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Porky VAWA Immigration U-VISA Senate Bill may get dumped by the House… let us pray…

September 3, 2013
Porky VAWA Immigration U-VISA Senate Bill may get dumped by the House… let us pray…

NCFM NOTE: One of our Washington insiders and Voice of Immigration Fraud Victims Activists, David Root, thinks the House of Representatives will not go along with the Senate to increase in U-Visa quotas, which are substantial. There’s reason to believe that other than anti-male ideology that drove the Senate version earlier this year that the...
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Women Who Occupy San Diego and Sexual Harassment – Dingos devouring their own after an injury

August 27, 2013
Women Who Occupy San Diego and Sexual Harassment – Dingos devouring their own after an injury

One of our NCFM members reported that Women Who Occupy San Diego has a website with a poster, Violence Against Women No More Excuses! Stop It Now! Then it says on their website, “The recent spotlight on sexual harassment in San Diego is indicative of what women endure every day, in all areas of our...
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Posted in Discrimination Men by Men, Harassment Sexual, Uncategorized | No Comments »

KFC slaps men to sell chickens! Pathetic.

August 2, 2013
KFC slaps men to sell chickens! Pathetic.

KFC uses stereotypical slapstick advertising to sell spicy chicken. But all this KFC advertising does is promote violence, violence against men. Considering the world we live in it is hard to understand how a huge conglomerate like Yum! Brands, owner of KFC, fell prey to such immature and archaic marketing. Click on the picture...
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NCFM Member Uncle Joe, Godfather to American Men, on pre-nups

July 16, 2013
NCFM Member Uncle Joe, Godfather to American Men, on pre-nups

Men, pre-nuptial agreements and parenting plans by Uncle Joe, Godfather to American Men Men and women have to accept that marriage in the state’s eye is a joint venture contract.  The marriage is a merger of two separate entities pursing a joint venture because the two parties decided they had mutual interests – in...
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Gen. Helms’s legal adviser refutes a war on men propaganda point, defends his boss, vindicates Taranto

June 22, 2013
Gen. Helms’s legal adviser refutes a war on men propaganda point, defends his boss, vindicates Taranto

NCFM NOTE: Reporter James Taranto gets up close and personal discovering the naked truth about unwashed elitist feminists and their war on men. Now, as noted in Sex, Lies and the War on Men, “the rats are busying themselves to rob him of house and home,” and to have him “disciplined”. Taranto rightly notes, “that...
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Men get screwed by Obamacare…nothing new for men

May 23, 2013
Men get screwed by Obamacare…nothing new for men

NCFM NOTE:  Nothing new here, except more of the same.  Even though women use substantially more health care resources than do men, under Obamacare men will generally pay more than women for healthcare. Which is the same as saying our government is reaching into wallets to fill purses for no reason other than they...
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NCFM College Ambassador Chris Thompson, Positive Family Traditions, TNT and NCFM adopts a highway

April 24, 2013
NCFM College Ambassador Chris Thompson, Positive Family Traditions, TNT and NCFM adopts a highway

Positive Family Traditions, TNT and NCFM adopts a highway by: Christopher J Thompson I have been a member of the Bozeman Beautification Advisory Board for nearly a decade, helping plan the annual Bozeman Clean Up Day; unfortunately these meetings recently overlapped with my weekly “visitation” with my son and, rather than lose the little...
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NCFM Transitions, April 2013 Edition, the longest running, oldest, and only Men’s Rights Journal on the planet

April 9, 2013
NCFM Transitions, April 2013 Edition, the longest running, oldest, and only Men’s Rights Journal on the planet

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Anti-male House of Representatives approves anti-male Senate version of the Violence Against Women Act” (VAWA)

March 5, 2013
Anti-male House of Representatives approves anti-male Senate version of the Violence Against Women Act” (VAWA)

NOTE: For those of you who insist that VAWA is gender neutral and inclusive how is it that it’s the Violence Against Women Act?  Think about it… This well written article by Michael Conzachi was being considered for publication by the Los Angeles Times, which then declined to run it. It’s interesting that the...
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Posted in Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Industry, Uncategorized, VAWA | 8 Comments »