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NCFM Kit Martin murder case update – Judge Denies Motion to Dismiss, Ignores Forensic Evidence that False & Misleading Information was Provided to the Grand Jury which resulted in Indictment. Case Scheduled for Trial June 1st

April 12, 2021

kit martin


April 12, 2021

There has been another update in the case of former Army Major Kit Martin, who has been wrongfully charged with a triple homicide that occurred in Pembroke KY in November of 2015.

FOX 17 News in Nashville, Investigative Reporter Dennis Ferrier reports the latest Motion to Dismiss the case against Christian ‘Kit” Martin was denied by Christian County Chief Circuit Court Judge John L. Atkins.

kit martin

The latest motion to dismiss surrounds the issue that the defense’s forensic cell tower and cell data expert’s analysis and report, reveals that the lead detective, Lieutenant Leonard Scott Smith intentionally provided false and misleading information to the Grand Jury which led to Martin’s indictment on May 11, 2019, which is a polite way to say he LIED!

kit martin

The news report states that the prosecution claims that two pieces of evidence the prosecution is relying on is a shell casing that they allege came from Martin’s gun, but the kicker is that the shell casing in question was not found by investigators, but by a family member of one of the victim’s weeks or months later, under very suspicious circumstances.

This of course suggests that the shell casing had been planted, which begs the question as to who planted it?  If it was the family member of one of the victims, why isn’t this person being investigated?  A previous report by FOX 17 News stated that the person who allegedly found this shell casing failed a polygraph examination.

So why,,, in the face of irrefutable forensic evidence that false and misleading information was supplied to the Grand Jury, which led to Martin’s indictment, would Judge Atkins deny such a motion???

NCFM has just learned through public records that Lieutenant Scott Smith was recently named in a civil suit, along with several other officers from the Kentucky State Police alleging that he falsified evidence in another murder case.

Please go to the link below to view the 30-page lawsuit filed by the Chicago based civil rights law firm of Loevy & Loevy.  Some of the allegations contained in the lawsuit include,

“The Defendant Officers Manufacture False Forensic Evidence”

“… the Defendant Officers thereafter manufactured false evidence…”

“…the Defendant Officers fabricated statements and “evidence” that falsely implicated Graham.”

“The Defendant Officers concealed the fact the manufactured evidence and statements were false from Plaintiff, his counsel…”

“Armed with their false theory that Mr. Graham was guilty, the Defendant Officers endeavored to stretch, manipulate, manufacture, and fabricate the facts and evidence to fit their false hypothesis.”

“… the Defendant Officers manufactured “evidence” that falsely implicated Mr. Graham. The Defendant Officers likewise withheld evidence that was both exculpatory and material from Plaintiff, his counsel, and the Commonwealth.”

“… the Defendant Officers knew no probable cause existed to initiate charges against Mr. Graham. Nonetheless, the Defendant Officers continued to set Plaintiff’s prosecution in motion.”

This certainly sounds like a pattern and practice in which it seems that Lieutenant Scott Smith conducts investigations to frame innocent persons.  So,,, is Lieutenant Smith void of all intellect, a provable liar, or is he criminally corrupt?  Why,,, with virtually no evidence against Martin, except evidence that is highly questionable and suggests it was planted, no DNA evidence after more than 100 items were tested, and irrefutable forensic proof that false and misleading information was supplied to the Grand Jury, is Smith so intent on his attempts to frame Kit Martin?

What does he know and what is he hiding?  Is it possible that he is attempting to deflect attention away from the person or persons who either carried out these homicides or who have some knowledge or complicity in the murders, possibly including a member or members of the sheriff’s department?

So, with NO DNA evidence, and evidence that Lt. Smith at the minimum provided false and misleading information to the Grand Jury or at worst, intentionally lied to the Grand Jury about cell phone and data evidence, and a shell casing found by a family member, weeks or months AFTER the sheriff’s department had conducted their crime scene searches by a family member who failed a polygraph examination, how is it remotely possible that prosecutors can legally justify continuing with a sham prosecution of Kit Martin?

So, the question that has to be asked, is why isn’t the FBI Public Corruption Unit investigating this case already and why hasn’t Lieutenant Scott Smith been indicted yet for Perjury?

In our previous post about this case, (linked below) we pointed out several recent cases in which law enforcement officers in Kentucky had been criminally charged and convicted of perjury and other offenses in the framing of innocent suspects.

