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Posts Tagged ‘ feminism ’

The Ideologically Impaired are True Believers, They Hate Reason, In San Diego and Maybe Even the Democratic Republic of Georgia

April 29, 2011
The Ideologically Impaired are True Believers, They Hate Reason, In San Diego and Maybe Even the Democratic Republic of Georgia

By Carl Augustsson   With June approaching Fathers’ Day is on my mind, a day that should be about celebrating all good Dads rather than a day used to promote radical feminist propaganda as done over the last decade. There are some countries that have no official day to celebrate anything to do with...
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Posted in Carl Augustsson | 1 Comment »

ACTION ALERT: Gender Studies Law suit in London

April 25, 2011
ACTION ALERT: Gender Studies Law suit in London

An egalitarian MRA is bringing a damages claim against an elite university’s Gender Studies department which he attended as a student, but was forced to withdraw from due to the persistantly sexist anti-male nature of the course. His legal claim is based on Sex Discrimination law, Breach of Contract, Misleading Advertising and Misrepresentation –...
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