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NCFM plaintiff wins $400,000.00+ class action against Club Med for anti-male discrimination

February 28, 2008

For immediate release 2/28/08 COURT ENTERS JUDGMENT IN CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT AGAINST CLUB MED FOR “LADIES FLY FREE PROMOTION” Los Angeles, CA (February 28, 2008) – Today, the Los Angeles and San Diego Chapters of the National Coalition of Free Men (“NCFM”) announced support for a judgment entered on February 25, 2008 by the...
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Columbus Telegram quotes NCFM-LA

February 25, 2008

On February 23, 2008 the Columbus Telegram quoted NCFM-LA in a story about male victims of domestic violence as a result of NCFM-LA’s response to the Telegram’s previous biased story. National Coalition for Men
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Newbury Port News quotes NCFM on male victims of domestic violence and White Ribbon Day

February 22, 2008
By  February 22, 2008  Heard around town: Women not only victims of domestic abuse   Coverage of local participation in the statewide White Ribbon Day last Thursday caught the eye of male advocates on the other side of the country.   The National Coalition of Free Men pointed out to The Daily News this...
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NCFM in the Colorado Springs Gazette

February 20, 2008

On February 17, 2008, NCFM was quoted in the Colorado Springs Gazette in an article about keeping ties with friends after a divorce. National Coalition for Men
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NCFM participates in historic domestic violence conference in Sacramento

February 19, 2008
NCFM participates in historic domestic violence conference in Sacramento

On February 15 and 16, 2008, NCFM participated in and helped support a historic, groundbreaking domestic violence conference in Sacramento, California with leading domestic violence experts and speakers from around the world.  The conference was a huge success and was standing room only.  The California Attorney General and California Judicial Council were there along with probation departments, judges,...
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NCFM-LA protests exemption of “able-bodied males” from ban on slavery by International Labour Organization

February 19, 2008

On February 19, 2008, NCFM-LA sent the following letter to the International Labour Organization: VIA CERTIFIED MAIL February 19, 2008 Mr. Juan Somavia Director-General International Labour Organization Route des Morillons 4 CH-1211 Geneva 22 SWITZERLAND Dear Mr. Somavia, The National Coalition of Free Men (“NCFM”) is a nonprofit organization that looks at the ways...
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Public Relations Director is Interviewed re Divorced Men’s Friendships 2-11-08

February 17, 2008

NCFM Public Relations Director Steven Svoboda was interviewed onFebruary 11, 2008 by Bill Reed of the Colorado Springs Gazette in anarticle about divorced men's experiences with retaining or losingshared friends following divorce. National Coalition for Men
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Public Relations Director Appears on Los Angeles Radio 2-15-08

February 17, 2008

NCFM Public Relations Director Steven Svoboda appeared on Los Angelesarea radio station KVTA 1520 AM ( <>) onFebruary 15. He discussed the book recently published by OxfordUniversity Press, Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men?: A Debateby Warren Farrell and James Sterba). He alsoreviewed some recent developments regarding intact rights, such asgrowing legal...
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CA Chamber of Commerce quotes NCFM-LA extensively on male victims of DV

February 13, 2008

The California Chamber of Commerce consulted various domestic violence experts as well as NCFM-LA for its report on male victims of domestic violence.  The Chamber’s male-positive report quotes NCFM-LA member Ray Blumhorst extensively. National Coalition for Men
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