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NCFM Member Tim Patten on “Misogyny and Bachelorhood”

May 4, 2016
NCFM Member Tim Patten on “Misogyny and Bachelorhood”

Misogyny and Bachelorhood Early on during the 2016 Republican presidential primary campaign, Donald Trump took umbrage at aggressive questioning by Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly at one of the debates. In addition to characterizing her as “not very good or professional,” Mr. Trump said, “You could see there was blood coming out of her...
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Posted in Dating, Differences Between Men and Women, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Double Standard, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Spin, Gendercide, Man Bashing, Masculinity, MGTOW, Misogyny, Myths, Radical, Revolutionary, Supremist, Tim Patten, War Against Men | 10 Comments »

NCFM College Student Member Sam Foxvog on “Our Own Movement, Theroy and Lobbying Voice

October 8, 2014
NCFM College Student Member Sam Foxvog on “Our Own Movement, Theroy and Lobbying Voice

By NCFM NCFM NOTE: Mr. Foxvog is one of our movement’s young activists. Over the next few years NCFM will be expanding our reach into college campuses to raise awareness of our issues which over time should make campuses more male friendly.  Students like Mr. Foxvog are helping make this initiative a reality at his school, Goshen College in...
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Posted in Masculinity, Men's Rights, MRA, National Coalition For Men, NCFM | No Comments »

Why men don’t join the masculinity debate

May 24, 2013
Why men don’t join the masculinity debate

NCFM NOTE: This is a great article why men don’t join the masculinity debate. O’Sullivan shows rare comprehension and a rare ability to get the main ideas across in a manner that is maximally palatable to mainstream sensibilities. Many will dismiss him anyway, but I think many others will listen to him. I like...
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Posted in Abused Man, Discrimination Against Males, Masculinity, Matriarchy, Patriarchy | 1 Comment »

Women’s Duty To Men

December 31, 2012
Women’s Duty To Men

Women’s Duty To Men by JOE ZAMBONI on DECEMBER 28, 2012 The duties that American men have to American women are many, and consistently enforced by a variety of heavy-handed mechanisms such as mandatory jail-time, court-imposed fines, the yanking of your driver’s license, and separation from your children. As if that wasn’t enough to force you to...
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Posted in Fathers, Health Men, Marriage, Masculinity, Other | 4 Comments »

The Future of Masculinity: Do We Need Real Men – Or Real Human Beings?

July 27, 2012
The Future of Masculinity: Do We Need Real Men – Or Real Human Beings?

By Abigail Collazo Feminism has re-defined what it means to be female. But there’s still no consensus on what the ideal 21st-century man looks like. This weekend’s New York Times “Room for Debate” asks whether today’s men are “manly enough”: “A-list actors are getting facials in Mansome, Morgan Spurlock’s newest documentary, and pumping their waxed chests in Steven Soderbergh’s Magic...
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Posted in Masculinity | 3 Comments »

Caring Romantic American Boys are saying “NO” so they don’t get screwed after having sex

April 14, 2012
Caring Romantic American Boys are saying “NO” so they don’t get screwed after having sex

By JAMES TARANTO An odd recent New York Times op-ed by sociologist Amy Schalet touts the rise of, as the headline puts it, “Caring, Romantic American Boys.” Schalet, who studied American high school sophomores (along with Dutch ones) for a forthcoming book, reports that “boys behaving more ‘like girls’ in terms of when...
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Posted in Health Boys, Health Girls, Masculinity, Progress, Rape, Reproductive Rights Men, Reproductive Rights Women, Sexism | 5 Comments »

Masculinity And The American Male

March 26, 2012
Masculinity And The American Male

Masculinity And The American Male From the Western Center for Journalism: My six year old first grader is wide-open, 100 mph from dawn until dusk.  He overflows with energy, laughter and excitement.  He also sits in school a good portion of the day.  Kameron, like other rambunctious little boys, has trouble sitting hour after...
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Posted in Education, Masculinity | 2 Comments »