In Colorado – home of the faux penises and Dildo Bandito – once lived some Eagle County Sheriffs who ordered up hang’m high Kobe t-shirts with the catchy slogan “I’m not a rapist; I’m just a cheater.”
I wondered about that in a December 2003 editorial for the Colorado Daily, Let’s Just Get it Over With , tie all those t-shirts together and hang the guy, no need for a trial.
Fortunately, NBA Bryant was rich enough to buy his way out of the impending surrealistic Sci-Fi conviction for a rape that may have never occurred.
I wrote, “[s]hort of civil action, the falsely accused have little recourse and most people filing false claims have nothing to offer to make their targets whole… Proponents of loosey-goosey hang’ high sexual assault laws resist sanctions against [malicious] false accusers, gold-diggers, narcissists and personality disordered bimbos for fear of chilling legitimate complaints.”
Tough, too bad, legislators need to force district attorneys to fully prosecute false accusers and burdens of proof have to be raised at least as high as the IQ of the Deputy Dorights with the t-shirts. Innocents should not suffer whackos.
A gazillion brainwashed ass-backward thinking politicians, civil servants, intellectually dishonest academics, and radical feminists disagree; even though intentionally making a false accusation and lying under oath are serious crimes with serious consequences.
Women Industry operatives rightly believe that lacking proof beyond a reasonable doubt does not necessarily establish an accusation is false. They believe false accusers who fess up and come clean should be given a break so other false accusers are not deterred from confessing for fear of punishment.
Which works like this, I admit I lied and destroyed lives. I was pissed off, afraid, lost, and could not find my teleporter to return to the mother ship. Hold me accountable and someone else might be afraid to lie and destroy lives because they have their head up a dark hole too and can’t find their way back to whatever planet they came from either?
Conversely, the absence of proof beyond a reasonable doubt does not necessarily establish that the accusation is real. Consider situations where there’s an overwhelming body of evidence to refute an accusation, like Maine’s Assistant D.A. May Kellet getting Vladek Filler convicted for spousal rape.
Kellet used the absence of evidence to convict Vladek. Kellet fought to keep from the jury all evidence to substantiate his innocence. As an aside, not only was there an absence of evidence, Filler’s alleged rape took place ten years before charges were filed! No evidence, ten years, he was convicted, unbelievable.
The state’s Supreme Court had enough sense to remand for retrial based on prosecutorial misconduct. Regardless, nothing will happen to Filler’s ex. Why? Because she’s whacko and whacko women are not responsible for the lives they destroy. Women get services and men get prisons, everyone knows that.
Similarly, one would think, when it becomes apparent a malicious false accuser maintains the farce, shows no remorse, the accuser should be prosecuted to the fullest extent. Doing so would certainly deter others from doing the same, except perhaps those from planet Bonkers.
That doesn’t happen either. I sent a case to the San Diego D.A. in which a man was falsely accused 25 times. There is clear and substantial evidence that the false accuser, the mother of his children, repeatedly lied, lied under oath, planted drugs in his car to set him up for a bust, coerced him into violating a restraining order by claiming his son was gravely ill, and fabricated one non event after another. She has not recanted. He strapped on a GPS ankle bracelet. Not only will the D.A. not prosecute, the Family Court awarded 100% physical and legal custody of their children to the woman because she had completely alienated the children from their father. The court felt it would do more harm to turn the children over to the non abusive father. All convoluted judicial thinking at its finest.
From what I can determine after speaking with prosecutors, judges, and private attorneys, no one has been prosecuted by the San Diego District Attorney Office for making malicious false accusations or lying under oath about sexual assault, domestic violence, or child abuse – nobody, never.
So how about South Carolina’s Crystal Mangum, now charged with murder, a malicious liar whose actions ruined the lives of so many?
When she was 17, Crystal accused three men of raping her when she was 14. The case was dropped, there was no evidence other than her allegation, and her father said he didn’t believe that she’d been raped.
In 2002 when lap-dancing on a taxi driver Crystal took his keys. She was drunk, stole his cab, was chased down by police, nearly ran over a cop, and was arrested.
Somewhere before or after the taxi driver, Crystal did a stint in the Navy. She was soon asked to leave. The Navy has yet to reveal the reason(s).

Crystal has mental health issues and her attorneys will plead the "abuse excuse", the license for women to murder men and children.
