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Marc Angelucci, Esq.


June 8, 2014

8 June, 2014 For Immediate Release KAREN DECROW, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN, WILL BE MISSED. SHE BELIEVED IN EQUALITY BETWEEN FATHERS AND MOTHERS. CONTACT: Marc Angelucci, Vice-President, NCFM PHONE NUMBER: 626-319-3081 EMAIL: Karen DeCrow, former president of the National Organization for Women, has passed away at the age of...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Marc Angelucci, Esq., Press Release NCFM | No Comments »

NCFM’s Opposition to the Federal Government’s Motion to Dismiss NCFM’s lawsuit against the Selective Service System

July 8, 2013
NCFM’s Opposition to the Federal Government’s Motion to Dismiss NCFM’s lawsuit against the Selective Service System

NCFM NOTE: Below is NCFM’s opposition to the Selective Service System’s motion to dismiss our lawsuit to stop the horrific gender discrimination within the Selective Service System. Once laws were repealed preventing women from holding combat positions in the military they became “similarly situated” as men. Hence, all legal prohibitions requiring women to register...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Activities, Discrimination Against Men, Government Programs for Women, Lawyers, Legislation Bad, Marc Angelucci, Esq., Men's Rights, Military, Selective Service, Sex Discrimination Against Men | 1 Comment »

NCFM calls for closer scrutiny of violent women who abuse men in light of Travis Alexander’s murder by Jodi Aris

May 9, 2013
NCFM calls for closer scrutiny of violent women who abuse men in light of Travis Alexander’s murder by Jodi Aris

  Press Release San Diego, California, May 9, 2013 Contact: Marc Angelucci, Esq., NCFM Vice President,   626-319-3081 SUMMARY: Travis Alexander’s murder by Jodi Aris was horrific by any measure. It may not have happened if more attention were paid to female perpetrators and their male victims.  In light of the tragic murder...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Discrimination Against Males, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Marc Angelucci, Esq., Perps Female, Press Release NCFM, Victim Male | 5 Comments »

NCFM Vice President Marc Angelucci invited guest speaker about domestic violence at El Camino College

March 25, 2013
NCFM Vice President Marc Angelucci invited guest speaker about domestic violence at El Camino College

On 3/25/13, NCFM’s Vice President, Marc Angelucci, was an invited guest speaker before a Sociology class of about 30-40 students at El Camino Community College near Redondo Beach, California.  The Professor had invited Angelucci to speak about male victims of domestic violence and particularly NCFM’s legal victory in Woods v. Horton (2008) 167 Cal.App.4th 648, which held it is unconstitutional to...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Education, Marc Angelucci, Esq., NCFM in the news | 2 Comments »

NCFM VP Marc Angelucci, Esq. reports that a new study confirms the importance of the foreskin

February 9, 2013
NCFM VP Marc Angelucci, Esq. reports that a new study confirms the importance of the foreskin

This brand new Belgian study confirms what the study in Denmark found: “This study confirms the importance of the foreskin for penile sensitivity, overall sexual satisfaction, and penile functioning. Furthermore, this study shows that a higher percentage of circumcised men experience discomfort or pain and unusual sensations as compared with the uncircumcised population. Before circumcision...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Circumcision, Health Children, Health Men, Marc Angelucci, Esq. | 2 Comments »

NCFM Press Release “NCFM CALLS FOR EQUALITY IN SELECTIVE SERVICE” since women can now officially service in combat

January 23, 2013
NCFM Press Release “NCFM CALLS FOR EQUALITY IN SELECTIVE SERVICE” since women can now officially service in combat

130123 NCFM press release re selective service and women in combat Women in combat… Ok. Women in combat… now. Women in combat… then register for Selective Service too. Women in combat Women in combat Women in combat Women in combat
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Posted in Action, Activities, Conscription, Discrimination Against Men, Harry Crouch, Marc Angelucci, Esq., Military, Press Release NCFM, War Against Women | 5 Comments »

NCFM sponsors Los Angeles fundraising event — HAPPY INTERNATIONAL MEN’S DAY!

November 19, 2012
NCFM sponsors Los Angeles fundraising event — HAPPY INTERNATIONAL MEN’S DAY!

NCFM NOTE: Thanks to the NCFM members who attended! It was great seeing you again! Thank you Mr. Angelucci for coordinating the event. Everyone had a great time, we raised awareness about men’s issues, and celebrated “Man”. We encourage whoever reads this to celebrate International Men’s Day next year. Special thanks to the Fraternal...
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Posted in Action, Activities, International Mens Day, Marc Angelucci, Esq. | No Comments »

NCFM Celebrates International Men’s Day with LA party and fundraising event — JOIN US!

November 7, 2012
NCFM Celebrates International Men’s Day with LA party and fundraising event — JOIN US!

Dear friends, NCFM is celebrating International Men’s Day with a party in Eagle Rock, CA on Friday night, November 16, 2012 at the Fraternal Order of the Eagles in Eagle Rock.  You are all invited! It’s a celebration of International Men’s Day, one of the few days that recognizes the value of men,  the...
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Posted in Action, Activities, International Mens Day, Marc Angelucci, Esq. | 3 Comments »

NCFM VP Marc Angelucci, Esq., comments on Berlin Conference on Male Troubles

November 6, 2012
NCFM VP Marc Angelucci, Esq., comments on Berlin Conference on Male Troubles

Again, they’re way ahead of us.  “Men in Germany, Austria and Switzerland have all come together in their respective countries in recent years to establish associations focusing on problems facing males and the Austrian Labor Ministry has even created a section devoted specifically to the subject. In 2004, the ministry held the first ever...
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Posted in Conference Men, Discrimination Against Males, Equitable, Europe Eastern, Europe Western, Feminism, International, Libertarian, Marc Angelucci, Esq., Progress, Radical, Supremist, Wage Gap | 2 Comments »