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Event Males


October 17, 2011

Fathers’ Day in Democratic Republic of Georgia! Saturday, October 15th, is Fathers’ Day here in Georgia (as in Russia rather than next to Alabama)! As some of you may recall, I petitioned the Georgian Parliament to create a Father’s Day, or turn March 3rd (currently Mother’s Day) into Parent’s Day.  You can get more...
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Posted in Action, Carl Augustsson, Event Males, Progress | 1 Comment »

NCFM Member helps organize first Fathers’ Day Essay Contest sponsored by the New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men

June 23, 2011
NCFM Member helps organize first Fathers’ Day Essay Contest sponsored by the New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men

Mike Geanoulis, long established National Coalition For Men Member and Founding Commissioner for the New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men (CSM) along with other CSM Commissioners, legislators, and interested organizations, like NCFM, recently saved the Commission from being closed by New Hampshire’s Legislature. (see article, “NCFM helps save the New Hampshire Commission...
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Posted in Action, Event Males, Fathers' Day, National | 1 Comment »

NCFM Liaison Pursues Establishing NCFM Chapter in Sweden

May 24, 2011
NCFM Liaison Pursues Establishing NCFM Chapter in Sweden

Carl Augustsson is NCFM’s Liaison in the Democratic Republic of Georgia where he is trying to get the government to designate a day of celebration for men. There are two such days for women. After writing Sexköpslagen Carl learned that a member of the Swedish Parliament spoke against the legislation which punishes only those...
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Posted in Action, Carl Augustsson, Discrimination Against Men, Event Females, Event Males, Fathers' Day, International, Mens' Organizations, Politicians International | No Comments »