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The Honorable Man

May 17, 2011
The Honorable Man

By Tim Goldich (author of, Loving Men, Respecting Women: The Future of Gender Politics. Available now on, $24.95). If men have the power and women are the victims, then men, the one with the power, must be the victimizers and powerless women must be the innocent victims. Believing that men have the power...
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Posted in Tim Goldich | 14 Comments »

Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor

May 17, 2011
Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor

    By: Ray Blumhorst President NCFM Los Angeles According to the United States Declaration of Independence, it’s not only the right, but the duty, of every citizen “to throw off government,” that’s proven itself corrupt – beyond anyone’s doubt. “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light...
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May 12, 2011

By Carl Augustsson NCFM Liaison, Democratic Republic of Georgia I wish to strongly emphasize from the outset that this article is purely about adult prostitution.  Nothing written here is to imply any support whatsoever for child prostitution. In 1998, Sweden passed a law called “sexköpslagen”, which roughly translates to “law on the buying of...
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Posted in Carl Augustsson | 4 Comments »

Neuro News: The Antisocial Personality DV Poster Child

May 12, 2011
Neuro News: The Antisocial Personality DV Poster Child

By Robert Yourell By now, I’ll bet you’re pretty much sick of hearing about how the politics of DV (domestic violence) has upended many men’s lives (not to mention blocking meaningful treatment and social services). You’ve already heard that about half of DV involves female violence (and no, it didn’t turn out that they...
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May 5, 2011

Most teachers are women. Nothing is being done to change that imbalance. Many modern educational practices are counterproductive for boys. Success in school is tightly correlated with the ability to sit still, be quiet, and complete paperwork. Many young boys are bodily kinesthetic learners who respond to hands-on lessons. The educational establishment finds this...
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Posted in Issues | 11 Comments »

The Ideologically Impaired are True Believers, They Hate Reason, In San Diego and Maybe Even the Democratic Republic of Georgia

April 29, 2011
The Ideologically Impaired are True Believers, They Hate Reason, In San Diego and Maybe Even the Democratic Republic of Georgia

By Carl Augustsson   With June approaching Fathers’ Day is on my mind, a day that should be about celebrating all good Dads rather than a day used to promote radical feminist propaganda as done over the last decade. There are some countries that have no official day to celebrate anything to do with...
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Posted in Carl Augustsson | 1 Comment »

More College Women Graduates than Men Graduates, Old News Treated by Media like Discovering a Playboy Mansion on the Moon.

April 28, 2011
More College Women Graduates than Men Graduates, Old News Treated by Media like Discovering a Playboy Mansion on the Moon.

By Steve DeLuca: Hope Yen, Associated Press, Press Democrat April 27,2011, reported an old story as new. In “New first for women in college” she wrote that women now dominate in under graduate and advanced degrees and then added that women are only earning 78.2 percent of what men earn. If Yen had Goggled...
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Posted in Steve DeLuca | 5 Comments »

Homeless, on the rise, where’s the commissions on men’s health?

April 25, 2011
Homeless, on the rise, where’s the commissions on men’s health?

Homeless veterans on the rise in San Diego and I suspect everywhere else too. There’s a worthwhile read about homeless vets in the San Diego Union Tribune. Then there are pictures like these of homeless men in Los Angeles  taken by a men’s activist and veteran in 2006, though they may as well have...
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Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

ACTION ALERT: Gender Studies Law suit in London

April 25, 2011
ACTION ALERT: Gender Studies Law suit in London

An egalitarian MRA is bringing a damages claim against an elite university’s Gender Studies department which he attended as a student, but was forced to withdraw from due to the persistantly sexist anti-male nature of the course. His legal claim is based on Sex Discrimination law, Breach of Contract, Misleading Advertising and Misrepresentation –...
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Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments »