Many systems in the world are, for the most part, binary. Off/On. Positive/Negative. Yes/No. Day/Night. Right/Left. Alive/Dead. Black/White. Guilty/Not Guilty. Win/Lose. Quantum/Classical. Offense/Defense. Credit/Debit. Convex/Concave. Hard Cover/Paperback. CW/CCW. Yin/Yang. Belt/Suspenders. Deciduous/Evergreen. Aloha/Aloha. Paper/Plastic. Schrader/Presta. Smooth/Crunchy. Pica/Elite. Digital/Analog. Bikini. Inny/Outy. Stalactite/Stalagmite. Male/Female. Victimhood is also binary. Women can be victims. Men can’t. In reality, men...
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