In 2006 Crystal falsely accused members of the Duke University Lacrosse Team of raping her. Her actions destroyed a good portion of the University’s reputation, churned up unmitigated animosity against team members by a group of vile hate mongering professors known as the “Committee of 88”, ruined Raleigh’s politically corrupt and ideologically feminized District Attorney Michael Nifong (not a bad thing, but ruined nonetheless), and caused Duke University’s capable lacrosse team coach to be run out of Raleigh; even though it was known or should have been known that Crystal had a history of mental illness and was loony-tunes.
After all that, North Carolina attorney general Roy Cooper chose not to hold Crystal accountable. Alluding to her history of severe mental illness, Cooper said that he would not prosecute her because she was so deluded as to believe her own false accusations – she didn’t know fact from fiction.
On Feb. 17, 2010 police responded to a call about a woman fighting with her boyfriend, Milton Walker. It was Crystal. The police reported that she set Milton’s clothes on fire and was threatening to stab him. Her three children were in the house. She was arrested then charged with attempted first-degree murder, five counts of arson, assault and battery, communicating threats, three counts of misdemeanor child abuse, injury to personal property, identity theft and resisting a public officer, but not one count of domestic violence. In defense, prosecutors might say that there was no need to charge her with domestic violence since she was charged with more serious crimes, which is a ruse.
Ideologically indoctrinated district attorneys internalize women don’t commit domestic violence; even if they really do; like crazy Crystal. To the PC impaired she’ll always be “the” victim. Blame it on patriarchy, some man made her do it and drove her to crazy.
District Attorneys protect their turf, often sacrificing justice for politically-correct dollars. Charging women with domestic violence skews statistics making it harder for domestic violence industry operatives to fund their imaginary “epidemic” of violence against women. At risk are billions in Violence Against Women Act (VAWA, euphemistically, “Visitor and Wallet Act”) and other Federal pass-though dollars which create and sustain soft-jobs for WoMEN StuDIEs graduates who after law school often land cushy as district attorneys.
Crystal was arrested again for stabbing another boyfriend, Reginald Daye, on April 3, 2011. He died. He’s dead, not breathing. She killed him. She’s in jail, big bail. Her defense attorney will blame it on Reginald, other men, and being loony-tunes because she was horrendously abused since before conception. Crystal owns the “abuse excuse”.
The religion Political Correctness dictates that Reginald surely stabbed himself to death after horribly abusing Crystal into an altered state of whacko. As victim she should be rewarded by the Victim Compensation Fund for killing her big bad boyfriend. Oprah’s probably already calling about her book club.
Following such reasoning leads to, it’s better to convict someone for something they have not done rather than deter someone who is or isn’t whacko from coming forward because of something that really happened to them, like being sexually assaulted or otherwise abused.
What if they finger the wrong guy, which happens about 50% of the time? Should the premeditated and malicious false accusation really be treated as “oops” void of consequences for those involved in sending an innocent person to prison? While the Innocence Project has secured the release of hundreds of falsely accused men, has there been one overly zealous prosecutor or malicious false accuser sent to prison for ruining someone’s life?
Had Crystal been held accountable, even confined to mental hospital, for any of her crimes committed before she (allegedly) murdered Reginald, he might still be alive.
To reiterate, “[s]hort of civil action, the falsely accused have little recourse and most people filing false claims have nothing to offer to make their targets whole…” Certainly they have nothing to offer Mr. Daye.
Legislators do need to force district attorneys to fully prosecute malicious false accusers and burdens of proof do have to be raised at least as high as the IQ of the Deputy Dorights in the t-shirts, the Committee of 88, radicalized domestic violence industry operatives, and attorney general Cooper.
Why? Because some complaints have to be dry-ice chilled until they break, especially those supported only by statements from lost in space whackos with a history of making destructive self-serving shit up! Otherwise the lives of innocent people are destroyed; and, some, like Mr. Daye, are murdered. Get it.
Let’s just get it over with, turn Crystal lose so she can abuse others and maybe kill again. After all, loony-tune women can’t be held accountable because they are crazy, since they are all victims of patriarchy and stuck in an endless cycle of abuse.
Maybe we need some Crystal t-shirts that say, “I’m not just a pathological liar, I’m a PC psycho murdering bitch from Bonkers, the perfect planet to the far left of reality.”