There is also the very suspicious issue of the timing of the indictment by then Attorney General and now Governor Andy Beshear, approximately two weeks before the primary election which he barely squeaked out the nomination for governor, then won a close race for the office.  What is also concerning, and which has been reported, is the fact that the family of the victims publicly announced that they were providing a $100K reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the murders.

There has been nothing reported thus far that any reward was paid, and Governor Beshear admitted in his press conference announcing the indictment of Martin that he met with the family prior to the indictment.

While numerous published articles and video ads reflect (linked below) that Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear is no stranger to corruption, is it possible, that this alleged $100K ‘reward’ made its way to the coffers of Beshear’s campaign through third parties?  It would not be the first time that dirty money was funneled into Beshear’s campaign as evidenced by the fact that a former campaign staffer pled guilty to corruption charges and was sentenced to prison.

We do not know what happened to this alleged ‘reward’ money but when you start connecting the dots and the minutia, a clearer picture can be seen, certainly more than enough for the initiation for a formal public corruption probe by the FBI.

It is well beyond time for a necessary public corruption investigation by the FBI and we urge all of our readers and those with knowledge of this case and others in the Christian County area who deserve an ethical and honest law enforcement agency to call or write the FBI office listed below and demand an investigation.

For those in the Christian County area that have knowledge of the railroading of Kit Martin or of any misconduct or criminal conduct on the part of Lieutenant Leonard Scott Smith, please feel free to contact the lead attorney in the lawsuit against him.  Feel free to link this article and any other article that NCFM has published on the case of Kit Martin

Please feel free to reach out to FOX 17 News Nashville Investigative Reporter Dennis Ferrier who has done an outstanding job so far, accurately, and fairly reporting on this case, and has been exposing the lack of evidence and the potential corruption that is slowly and steadily been evolving.

If there are some who have knowledge and are afraid for their safety, you can report information anonymously, or ask that authorities or the news media, not reveal your identity.

This whole thing stinks folks.  This is not adding up and the scale of incompetence that has been discovered and revealed thus far can only be described as BIBLICAL!

As further developments are learned, as more corruption and lies are exposed, we will inform our readers.


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NCFM Kit Martin murder case update – Judge Denies Motion to Dismiss, Ignores Forensic Evidence that False & Misleading Information was Provided to the Grand Jury which resulted in Indictment. Case Scheduled for Trial June 1st

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22 Responses to NCFM Kit Martin murder case update – Judge Denies Motion to Dismiss, Ignores Forensic Evidence that False & Misleading Information was Provided to the Grand Jury which resulted in Indictment. Case Scheduled for Trial June 1st

  1. Shari Hallett on June 1, 2022 at 4:46 PM

    Reading the recap of the whole ordeal makes me sick. It’s just unbelievable that so many in that county can be so corrupt, or why they were. I hope and pray Kit gets justice soon. I think the only way that’s going to happen is with the assistance of ncfm!

    • NCFM on June 2, 2022 at 8:18 AM

      We are doing everything we can think of to help Kit gain justice and his freedom. Thank you for caring.

  2. Leisa on May 30, 2022 at 6:27 AM

    I watched this whole case from the UK 🇬🇧 and was gobsmacked when the jury came back with guilty- it was so obvious he was not guilty not a shred of evidence. Cal Philips sister found the shell casing months later and FAILED a lie detector test. The lead prosecutor and corrupt Det “I have a smirk on my face” Smith was so obvious had it I. The Kit. I also have to question the morals of the judge. When he was sentencing Kit he never looked him in the eye once.
    #kitsarmy #Freekitmartin

    • NCFM on May 31, 2022 at 10:32 AM

      In my personal opinion the Judge had no morals. His mannerisms reminded me of Pinocchio. Moreover, his decisions obviously favored the prosecution regardless of substance. Like in the Jerry Cox case, he, the judge, retired immediately after the trial. I believe both judges were unduly influenced including being blackmailed, threatened, paid-off or were otherwise corrupted; or, corrupted further than they already were. Otherwise,it’s hard to believe anyone could be that stupid.

    • Cee on April 30, 2023 at 9:15 PM

      So agree. Judge was like the song, “When the Lights Went Out in Georgia, the Judge has blood stains on his hands.

  3. Julie on July 8, 2021 at 9:06 AM

    This guy is not guilty I watched this trial n england what a travesty of Ju stice I feel so sorry for his family I was open mouthed at the verdict thankful I don’t live in usa

    • Scott on August 4, 2021 at 1:48 AM

      I served in the Army with Kit in Germany. He was one of the nicest people I had ever met. The most important things to him were Family, God, and love of country. There is NO WAY he committed these crimes.
      His ex wife, who was married and lied to Kit, is involved more than the prosecution wants to let on. There is a ton of corruption in this case.

