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Bill Ronan

NCFM Adviser Bill Ronan, LICSW, THE BATTERING HUSBAND published in the Medical Hypnoanalysis Journal

October 24, 2018

Most of the approaches to wife beating counseling that I have been familiar with deal with it from the wife’s or victim’s point of view. The general assumption is that the man or husband is evil. I’ve even heard counselors refer to it as a “possession.” With this kind of attitude it leaves little...
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Posted in Bill Ronan, Domestic Violence Against Men, Domestic Violence Victims | 2 Comments »

NCFM Adviser Charles E. Corry Ph.D., F.G.S.A., Radical Feminism — Flotsam and Jetsam From the Past 50 Years

June 4, 2018
NCFM Adviser Charles E. Corry Ph.D., F.G.S.A., Radical Feminism — Flotsam and Jetsam From the Past 50 Years

NCFM NOTE: Dr. Corry’s 18 page history of radical feminism offers a terrifying view of past, present and future destruction. Be prepared to learn things about the USA you never imagined could happen. _________________________________________ For nearly two decades the Equal Justice Foundation has been pointing out that under current laws a man has to...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Activities, Al Rava, Esq., Alan Millard, Authors, Barbara Kay, Bill Ronan, C.D. Lang, Caleb Papp, Carl Augustsson, Charles Corry, Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, International, Kentucky/Tennessee, Los Angeles, Mexico, National, Northern California, San Diego, Twin Cities, Washington, D.C. | 7 Comments »

NCFM Advisor Bill Ronan, LCSW, An Overview of Feminist Counseling…

October 18, 2013
NCFM Advisor Bill Ronan, LCSW, An Overview of Feminist Counseling…

CC NCFM NOTE: NetCE, Contnuting Education for Healthcare Professionals offers online courses, like course “7688: An Overview of Feminist Counseling.” Course 7688 is designed for social workers, psychologists, therapists, and mental health counselors of the interdisciplinary team who want to gain an overview of feminist therapy/counseling. Moreover, the course offers a challenging deconstruction of...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Bill Ronan, Discrimination Men by Men, Feminism | 1 Comment »

NCFM Minnesota Liaison Bill Ronan on protective orders as weapons

September 26, 2012
NCFM Minnesota Liaison Bill Ronan on protective orders as weapons

State Enabled Entrapment – Protective Orders By Bill Ronan, LICSW Your wife or girlfriend has decided she is done with you.  But she wants the house, kids, car, and citizenship, whatever.  So she gets an order for protection (OFP) that kicks you out of the house and you no longer have access to these...
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Posted in Abused Man, Action, Activities, Bill Ronan, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Industry, Government Programs for Women, Restraining Orders | 3 Comments »