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Birth Fathers + Adoptions: Inequality in Parental Rights

February 7, 2014
Birth Fathers + Adoptions: Inequality in Parental Rights

NCFM NOTE: This article, published in the DC Bar, shows the history of paternity registers and their diabolical nature. Often overlooked in efforts to deny bio dads their children are health related issues related to heredity. It’s important for children to know what health risks they may inherit from their birth father. Of course, that’s...
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Posted in Adoption, Discrimination Against Men, Double Standard, Father's Rights, Parental Rights | 1 Comment »

Baby Girl versus Adoptive Parents, Adoption Agency, and the New York Times… Baby Girl wins

April 17, 2013
Baby Girl versus Adoptive Parents, Adoption Agency, and the New York Times… Baby Girl wins

The April 15, 2013 New York Times op-ed A Wrenching Adoption Case reveals more about the gender leanings of the newspaper than it does the facts of the case, which the editors either ignored; or, buried. In brief, this case, Adoptive Parents v. Baby Girl, has to do with purported violations of the Indian...
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Posted in Adoption, Discrimination Against Males | 1 Comment »

Utah Adoption Council president resigns amid fathers’ rights controversy

June 1, 2012
Utah Adoption Council president resigns amid fathers’ rights controversy

There’s been a very choreographed effort to sweep birth fathers and others under the rug,” Hutchins said.  He’s absolutely right.  But no, men don’t face systematic sex discrimination, do they?  And we don’t need a men’s rights movement either, do we, at least not according to our misandric friends.  But things are a changing. The...
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Posted in Adoption, Children's' Rights, Corruption, Courts Family, Discrimination Against Males, Government Programs for Women, Progress, Sexism, Shameful, War Against Men | 5 Comments »

“I am repeatedly told the local DHS/CPS has legalized kidnapping of our children and is running an adoption ring with federal, state, and local financing,” says Equal Justice Foundation President Charles Corry

March 15, 2012
“I am repeatedly told the local DHS/CPS has legalized kidnapping of our children and is running an adoption ring with federal, state, and local financing,” says Equal Justice Foundation President Charles Corry

NCFM NOTE: Our friend Dr. Charles Corry has for years been a crusader for equal justice, Child Protective Services (CPS) included. Thank you Charles for being you... You can’t fix stupid! Few citizens and even fewer elected officials and bureaucrats are able to distinguish between possibility and probability. As a result extremely unlikely events...
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Posted in Adoption, Canada, Charles Corry, Child Abuse, Child Custody, Children's' Rights, Corruption, Discrimination Against Males, Government Programs for Women, Legislation Bad | 4 Comments »