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Domestic Abuse/Violence

NCFM Canadian Liaison Earl Silverman, “Female violence society’s “dirty little secret,” especially in Alberta”

August 1, 2011
NCFM Canadian Liaison Earl Silverman, “Female violence society’s “dirty little secret,” especially in Alberta”

        By Christopher Walsh, reporter Calgary Beacon, July  29, 2011 Twenty years ago, a man named Earl was sitting alone in a mobile home, the oven door open, two propane tanks set on either side, when the phone rang. He wasn’t expecting the call, it just sort of came out of...
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Posted in Action, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Government Programs for Women, NCFM in the news, Victim Rights | 1 Comment »

NCFM distributes another flyer throughout Congress — “Where’s the Outrage”

July 28, 2011
NCFM distributes another flyer throughout Congress — “Where’s the Outrage”

This is the last in a continuing series of flyers that NCFM has distributed to all members of the United States House of Representatives, the Senate, applicable committees, and members of the President’s administration, as applicable. In conjunction with like-minded organizations currently, diligently, and effectively educating our policy makers of the importance of equitable...
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Posted in Action, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Legislation Bad, National, Radical, Sexism, Supremist, Victim Mentality | 4 Comments »

Talking about deadbeat moms is politically incorrect

July 22, 2011
Talking about deadbeat moms is politically incorrect

I came across this article in my files and thought someone might find it interesting. I have a few more that are not archived on the Internet. I might post of few of those too. Notice how the title of the article is as true today as it was 16 ago… sorry about the...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Fathers' Day, Myths, Radical, Supremist | 9 Comments »

NCFM Advisor Op-Ed re VAWA published

July 15, 2011
NCFM Advisor Op-Ed re VAWA published

The op-ed below was posted on Men’s News Daily on Monday July 11, 2011. Gordon E. Finley, Ph.D. VAWA: An Idea Whose Time Never Should Have Come Like facing a hurricane, America now faces the reauthorization of a powerful and destructive feminist-made disaster tearing through the lives of children, fathers, families and the nation’s...
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Posted in Action, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Legislation Bad, Women Organizations | 5 Comments »

NCFM Oregon Liaison Phil Cook Guest on the Jim Bohanna Show

June 10, 2011
NCFM Oregon Liaison Phil Cook Guest on the Jim Bohanna Show

Listen to the interview here; INTERVIEW. NCFM Liaison Phil Cook represented Stop Abusive and Violent Environments and SAVE Services in an interview on the nationally heard Jim Bohanna Show. Phil, an investigative reporter, is  author of the first definitive book about abused men, “Abused Men the Hidden Side of Domestic Violence“. This is a...
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Posted in Action, Child Abuse, Domestic Abuse/Violence, False Allegations DV, National, Rape Allegations, Sexual Assault | 1 Comment »

Barking Mad or Clever as a Fox? The Vladek Filler Re-trial

June 4, 2011
Barking Mad or Clever as a Fox? The Vladek Filler Re-trial

By Jan Brown I try to keep my writing devoid of my sarcastic wit; however, at times it’s difficult to hold back especially when dealing with stressful events that make you feel like you are in the Twilight Zone.  Last week I attended the State v. Filler criminal re-trial in Ellsworth, Maine to lend my...
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Posted in Child Abuse, Court Cases, Courts Criminal, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, False Allegations DV, Rape Allegations, Sexual Assault | 2 Comments »

Prosecutors supressed this evidence in the first trial.

May 26, 2011
Prosecutors supressed this evidence in the first trial.

In this video Ligia Filler twice threatens to kill police officers, she threatens to kill her husband, threatens to cut him or police office into pieces and enjoy it. Ligia files spousal rape charges against her husband Vladek. He’s convicted. The tape recording below and other evidence was not shown to the jury, the...
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Posted in Court Cases, Courts Appellate, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Rape Allegations, Supremist | 4 Comments »

Court: No right to resist illegal cop entry into home

May 24, 2011
Court: No right to resist illegal cop entry into home

Earlier this month the Indiana Supreme Court ruled that people have no right to resist unlawful police entry into their homes. One of the justices wrote that if a police officer wants to enter a home for any reason or no reason at all, a homeowner cannot do anything to block the officer’s entry,...
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Posted in Courts Appellate, Criminal Sentencing, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Supremist, Victim Mentality, Women Industry News | 1 Comment »

Neuro News: Genetics, Sociopaths, and DV

May 23, 2011
Neuro News: Genetics, Sociopaths, and DV

By Robert Yourell They say that children exposed to violence grow up to be violent. Well, that’s the impression from some headlines and little articles about the state of the research. Unfortunately, that’s a gross generalization that could be harmful. Do we love stereotypes or what? Researchers, if candid, will tell you that, although...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Health Children, Health Men, Health Women, Radical, Supremist, Victim Mentality | 1 Comment »