Nifong nuts, beam me up Scotty, I got to get out ‘a here… My heart bled out when the 88 Thlingons from Duke sucked up my sympathy and Attorney General Cooper failed to do his job. I wonder if the Dildo Bandito can help get faux penises out of academia, politics, and the justice system?
I am being falsely accused currently and have been keeping careful records since before the alleged incident. Anyone interested in Seeing? Mail me,
These allegations are not false. There is sufficient enough evidence That the DA is raising this case to a Felony charge. Warrens evidence is composed of botched video ( video editing software) that does not match the victims evidence AND witness testimonies, along with a medical record of a torn ligament from a struggle for the victims cell phone, and keys. ( the victim was pregnant) the poster here also injured a child when ripping his game unit from his hands and throwing a 27 " television onto the deck. If you research this poster, you will also see instances where he has blamed the government and the state for losing his license and his vehicle due to other bad decisions. This is is a clear case of a mentally unstable individual unable to accept responsibility for his actions. In his community he is known as a CON man. from a previous relationship he also served jail time and was given a restraining order….several drug convictions and incarcerations. ….the victim in this family has also documented cases of stolen vehicles and money. Warrens charges are legit. The abuse also continues onto religious abuse whereas he starved his own son out because he refused to join a cult like worship, or Pentecostal type church. Warren believes he is a high disciple of God and has been awarded the right to curse and abuse others for not following his practice. he believes Jesus talks to him and allows this behavior in his salvation. further abuse aside of this situation includes child neglect, He forced a 8 year old and his mother ( the pregnant victim) who was also pregnant at this time ….to sleep in an 100 degree, insect infested room with no AC while he slept in a well air conditioned room…..he said they were not worthy of his space because they again did not adhere to his abusive rules…….I suggest anyone who reads this or reaches out to this research this individual as he has left an impressive foot print on the internet with all kinds of false claims.Reference "Reducing fines for the poor". Where as Warren drove his vehicle with an beer can and an * year old with expired tags,no insurance and no license. this is another example of te ability to accept responsibility, you can see a glimpse of his aggression when posters disagree with his post . Warren in certified mental ill, receives benefits for his illness. He suffers from delusions, and in that makes horrible choices and has no idea why there is consequences for them. This poor family has suffered trying to get him the proper help in which he has rejected. Since the assault Warren attempted to Kidnap his daughter threatening to hitchhike through Houston, if someone didnt take him to church, a clear case of child endangerment. Also, blackmale tactics were used against the childs mother, demanding certain actions be taken if the childs mother ever wanted to see her daughter. These tactics were witnessed by law enforcement , and Officers of the DA. Aggressive action had to be taken in order to get the child to safety. The mother (assault victim) and daughter had to relocate from further retaliation of the pending charges. The allegations are legitimate. The so called video does not capture the whole incident and has been bias edited and manipulated for his defense, it is partial. Warren is a mentally unstable person who n society repeatedly hurts people and breaks the law and want no consequence for it…..and the State of Texas is tired ….he has called the state of Texas to threaten to sue them fro ruining his life when he couldn't pay his traffic fines. understand the mentality of this individual . Jail may not be the answer ….but a psychiatric evaluation is defiantly needed,
Women have been lying about rape like they have guns to their heads since the dawn of time. How many men have been imprisoned, killed, lost their jobs, had their lives ruined or committed suicide? The numbers must be staggering.
One thing that always struck me about the Kobe case, was that the victim was either telling the truth, delusional, or a liar. This is because she should have known she would be vilified, discredited, and suffer extreme social damage by accusing a rich, famous man of raping her. She obviously had no idea how she would be treated by the press, the police, and the public. She must have been delusional or telling the truth b/c I don’t know why any woman would put herself through that even for a huge settlement. I know three women that men raped, and all were treated inappropriately by the authorities. They were told not to pursue the case b/c it is difficult to charge much less convict “alleged” (wink wink) rapists. The “it was consensual” argument is very powerful.
False accusers deserve and must be prosecuted for this crime. They should suffer the possibility of incarceration and heavy fines. However, they should be treated in this manner b/c women need to know that they shouldn’t file false rape cases b/c of the way rape survivors tend to be treated. If false accusers are able to accuse w/o penalty, this may (and probably has) affected the way real survivors are treated by police and the media.
