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July 14, 2013

REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS: A MORE COMPLETE EXAMINATION By Deborah Watkins NCFM Treasurer                  So often any discussion about reproductive choices as they affect both genders immediately goes straight to the abortion issue. The discussion then turns into a debate between pro-life and pro-choice ideologies, and completely bypasses the broad spectrum of issues which affect...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Child Abduction, Child Custody, Child Support, Children's' Rights, Choice, Contraception, Discrimination Against Males, Double Standard, Entitlements, Government Programs for Women, Paternity, Paternity Fraud, Paternity Wrongful | 4 Comments »

NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda recommends reading “Growing Balls: Personal Power for Young Men”

July 11, 2013
NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda recommends reading “Growing Balls: Personal Power for Young Men”

Growing Balls: Personal Power for Young Men. By David N. Hafter. Philadelphia: XLibris, 2006. 172 pages. Price varies. California marriage and family therapist has written what is apparently his first book, a life guide for young men between the ages of roughly 15 to 25. It’s a genuine gem. Hafter manages to find...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Divorce, Health Men, Marriage, Steven Svoboda, Esq. | No Comments »

NCFM’s Opposition to the Federal Government’s Motion to Dismiss NCFM’s lawsuit against the Selective Service System

July 8, 2013
NCFM’s Opposition to the Federal Government’s Motion to Dismiss NCFM’s lawsuit against the Selective Service System

NCFM NOTE: Below is NCFM’s opposition to the Selective Service System’s motion to dismiss our lawsuit to stop the horrific gender discrimination within the Selective Service System. Once laws were repealed preventing women from holding combat positions in the military they became “similarly situated” as men. Hence, all legal prohibitions requiring women to register...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Activities, Discrimination Against Men, Government Programs for Women, Lawyers, Legislation Bad, Marc Angelucci, Esq., Men's Rights, Military, Selective Service, Sex Discrimination Against Men | 1 Comment »

Boys in Custody and the Women Who Abuse Them

July 6, 2013
Boys in Custody and the Women Who Abuse Them

NOTE…and some people still want to blame it on males, even young boys. Young boys in prison making suggestive remarks to female guards are responsible for the female guards having sex with the boys…WHAT? The high-priced prison guards are seduced by incarcerated males not old enough to vote! WHAT? Insane, disgusting…beyond ignorance…only valid for...
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Posted in Children's' Rights, Corrections Juvenile, Courts Juvenile, Discrimination Against Boys, Double Standard, Feminist Hypocracy, Health Boys, Perps Female Child Abusers | 1 Comment »

Senator McCain Demands Answers from DOJ over Campus Censorship “Blueprint”

June 27, 2013
Senator McCain Demands Answers from DOJ over Campus Censorship “Blueprint”

NCFM NOTE: For those of you following this over the top reach of the DOJ and DOE to install kangaroo court justice on college campuses take heart, Mr. McCain heard the groans and moans of those who still believe in due process and equal treatment. This DOJ/DOE stealthy bank robbery has feminist jurisprudence finger prints...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Due Process, Education, Elite, Feminist Jurisprudence, Government Programs for Women, Horrible, Lawyers, Politicians Federal, Progress, Prosecutorial Misconduct, Prosecutors, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism, Shameful, Title IX, Universities, War Against Men | 1 Comment »


June 22, 2013

DECLARATION OF THE FATHER’S FUNDAMENTAL PRE-NATAL RIGHTS RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY MEMBER HUGH NATIONS AND ADOPTED BY THE NCFM BOARD OF DIRECTORS, AUGUST 19, 1992 WHEREAS, the function of men in parenting has been confined largely to the second-class role of material provider; and WHEREAS, healthy relationships and healthy families require that men be equal...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Pre-natal Rights | No Comments »

Gen. Helms’s legal adviser refutes a war on men propaganda point, defends his boss, vindicates Taranto

June 22, 2013
Gen. Helms’s legal adviser refutes a war on men propaganda point, defends his boss, vindicates Taranto

NCFM NOTE: Reporter James Taranto gets up close and personal discovering the naked truth about unwashed elitist feminists and their war on men. Now, as noted in Sex, Lies and the War on Men, “the rats are busying themselves to rob him of house and home,” and to have him “disciplined”. Taranto rightly notes, “that...
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Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

Parental alienation, Dr. Richard Gardner, inclusion in the DMS-V, final vindication

June 20, 2013
Parental alienation, Dr. Richard Gardner, inclusion in the DMS-V, final vindication

NCFM NOTE:  Not to many years ago I attended a parental alienation workshop at a major international conference. The panel was primarily composed of those responsible for producing the 2004 documentary Breaking the Silence, Journeys of Hope. This PBS special was roundly discredited by the PBS Ombudsman as feminist propaganda, not once but three...
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Posted in Parental Alienation, Suicide, War Against Men | 7 Comments »

Sex, Lies and the War on Men, rats exposed, thank you very much…

June 20, 2013
Sex, Lies and the War on Men, rats exposed, thank you very much…

NCFM NOTE: In the article below, Sex, Lies, and the War on Men, James Taranto in the Wall Street Journal tells it like it is and feminists fume, thank you very much. But, James, you forgot to thank panties in a bunch Senator Claire McCaskill. To true is your revelation that she’s holding up...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Spin, Government Programs for Women, Legislation Bad, Military, Myths, Politicians Federal, Rape, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism, Shameful, Supremist, Victim Male | 10 Comments »