us fortunate enough to be able to call him our colleague and/or friend. If Marc Etienne Angelucci didn’t exist, we would need to invent him, though honestly the man so far exceeded any dreams any of us could possibly have for an unbelievable combination of shining personal qualities and amazing professional achievements. While wildly successful on the legal front, he was a fabulously down-to-earth, loving man when not demolishing opponents in courtrooms to promote justice. Rest In peace, our dear fallen soldier. No finer man ever walked the planet.

We will post here more information about his murder and memorial services here when the information is known.

Here is a brief article about Marc’s death:

Here’s a wonderful piece by Marc’s dear friend Cassie Jaye with more pictures:

RIP Mr. Angelucci. You are loved and leave a huge hole in our hearts.

NCFM National Board of Directors

We will always be with you Marc.

NCFM Vice-President and Dear Friend Marc Angelucci murdered

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74 Responses to NCFM Vice-President and Dear Friend Marc Angelucci murdered

  1. hasnie on February 11, 2021 at 6:28 AM

    Thank you so much!

  2. site on January 19, 2021 at 6:50 PM

    He will sure be missed. With him he made all things possible.

  3. James Rice on July 25, 2020 at 1:17 AM

    Marc Angelucci was the only human on an entire college listserv who was kind and brave enough to call out and stand up to bullying when he saw it. The kind of person who will put their own self between abuse and a person who doesn’t deserve it in their own personal time is incredibly rare, and the loss of a man like Marc is a loss that impacts all of us.

    Rest in peace.

    • Paul on August 13, 2020 at 9:05 AM

      I am very sorry that the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the decision about the all male sex discriminatory draft which you worked so hard on. Will you continue to bring it to the Supreme Court or leave it be? I hope you will not quit on it. With Respect

  4. John van Doorn on July 23, 2020 at 10:04 PM

    Marc was, and always shall be, one of the great champions of the advancement of men’s rights.

    The thing I admired most about Marc was his humbleness and awareness of the contribution of others. In conversation, he was never one to brag so much of his accomplishments; these were just ‘so-so events’ and things anyone could have done. But he always made an effort to make certain everyone knew about all the significant things everyone else did, and to make those things seem like a grand undertaking compared to his accomplishments. Everyone was a men’s rights champion when Marc was in the room.

    I doubt the likes of him will ever be replaced. Such a great loss!

  5. eriddle on July 21, 2020 at 7:58 PM

    I was silent here (and in shock) when Marc’s death was first announced. Thank you to NCFM for the online memorial. One week later, and now I am angry thinking of how Marc’s murderer purported to be a men’s rights lawyer when he really seemed to be focused on himself. Here we go again with the negative focus on men’s rights because of this a-hole. The only comfort is that Marc will live on for his positive work. RIP, our friend and advocate.

    • Land Reay on July 22, 2020 at 3:35 PM


      I am asking you to slow down on the assumption that Marc’s killer was Hollander.

      The FBI never said Hollander was “suspect” they said he was “subject” and there is a big difference.

      The media spun narrative that Hollander was motivated by “misogyny” within hours and began the assault upon men’s rights before the Medical Examiner had a chance to dispel the assumption he committed suicide.

      Hollander and Marc both had cases pending that would overturn male only conscription and Judge Salas ruled in favor of the men’s movement. She was never shot at, only the men, and the assassin had bypassed Marc’s housemate.

      Hollander had no reason to kill Marc, or shoot the men at Salas’ home, if “misogyny” had been the motive a woman would have been the target.

      Hollander may have been unhinged, but that’s not proof he was the killer. We have long stood for presumption of innocence and the burden of proof.

      I am not asking people to push back against the narrative, I believe it is too late for that. The message has already spun out. I’m only asking that people not feed into it for there is no evidence that it is true.

      • NCFM on July 22, 2020 at 7:59 PM

        How’s all that working for you now?

        • Land Reay on July 23, 2020 at 10:25 AM

          Are you able to see my email address?

          • NCFM on July 24, 2020 at 12:10 PM


            • Land Reay on July 24, 2020 at 7:21 PM

              Would you be kind enough to contact me at that address?

      • Masculist Man on July 29, 2020 at 4:31 AM

        That’s what I’ve been saying. I’m angry about Marc’s murder too and saddened by his loss but we have to be absolutely sure we have the facts. What grudge did Roy have with Marc? None that we know of. Did they know each other? I don’t know but the whole thing is fishy to me.

        • NCFM on July 29, 2020 at 5:33 AM

          Maculist Man,

          Actually, the link between Hollander, NCFM and Marc has been well covered by the media. The police have said that Hollander has definitely been identified as the shooter of both Marc and Judge Salas. There are no other suspects of which we are aware. Harry Crouch, President NCFM

          • Thinking Man on August 29, 2020 at 5:48 PM

            “Actually, the link between Hollander, NCFM and Marc has been well covered by the media. The police have said that Hollander has definitely been identified as the shooter of both Marc and Judge Salas.”

            The media say it, so it must be true! The police say it, so it must be true! That’s pathetic. Don’t simply trust authorities. Ask questions. Seek facts. Did the person who answered the door for Marc identify Hollander as the delivery person? Had that person ever seen Hollander before? Witness identification of persons is notoriously unreliable for unknown persons. What corroborating evidence do the police have from Hollander’s alleged travel to CA? Phone records, credit card receipts, etc? These are basic questions that must be answered in any credible claim that Hollander shot Angelucci.

  6. Ray on July 16, 2020 at 5:54 PM

    Certainly not at the level Marc experienced, but we are all victims of this psycho crime. We have been robbed of the companionship of our dear friend and colleague and can only wonder what great and amazing things he might yet have accomplished based on his track record and based on so many productive years he still ahead of him. No doubt there are countless numbers of future people who will seek justice that Marc would have helped with his keen attorney’s wit and big hearted caring that will now go unserved, or underserved. I’m made as hell and I want justice for Marc and for all of us to the full extent of the law. But justice to the full extent of the law is a paltry sum that comes nowhere near replacing what we have lost.

    • Jumi on July 21, 2020 at 12:57 AM

      Feminists are the real terrorists.

  7. Ray on July 16, 2020 at 12:09 PM

    Every time I start to write something, I think about how much my dear friend meant to me and the mind boggling tragedy that befell him, then my stomach just knots up and I feel sick and speechless with overwhelming disbelief.

    • Bert Riddick on July 16, 2020 at 6:50 PM

      This is one of the saddest days of my life. Once you became a friend of Marc’s, you had a friend forever. He was one of the brightest and genuine men I’ve ever met. My struggle trying to enact Paternity Reform was successful because of the unconditional support that Marc gave me over the course of 2 decades. My struggle is well documented, you can probably google Bert Riddick and see many articles about our efforts to change paternity laws.
      I realized early on why I was chosen for this fight but Marc was the only person outside of my family that believed we’d be successful and willed it to happen. I have many supporting stories to share but one that sticks out occurred as I prepared to go to Sacramento to testify in front of the Senate Judicial committee about our Paternity Reform bill. I had already lost my home and was struggling financially as a result of paternity fraud. Marc got wind of the fact that I was about to head to the hearing on a 10 hour Greyhound bus trip. He immediately contacted me and with the help of NCFM got me an airline ticket to Sac to ensure that I was mentally and physically prepared to represent our cause. My heart is broken from the realization that my friend is gone. The world sheds a tear also due to the loss of Marc Angelucci. Rest in Love young man, you and your work will truly be missed.

  8. Tim Goldich on July 16, 2020 at 8:12 AM

    This is what I wrote and posted to Facebook on Monday:

    On Saturday July 11, the day before yesterday, friend and colleague Marc Angelucci was murdered. We don’t have a lot of facts, but Marc was a lawyer who championed men’s issues and championed people bullied by the powers that be. Most of the work Marc did, he did pro bono.

    First and foremost, I knew Marc as a great guy to hang out with. I was blessed to do so only about a half-dozen times over the years, but, as anyone who knew Marc can tell you, he had a “magic” that made you feel you were special friends right from the start.

    Marc was always supportive. He always took the time to check out my Gender Equalist page. For someone so busy I was amazed how often he gave my Internet posts a “thumbs up.”

