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Media focus on rapes and other female miseries while ignoring male executions, worked-to-death laborers, tortured prisoners, and nine-year-old boy soldiers trained to kill and be killed.

October 24, 2011
Media focus on rapes and other female miseries while ignoring male executions, worked-to-death laborers, tortured prisoners, and nine-year-old boy soldiers trained to kill and be killed.

The Global Victim by Tim Goldich President, NCFM Chicago Chapter An excerpt from Tim’s new book  Loving Men Respecting Women Rape of Man It is overwhelming enough to try and grasp gender reality here in our own culture without presuming to understand gender reality within foreign cultures that are alien to us. Convincing the...
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Posted in Conscription, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Forced Labor, Government Programs for Women, International, Military, Myths, Sexism, Shameful, Tim Goldich, Victim Rights | 14 Comments »

California Releases Non Violent Offenders – Females Only

September 28, 2011
California Releases Non Violent Offenders – Females Only

To save six million dollars a year and reduce prison overcrowding, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation announced it will release non-violent female prisoners to allow them to regain custody of their children, and to receive transitional housing and other support services. The CDRC admits the program discriminates against men and is unconstitutional,...
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Posted in Criminal Sentencing, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Government Programs for Women, Sexism, Shameful | 7 Comments »

NEWS RELEASE – Australian Parliment favors political correctness over safety of children and national security

September 1, 2011
NEWS RELEASE – Australian Parliment favors political correctness over safety of children and national security

Politically correct parlimentarian salute to children, families, fathers and national security. A father’s day gift from Labor and the Greens: increased fatherlessness Virtually every major social pathology has been linked to fatherlessness: violent crime, drug and alcohol abuse, truancy, teen pregnancy, suicide – all correlate more strongly to fatherlessness than to any other...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Fathers, Government Programs for Women, Legislation Bad, Politicians International, Press Release Other, Press Release Pro Men Only, Radical, Sexism, Shameful, Supremist | 4 Comments »

When is a pinhead a penn, a solomon a solomon, and ignorance misandry by default?

September 1, 2011
When is a pinhead a penn, a solomon a solomon, and ignorance misandry by default?

Penn and Solomon Published: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at 3:00 a.m. Last Modified: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at 9:49 p.m. Regarding the article, “Sean Penn stumps in Petaluma for congressional candidate,” that appeared on on Aug. 23, I found it ironic that Norman Solomon would use a Hollywood celebrity in order to attract...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Politicians Federal, Sexism, Shameful, Victim Rights | 1 Comment »

The death of due process for males in higher education

August 24, 2011
The death of due process for males in higher education

“civil rights n. those rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, the 13th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution, including the right to due process, equal treatment under the law of all people regarding enjoyment of life, liberty, property, and protection…” All Americans have “civil rights”, not just women. Yet the U.S. Department of...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Education, Government Programs for Women, Radical, Shameful, Supremist, Title IX, Victim Mentality | 3 Comments »

NCFM Members Helping Our Troops

August 1, 2011
NCFM Members Helping Our Troops

Amongst other activities, the nonprofit organization Honoring Our Troops packs care packages for our troops. Three NCFM members are directly involved with Honoring Our Troops, two of who are key to the organizations success (Rich and Allan). The other is me. They let me help with things not to complicated. Honoring Our Troops staff...
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Posted in Action, Conscription, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Forced Labor, Military, Selective Service, Shameful | 1 Comment »

“Dear Woman” as man I am to blame for everything you ever did wrong. I aplogize.

June 24, 2011
“Dear Woman” as man I am to blame for everything you ever did wrong. I aplogize.

…yup, that’s what these guys say in one of the strangest videos I’ve ever seen. These guys make Congressman Wiener look like the stud he always wanted to be, even with his cloths on. Porky Pig, Silvester, Elmer Fud, Bugs and the whole Looney Tunes crew combined make more sense than the male apologists...
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Posted in Radical, Shameful, Supremist | 3 Comments »

U.S. Supreme Court Rules Fathers are Inferior

June 14, 2011
U.S. Supreme Court Rules Fathers are Inferior

In an unbelievable decision the U.S. Supreme Court’s 4-4 vote yesterday denied a San Diego man’s rightful claim that men are treated disparately due to a gender-based standard in immigration law. The tie vote affirmed a 9th U.S. Court of Appeals judgment that the immigration law’s higher standard for determining citizenship for the children...
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Posted in Court Cases, Discrimination Against Men, Fathers, Shameful, Supremist | 6 Comments »

NCFM defends father whose son was given away by family court without his consent

June 13, 2011
NCFM defends father whose son was given away by family court without his consent

JOSE GASPAR: 18-year-old continues fighting for custody of son adopted to another family BY JOSE GASPAR, Californian contributing columnist | Sunday, Jun 12 2011 03:31 PM Last Updated Sunday, Jun 12 2011 03:32 PM Next Sunday millions of families will be celebrating Father’s Day, acknowledging the man who raised, loved and cared for...
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Posted in Action, Child Custody, Children's' Rights, Court Cases, Discrimination Against Men, Fathers, Los Angeles, Reproductive Rights Men, Reproductive Rights Women, Shameful, Supremist | 1 Comment »