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Dallas/Fort Worth

NCFM Adviser Charles E. Corry Ph.D., F.G.S.A., Radical Feminism — Flotsam and Jetsam From the Past 50 Years

June 4, 2018
NCFM Adviser Charles E. Corry Ph.D., F.G.S.A., Radical Feminism — Flotsam and Jetsam From the Past 50 Years

NCFM NOTE: Dr. Corry’s 18 page history of radical feminism offers a terrifying view of past, present and future destruction. Be prepared to learn things about the USA you never imagined could happen. _________________________________________ For nearly two decades the Equal Justice Foundation has been pointing out that under current laws a man has to...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Activities, Al Rava, Esq., Alan Millard, Authors, Barbara Kay, Bill Ronan, C.D. Lang, Caleb Papp, Carl Augustsson, Charles Corry, Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, International, Kentucky/Tennessee, Los Angeles, Mexico, National, Northern California, San Diego, Twin Cities, Washington, D.C. | 7 Comments »

NCFM ends ladies day at world famous Del Mar Fairgrounds covered by the North County Times – not “silly”

August 6, 2011
NCFM ends ladies day at world famous Del Mar Fairgrounds covered by the North County Times – not “silly”

NCFM NOTE: It is interesting that someone representing the world famous Del Mar Thoroughbred Club which promotes events like the Ms. Cougar Contest (older, good looking, well-healed, woman on the prowl for younger men), Ladies Hat Day, or the Ugly Dog Day (great event in my opinion) would refer to discrimination against men or...
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Posted in Action, Dallas/Fort Worth, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, National, NCFM in the news, Progress, San Diego | 3 Comments »

NCFM gets the attention of the San Diego Union Tribune re Del Mar Fair Ground Ladies Day

August 5, 2011
NCFM gets the attention of the San Diego Union Tribune re Del Mar Fair Ground Ladies Day

OK, just hold it for a minute By Tom Blair, Columnist Friday, August 5, 2011 at 7:26 a.m. Ladies’ Day at the Del Mar Racetrack is history. As of this week, it’s “Ladies’ and Gentlemen Day” — the result of protest and pressure from the National Coalition For Men. Does that seem silly? Or...
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Posted in Action, Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Los Angeles, National, San Diego | 1 Comment »

NCFM Members Protest NFL Misusing Super Bowl Abuse Myth for Super Bowl

February 4, 2011
NCFM Members Protest NFL Misusing Super Bowl Abuse Myth for Super Bowl

This press release, “NFL Must Tackle Super Bowl Abuse Myth”, is going out to over 10,000 media outlets at 9am today. Now, we are calling on EVERYONE to call the NFL main office at 1-212-450-2000. Please tell Commissioner Goodell to speak out against the myth that Super Bowl Sunday is the “biggest day of...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Dallas/Fort Worth, National, News, Uncategorized | No Comments »