      • NCFM on August 4, 2021 at 8:58 AM

        We agree completely! Thank you for letting others know.

        Harry Crouch
        President NCFM

      • Lisa on September 24, 2021 at 8:24 PM

        I totally agree!!

        How can those Jurors sleep at night!!!

      • Cee on April 30, 2023 at 9:19 PM

        Absolutlely. Joan may have committed these murders with her helpers. Kit was clearly with his family when this occured. Judge let her and her son be exempt from testifying. Nothing like protecting the guilty.

    • Lisa on September 24, 2021 at 8:20 PM

      I totally agree with you Julie!
      I was shocked that the Jury found him guilty!! I pray that he one day soon he is freed. This case was a shamble from the start! The Governor is a disgrace of Kentucky!!

      • IREYNA HARDING on January 5, 2022 at 8:45 AM

        I agree, I felt the Lieutenant Smith had hot it in for Chris, thevway he looked at him in the trial, was in a sarcastic manner, I was shocked when found guilty.

        I hope his Appeal is successful

  4. Allan Kitts on June 21, 2021 at 2:34 AM

    Here in the UK, we don’t get to see trials live on TV, so watching Court TV over the past few months has been fascinating. Seeing live the “American system of Justice” in action has been a revelation. Until, of course, we watched the Kit Martin case and saw the “American System of Justice” unravel and produce, what seems to us, a miscarriage of justice of horrible proportions. I had honestly expected the jury to be back within the hour with a unanimous not-guilty verdict. The hugely suspicious discovery of a shell casing, a failed polygraph test, the downright ridiculous business of the dog-tag left at the scene of this supposed “military operation’ – why didn’t someone just spray paint saying, ‘Kit Martin was here’ at the scene. It would have made every bit as much sense! And as for a key figure having the victim’s phone and being allowed not only to plead the 5th (acceptable) but not have to do it in front of the jury (totally unacceptable) – words fail me! In the UK, the jury is allowed, not only to hear defendants / witnesses say “No comment” but, if they wish, to take their silence into account when they assess the evidence. I hope that Kit Martin’s defence team are successful in their appeal and that the case is kept in the forefront of public thinking and does not become just a sad memory. Only constant media will scrutiny and publicity will do that, I believe. As Christians, we work with prisoners in the UK, building relationships etc., and we occasionally come across horrible miscarriages of justice and, if they are not challenged and fought against, they can destroy whole families. I sympathise with the victim’s families, of course, but my heart goes out to Kit Martin, his friends and his family. We shall continue to pray into the whole situation. May true justice prevail and quickly. (Apologies for the length of this post!!)

    • NCFM on June 21, 2021 at 4:19 PM

      Thank you Allan for the considerate reply. And, we agree.

    • J allen on July 8, 2021 at 9:07 AM

      Gosh agree with you totally

  5. K matter on June 18, 2021 at 8:48 PM

    This has been a most disturbing outcome of any trial i have ever watched! Jody Arias was a shock but i felt like i had been sucker punched with Kits verdict!

  6. Pam Mallory on June 18, 2021 at 12:58 PM

    Come on Kentucky and do the right thing for this man. I don’t know Chris Martin or his family, but I feel I do a little now. He has not been treated fairly at ALL. No evidence and he gets life with no parole. Really!,!! Who is running the Courthouse… I will pray Kentucky will do the right thing and go after the person that did it.

    • NCFM on June 19, 2021 at 1:27 PM

      Agreed…Kentucky should make an effort to find out who actually committed the murders…

  7. Kevin on June 18, 2021 at 9:04 AM

    Why has NCFM stopped reporting on the Kit Martin case?

    • NCFM on June 18, 2021 at 9:36 AM

      Because Court TV covered the entire trial. However, be sure, we will have something to say very soon…

  8. Rachel on June 17, 2021 at 7:13 PM

    Christian “kit” Martin is 100% innocent! I have never seen such a miscarriage of justice in a trial in my life. I have been following the case from the start. One of the other court watchers and supporters of Kit started a Free Christian “kit” Martin Facebook page as well! If there is anything we can do let us know!

    • NCFM on June 18, 2021 at 9:37 AM

      We agree 120%.

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