    Marc had charisma, you felt good being around him. He had a remarkable joy of life and late at night when others were ready to go off to bed, Marc was just getting started. Hanging out with Marc was an adventure and you just tried to keep up. We did karaoke a few times together. I’d always do “King of the Road,” and Marc would always do “Big Balls” by AC/DC.

    “Well I’m rather upper class high society

    God’s gift to ballroom notoriety

    And I always fill my ballroom

    The event is never small

    The social pages say I’ve got

    The biggest balls of all


    I’ve got big balls

    I’ve got big balls

    They’re such big balls

    And they’re dirty big balls

    And he’s got big balls

    And she’s got big balls

    (But we’ve got the biggest balls of them all)”

    It was hilarious. And Marc would dance while he sang and he really put on a show!

    Marc did indeed have “big balls.” He spoke truth to power. He was dynamic, risk taking, courageous, and we’ll all miss him.

    • Vic on July 16, 2020 at 9:40 AM

      I never met Marc but greatly admired the work he was doing & posted about him often. I was shocked when I heard he had been killed… a very sad day.

  9. VetFather on July 15, 2020 at 3:38 PM

    Marc– because of you and all the heroes of the fathers rights movement thousands of children had the opportunity to know their fathers.
    Having a good father is a blessing from above, and your works was good!
    My condolences :To your family and friends.

  10. Michael Sirak on July 15, 2020 at 3:18 PM

    I am extremely saddened to learn of Marc Angelucci’s death, and I send my condolences to Marc’s family, Harry Crouch, and all of NCFM. The world has lost an outstanding man; he was courageous and had integrity. He was a fighter. … I had the honor of interviewing Marc for a profile piece I wrote on him. I had known of Marc’s work prior to the interview, but I had never before spent time with him in person. We spent nearly four hours talking. He was gracious with this time and quite forthcoming. The Marc I learned about was an admirable man full of life and conviction. … Looking ahead, when I think of Marc, I will hear his voice in my head telling me, “action, not ‘yacktion’” is what the men’s movement needs. I will think of him telling me how his gymnastics couch growing up called him “Team Hippie” in recognition of his long locks of hair. And I will think of Marc’s landmark court victories and his noble contributions to the world. And, I will smile. God Bless, you, Marc. My prayers are with your family and the NCFM family.

  11. Michael Cohn on July 15, 2020 at 2:38 PM

    This is absolutely shocking. While Marc and I had some interesting political disagreements, we definitely agreed on virtually all men’s rights issues and I considered him a good friend and a decent and honorable man, whom I knew for many years. I admired his tenacity and sense of justice, and was constantly amazed at the brilliant and generous pro bono work he did for many people and organizations. I am still almost disbelieving that this could have happened to him. I will miss him with all my heart.

  12. Christofer Gasca on July 15, 2020 at 12:06 AM

    Thanks Marc, wherever you are for your invaluable job to make men’s lives better. My condolences from Mexico.

    Clearly this was a premeditated murder made by a group of cowards. Some people want our movement silenced, but they won’t be able to do so.

    Btw, Mariposa County and the Yosemite Park is out of my list to visit someday from now on. The county council murders anyone who fights for men’s rights

    • Land Reay on July 15, 2020 at 8:16 AM

      Hi Christofer,
      I know we are all angry, and Mariposa County isn’t high on anyone’s favored list.
      The motive and perpetrators behind Marc’s assassination is still unknown.
      Too soon to suggest that what the County Council has done so far is tantamount to murder.
      Let’s not give more amunition so to speak to his critics.

  13. Pelly Prudence Iraguha on July 14, 2020 at 8:45 PM

    I, as the #MensRightsMatterRW Leader, from Rwanda, learnt many great things from Marc. I can’t imagine that he is dead. May all of us, as his friends, keep on to stand for men’s rights.