The vitirpitude of the author’s attitude against these false accusers seems to be a little overboard. Yes, falsely accused men do suffer terrible consequences if a jury convicts them. However, most rapists get away with what they’ve done compared to the men who are falsely accused, and the women who men rape do suffer are much more than the falsely accused. Losing a reputation is one thing, but being physically violated is completely different. Also these women can die from rape; I don’t know if men who are falsely accused are murdered due to the accusation. I don’t think I’ve ever read about one, but if you do know of such a case, please identify it.
Also, if the gentlemen have such a problem with this issue of false accusations, they should probably form a group that speaks out to men, particularly young men, about the immorality of their actions and explain to them their internal need to physically violate and degrade another human being. I don’t know any men personally who have worked to try and stop rape by telling their fellow men to stop touching the women. Perhaps if more gentlemen engaged in possible prevention activities, there might be less rape.
If every 18 yr. old male in the county received a four year decree in "How not to violate or degrade and stop touching women", how would that keep 50% of false rape claims from happening? Your logic is completely without merit or reason. You say in one paragraph that women should be prosecuted for false rape claims. Then, you do a total one hundred and eighty decree turn. You do what all men-hating, feminazi, I'm a victim women do. You blame the problem on men. If only we would educate our young men; no need to educate young women, they never lie, never steal, cheat, do drugs etc. etc.
According to your logic, if a woman states a man shot her pig in the eye with an arrow and killed it the man should be arrested without an investigation. Never mind the fact she doesn't own a pig or a dead pig with an arrow in its eye cannot be found. That would be evidence but who needs evidence? Who needs due process of law when you have a woman's word. According to your logic, if a woman states a man from Mars stole her car the sheriff should spend hundreds of man hours looking for the alien and the stolen car. The prosecuting attorney should make a presentation to the local grand jury in anticipation that the stolen car and the alien will be apprehended soon. According to your logic, if a woman calls her federal congressman and states that Obama is a criminal and a rapist then the congressman has a legal duty to start impeachment proceeding immediately. Or, maybe he and congress should form a group to explain to him he has to fight his need to violate and degrade women. Women like you make me want to scream. No logic, no proof, no due process needed or wanted. I should not villify you but your comment handle (jezebelspalms) is a freudian slip and a dead give away about how you really feel about men and justice. You believe in capital punishment (as long as it is for men but not for women).
You believe it is wrong to degrade another human being unless it is a man (filing a false rape claim is one of the highest forms of degradation, your using the legal system to punish and degrade but you wouldn't understand that).
You try to compare false rape claims to women who were raped (an apples to oranges comparison bty) but the rapist got off. Then, your problem is with the legal system not the man who was aquitted. If you had been the judge then we could have done away with a jury and all that other silly stuff like due process, evidence etc. After all, you know when a man is guilty or innocent, she accused him didn't she?? You never understood the article you read because you are blinded and bias toward men and justice for men. You live in a world of your own. It's good to be special, (women like that) you think that only women are worthy of justice. Why are you even on this website? Malcoim X said, "I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it's for or against." I'm sure you are saying to yourself, "What does he know, he's just a man."
You are a bunch of sick racists chuvanist pigs. Crystal is a victim. She was only protecting herself from her abusive boyfriend and the court will not convict a women like her because she is a victim of domestic violence. Your organization is sick and racist!
Amita , calm down . Some times women lie about rape !! Thats a fact ! Just google " False Rape ' and you will see for your self . Its more common than you think.
Amita ,do you know what rape is….? You think is easy to rape a women ?To rape Amita ,to rape !!??? Penetration !!!!!????not sexual assault !
We are not racist Amita . My wife is Filiphina. I jus dont like unjustce!! A lot of women lie ,I have seen it . My dothers dont go to bars and get pised dronk !ok. Do you Amita ? Do you behave like a pig ? Do you behave like a idiot Amita ?? When I behave like a idiot and a stupid Ashole I get punched in the face !!! Thats my fall !! For bieng a ass . I desurve to be punched .
Dude you are high. Crystals record of violence, crime and deciet- and you try to label her a victim? You are sincerely high. In your world the word victim has no meaning. It is an empty word you throw around to try and get paid.
And by the way, with your rabid, false and empty allegations of "racist chauvanist pigs"- you, Amita, are a Racist, Sexist, Misandrist, Chauvanist Murder Condoning, Bigot Cow, of the order of the KKK. You didn't think only males can be chauvanist did you? Of course, you are proof to the contrary.