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San Diego

NCFM President Harry Crouch at Good Friday and Domestic Violence Event

April 23, 2011
NCFM President Harry Crouch at Good Friday and Domestic Violence Event

Last week I was invited by Kent Peters, Catholic Diocese Office for Social Services Director, to talk about domestic violence at the event Twentieth Annual Walk with the Suffering Good Friday Stations of the Cross, April 22, 2011, sponsored by the Ecumenical Council of San Diego County. Kent and I have known each other...
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Posted in Action, Activities, National, San Diego | 3 Comments »

NCFM Plays Pivital Civil Rights Roll California in Courts Repeatedly Ruling that Women-Only Gyms Illegal

April 11, 2011
NCFM Plays Pivital Civil Rights Roll California in Courts Repeatedly Ruling that Women-Only Gyms Illegal

In the most recent case of a California Court finding that women-only gyms are illegal, On March 18, 2011, in the Superior Court for Solano County, Judge Ramona J. Garrett, who happens to be a woman, ruled a women-only health club violated California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act (Lady of America Trial Court Decision).  The...
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Posted in Action, Los Angeles, National, San Diego | 1 Comment »

NCFM Helps Major Women Event Avoid Major $$ Sanctions

March 31, 2011
NCFM Helps Major Women Event Avoid Major $$ Sanctions

NCFM was made aware of the Sea Otter Classic, a major annual event in Monterey, California. Their promotional materials said, “Ladies Day is for all females—adults and children… a free Festival Pass for all women and girls, providing them entry to the Sea Otter Expo and other Festival areas at no charge…” Men and...
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Posted in Action, National, News, San Diego | 116 Comments »

NCFM Members Continue Educating Congress About Much Needed Violence Against Women Act Reforms

February 1, 2011
NCFM Members Continue Educating Congress About Much Needed Violence Against Women Act Reforms

The Foggy Bottom Metro station escalator ended with wind whipping snow and rain around me as I tried to button my wool coat. Having just arrived in Washington D.C. from San Diego my brain rejected the cold until I mistakenly stepped in a puddle of ice and water sending shock waves from feet to...
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Posted in Action, Activities, National, News, San Diego, Washington, D.C. | No Comments »

NCFM Members Win Huge Landmark Sex Discrimination Case

January 25, 2011
NCFM Members Win Huge Landmark Sex Discrimination Case

The Daily Journal, California’s leading daily newspaper, recently published in Verdicts and Settlements the verdict obtained by several NCFM members and their NCFM attorney for a recurring Ladies Night at the Century Supper Club in Los Angeles where men were charged up to $20 for entry while women were allowed to enter for free....
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Posted in Action, Activities, Los Angeles, Northern California, San Diego, Uncategorized | 3 Comments »

NCFM Objects to the Child Support Guideline Stakeholder Racket

January 24, 2011
NCFM Objects to the Child Support Guideline Stakeholder Racket

Millions of families are affected by child support guidelines in California. Support orders typically run 25%-50% of after-tax income. The Child Support Guideline Review (hereafter “Review”) takes place once every four years. By law (Family Code 4050 et. seq.) the courts have to conduct the review to report to the Legislature whether the Guideline results...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Child Custody, Child Support, News, San Diego | 1 Comment »

NCFM helps the PGA avoid a lawsuit over “Women’s Day”

January 20, 2011
NCFM helps the PGA avoid a lawsuit over “Women’s Day”

Tiger Woods will be starting his 2011 PGA season in San Diego at the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines Golf Course, but thanks to NCFM, the tournament’s Women’s Day event has been renamed Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise. One of NCFM’s banks, Torrey Pines Bank, was a sponsor of Women’s Day which was advertised...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Los Angeles, National, Northern California, San Diego, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

NCFM quoted in San Diego Union Tribune re Airline Discrimination

March 16, 2010

“Airline’s new restroom policy doesn’t fly with men’s group,” San Diego Union Tribune, 3/16/10. National Coalition for Men
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Posted in Action, News, San Diego | No Comments »

NCFM Thanked by D.A. Who Removes Sex Biased DV “Facts” from Police Training Video

July 1, 2009

NCFM’s San Diego Chapter, though NCFM President Harry Crouch, recently succeeded in getting the San Diego District Attorney to remove false, gender-biased material from their new police training video on domestic violence, such as the myth that domestic violence is primarily male-on-female and is a leading cause of death for women.  The story, including a letter from the District Attorney thanking NCFM,...
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Posted in Action, Activities, News, San Diego | No Comments »