    Join me on Twitter: @Pelly_Pi

  14. Gregory Josefchuk on July 14, 2020 at 5:08 PM

    I am blessed to have known Marc these past seven years both as a fellow board member and as a brother in the fight for justice especially for younger men that have been wronged. I recall fondly the first time I met Marc which happened at a conference in L.A. that we were both invited to speak at. I sat in on Marc’s presentation and right then and there I was sold on Marc’s sincerity, compassion and dedication. From that point on both our friendship and my respect for the work Marc was doing grew exponentially. I’ll never forget how Marc always found a way to make time to convey interest in the advocacy work our chapter here in the Carolinas was doing around Title IX due process. I could write several pages about the discussions and ideas we shared about how best to help out college men who’s lives were being destroyed by false allegations of sexual misconduct. Marc’s “all in” commitment to help men who were being screwed by a corrupt system motivated me to do more especially during times where my efforts were lacking. The one thing that I really admired about Marc was that he put into action exactly what he believed in. That’s the sign of a true leader, leading by example is exactly what Marc was about. And now even in death, he’s still leading us, challenging us to pick up the baton and join the good fight. He’s still making the news, still bringing people to NCFM which was Marc’s passion. I will miss you dearly my brother, Rest In Peace and do light up a cigar, crack open a cold beer and share a few of your stories with the angels in heaven.

  15. Etienne on July 14, 2020 at 2:57 PM

    I am quite new to the men’s right mouvement, and strangely, I just watched the Red Pill documentary today. Also I just heard about Marc Angelucci’s murder. I cannot find the right word to explain what I feel, sorry, as english is a second language for me.
    Anyways, I would like to express my most sincere condolences to his friends, family, and all the people who loved him in this terrible tragedy.
    I can’t believe this just happened…
    May he rest in peace and we have to pursue his legacy so that everything he has done was not in vain.
    With all my thoughts and sympathy from France,
    Stay strong,

  16. Sheila Peltzer on July 14, 2020 at 12:35 PM

    I never even heard of Marc until now unfortunately, but as a longtime fighter for equal shared parenting in NC his life’s work humbles and inspires me. My heartfelt sympathy and prayers.

  17. Dick Doyle on July 14, 2020 at 12:12 PM

    Terribly sorry to hear of the killing of one of our prominent workers. Illustrative of the struggle men are in, Tracy Connor, feminist editor of the Daily Beast, described Marc as a leader in the “so-called Men’s Movement.

    • NCFM on July 15, 2020 at 7:34 AM

      The ignorance of people like Tracy Connor no longer amaze me. She’s a recent product of our education system that instill a dislike if not hatred for men and most things male. Had she known Marc as I do or had taken any time to understand our movement she would have never made such an asinine statement. Marc, a dear fried to many including me, keep kicking ass wherever you are. Harry Crouch, President NCFM

  18. Prawin on July 14, 2020 at 9:54 AM

    Sorry it’s a great loss. Lots of my friends were benefited because of your support. Your contribution to the society benefitted many and will benefit many. I express my sincere condolences

  19. DON LOFENDALE on July 13, 2020 at 8:25 PM

    Marc was a wonderful human being. One of the best I’d ever met. I think he was the best male advocate for men and boys, for equality. A loss for his family; a loss for those of us who had the pleasure of knowing him. A loss for the world.

  20. Annie on July 13, 2020 at 7:55 PM

    This is really hard to swallow. Marc was one of my heroes and we had such a great talk at ICMI last year. He was one of the few people who took time to listen to my story and my thoughts. I cannot believe he’s dead. It’s too sad and too unreal. Hope we get to the bottom of this and I know truth will show that he died as he had lived: a true hero. His existence proved to me that heroes do exist in the world and they can occasionally win. But his death also shown me just how much we need to protect them…

  21. Vladek Filler on July 13, 2020 at 6:51 PM

    My deepest condolences to Marc Angelucci’s family. Marc was a very intelligent, pleasant, and easy man to speak with. His skills and courage made legal history and he touched the lives of countless people as a result. His passing is a devastating loss to many. May he rest in peace.

  22. John Hamel, Ph.D., LCSW on July 13, 2020 at 4:56 PM

    I just spoke with Marc a week ago, wanting his insights on how to remedy sexist domestic violence training practices within San Francisco Probation. I can’t believe he is dead. He was indeed a highly generous man, who has done far more for gender equality and civil rights than 99% of the woke left and others who mindlessly repeat politically correct slogans without ever lifting a finger to help create true justice among the sexes. With his skill level and intelligence, he could, had he wished, become a very successful and wealthier person. He will be missed.

  23. Mani on July 13, 2020 at 4:40 PM

    This post comes from another part of the world — India. But people like Marc deserve all the respect, not just from Americans but from the entire world. People who stand up for what is right despite knowing fully well that they might well end up standing alone are heroes and Marc, I realise, was one. Standing up for men’s rights in this day and age of rabid feminism requires a nerve. I might not have known him but going by what the article says about him, I have developed an admiration for him. My deepest sympathies to all his family, friends and men’s rights activists in the US. You have our support and prayers.

    • David on July 15, 2020 at 3:34 PM

      What a horrible end to a wonderful life. He truly inspired me. Every university should immediately dismiss a women’s studies professor in penance for the senseless murder. It’s just a devastating loss that could lead to some positive impact.

  24. Alan Fournier on July 13, 2020 at 4:38 PM

    This is horrible and it should be treated as a hate crime. This is first degree murder and the perpetrator and their affiliations must be identified and received the full power of the justice systems. We here in Canada are watching closely. RIP.

  25. Morgan angelucci on July 13, 2020 at 3:59 PM

    Marc was my cousin, we had a lot of fun when ever we got together, great memories, the family hurts. Thank you for this beautiful article!

    • NCFM on July 13, 2020 at 7:11 PM

      You are more than welcome Morgan. Our heartfelt condolences to you and your family. If you or your family need anything please let me know. Harry Crouch, President NCFM

    • Jessica Lee on July 15, 2020 at 11:17 PM

      Sorry for your loss. He was my best friend since college. I miss him very much!

  26. Tim Goldich on July 13, 2020 at 2:09 PM

    Rest in peace Marc. It was an honor to have known you and called you my friend.

  27. Gregory Rolando on July 13, 2020 at 2:04 PM

    We share in this time of grief, but also share in the memories of a good man who advocated tirelessly for men’s rights and genuine equality. You will be greatly missed Marc.

  28. Matt G on July 13, 2020 at 12:32 PM

    Such terrible news. We lost a champion and a leader. I will riot if the rest of you will.

    • Steven Crooks on July 13, 2020 at 5:23 PM

      Can’t say I knew him as well as I could have, I’m a dv survivor, but I know a Honorable Spirit when I see one. He burnt in my brain an image of a wonderfully energetic and generous fellow.
      May he rest in peace knowing he made it possible for so many others to keep hope and give them strength.

    • Masculist Man on July 15, 2020 at 4:09 PM

      Count me in. I am extremely saddened and I am extremely pissed. Here is a nice little song I would like to dedicate to the murderer:

  29. Land Reay on July 13, 2020 at 9:02 AM

    I learned about Marc before I finally met him in person at the ICMI in Chicago. What had already been respect for his work and advocacy quickly transformed into sincere admiration. The first impression was a man of genuine love, the final memory was a moment filled with joyful laughter.

  30. Tony Morris on July 13, 2020 at 6:24 AM

    Farewell, Marc, and many thanks for all your hard work.

  31. Zorash on July 13, 2020 at 4:03 AM

    Thanks for all you’ve done Marc, for your great sense of justice. You will not be forgotten. R.I.P hero.

  32. lu7tmp404 on July 12, 2020 at 9:44 PM

    Horrible news!

  33. Max Hydrogen on July 12, 2020 at 8:21 PM

    Rest in peace…

  34. Steven on July 12, 2020 at 8:02 PM

    I bet a woman did this and I want women to pay for what they did to him!!!

    • Shane on February 6, 2021 at 9:03 PM

      Except, it wasn’t a woman. The culprit has been definitively proven to be Roy Den Hollander. And the last time I checked, Roy Den Hollander was a man. And now, a criminal.

      • NCFM on February 7, 2021 at 7:42 AM

        …also, now dead.

        • Shane on February 8, 2021 at 3:01 PM

          Of course. But had he not taken the cowards way out, I would’ve loved to have seen justice served and his a** handed to him on a silver platter.

  35. Charles Corry on July 12, 2020 at 7:21 PM

    A great loss to mankind!

  36. Stacie on July 12, 2020 at 7:14 PM


  37. Aldir on July 12, 2020 at 5:44 PM

    So sorry for yoru loss. It is our loss as well. Cumpliments from Brazil.

  38. Jonathan Taylor on July 12, 2020 at 5:18 PM

    Rest in peace, Marc. You will be missed.

  39. Christopher Field on July 12, 2020 at 5:10 PM


  40. Louis Crust on July 12, 2020 at 5:04 PM

    I learned about Marc Angelucci through Cassie Jaye’s The Red Pill movie, and I have seen more of his presentations and videos since. It is clear that he was doing great work and he will be greatly missed. This is incredibly sad news, and I send my condolences to his family and colleagues.

    • Ashish on July 13, 2020 at 8:48 PM

      What a tremendous loss. Condolences and strenght to his loved ones. Prayers from India.

  41. LISA THAYER on July 12, 2020 at 5:04 PM

    Mark was my friend. He was our hero. He never let fear control his decisions to defend what was honorable and right. He was the most decent of men and I will be forever grateful for the sacrifices he gave to us and others. RanchMa

  42. Paul Elam on July 12, 2020 at 4:54 PM

    Rest in Peace, Marc. Your life embodied the best of human goodness and your legacy is written deep in the hearts of your brothers, who love you well.

  43. C.V. Compton Shaw on July 12, 2020 at 4:33 PM

    My sincere condolences to the friends and family of Marc Etienne Angelucci. He was a prominent and very successful advocate for the men’s rights movement and the NCFM. There is a reasonable suspicion in my mind that his murder was politically motivated by his very prominent and successful advocacy for the men’s rights movement. I hope that the perpetrator of this horrendous crime is rapidly caught, tried, and punished.

  44. Matt Campbell on July 12, 2020 at 4:32 PM

    This is truly terrible news. The MRM has lost a tireless ally in Marc. What a terrible and unnecessary loss of a noble life.

  45. Michael Martha on July 12, 2020 at 4:15 PM

    I had the honor of meeting Marc briefly at ICMI19, and made it a point to thank him for all his great work. Prior to that I had known him through his efforts fighting for Men’s Rights with the NCFM. This is absolutely terrible news, I and truly hope Marc’s family (both private and NCFM) can find answers and justice for what happened.

    For what it’s worth, Marc, you made a positive impact on this world, and for the lives of men. In the end that’s the best thing that can be said about anybody, and you earned it. You will be missed.

    • Deborah Watkins on July 13, 2020 at 7:11 AM


      Thank you for these sweet words. I don’t even want to try and imagine what his family is going through, but I want to thank you for acknowledging his NCFM family as well.

      Yes, he did make a positive impact, which is an amazing thing. Thank you for that powerful paragraph. Yes, he earned it.

      Deborah Watkins
      NCFM Treasurer 2002-2018

      • Chuck on July 13, 2020 at 5:35 PM

        Very Sad news. Marc was an huge threat to those who would continue to deny equality fir men. He fought them through the courts at every level and mostly won. What a great loss to all who knew him and to the whole movement for true gender equality. His contribution to and persistence for fairness has been unrelenting.
        May he Rest In Peace and his perpetrators be brought to justice. This was clearly a targeted homicide.

  46. Gunther Schadow on July 12, 2020 at 4:07 PM

    I knew Marc personally only from the 2014 first International Conference on Men’s Issues, in Detroit. He was such a jolly good fellow! Very charismatic indeed, and I believe he was indeed the star asset of the men’s rights movement. The one guy who really, really shook things up and go things moving. Man, this is so sad to hear he not only passed away but was violently murdered!

  47. iMickey503 on July 12, 2020 at 3:53 PM

    Wait. He does a book review on how Society kills man and then ends up dead the next month?

    Just on RANDOM?

  48. Mark Rosenthal on July 12, 2020 at 3:49 PM

    There are no words! Marc was a wonderful human being who dedicated his life to fighting for justice and equality. I was introduced to him via email in the late 1990s when he was still in law school, due to our common interest in equal provision of services for domestic violence victims, and we stayed in touch since then. Last summer at ICMI, I finally had the opportunity to meet him in person, and he was as warm and generous as I knew he would be from our years of electronic conversations. Little did I know that that there would never be another opportunity to see him in person.

    Marc – with all the time and effort you selflessly invested in the struggle for equality, you more than carried your share of the load. Rest in peace, dear friend.

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