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Discrimination Against Males

Stop Exploiting Africans — Circumcision Does Not Stop AIDS

April 7, 2013
Stop Exploiting Africans — Circumcision Does Not Stop AIDS

Stop Exploiting Africans — Circumcision Does Not Stop AIDS by JerryTheOther The ushers at the Brooklyn Academy of Music were as stunned as Bill and Chelsea Clinton – patrons usually don’t stand mid-performance and shout slogans at the stage – so no one should blame them for not restoring order. That night, March 4th,...
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Posted in Circumcision, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Genital Mutilation, Health Girls, Health Men, Legislation Bad | 6 Comments »

NCFM MSU in the news for wanting to cure rape hysteria…

March 28, 2013
NCFM MSU in the news for wanting to cure rape hysteria…

Men’s group wants to cure Montana’s ‘rape hysteria’ The National Coalition for Men has its sights set on starting a chapter at the University of Montana next fall. NCFM Campus coordinator and spokesman Christopher Thompson said that he is working on meeting with fraternities in the next few weeks to get them on board...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Chris Thompson, Discrimination Against Males, Education, Other, Rape, Schools Colleges and Universities, Universities | 2 Comments »

NCFM Campus Ambassador Chris Thompson reports on university kangaroo justice and how to create criminals out of innocent men

March 1, 2013
NCFM Campus Ambassador Chris Thompson reports on university kangaroo justice and how to create criminals out of innocent men

NCFM NOTE: Notice here how DOE directives gutting due process procedures coincide with the DOJ’s  lowered standards of evidence and expansive new definition of sexual assault/rape. This trick to further disenfranchise males is epic. First, expand the definition of something that is believed to be a horrific offense to women which necessarily creates more...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Chris Thompson, Definitions, Discrimination Against Males, Double Standard, Education, Government Programs for Women, Horrible, Legislation Bad, Radical, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Shameful, Supremist, Title IX, Universities, VAWA, War Against Men | 8 Comments »

NCFM Advisor Gordon Finley, Ph.D, VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) ignores reality

February 21, 2013
NCFM Advisor Gordon Finley, Ph.D, VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) ignores reality

    The above letter was faxed to 396 members in the House of Representatives and 96 U.S. Senators. For various reasons beyond our control 160 of the 492 faxes sent did not reach the intended recipients. We’ve heard that Speaker of the House John Boehner (R) has been persuaded to soon introduce for a...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Gordon Finley, Ph.D, VAWA | 2 Comments »

‘Yes girls, size DOES matter – but not just on men’: One male writer gives his blistering response to the penis size debate

February 18, 2013
‘Yes girls, size DOES matter – but not just on men’: One male writer gives his blistering response to the penis size debate

‘Yes girls, size DOES matter – but not just on men’: One male writer gives his blistering response to the penis size debate By Peter Lloyd PUBLISHED: 08:40 EST, 14 November 2012 | UPDATED: 08:46 EST, 14 November 2012 A scientific study claims to have settled the age-old debate on whether penis size actually...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Health Boys, Myths, Uncategorized | 13 Comments »

NCFM Canadian Liaison Earl Silverman interviewed on major Canadian TV show about male victims of DV

February 9, 2013
NCFM Canadian Liaison Earl Silverman interviewed on major Canadian TV show about male victims of DV

Mr. Silverman operates the Family of Men Support Society and the only emergency shelter for abused men in Canada. Seldom are any Men’s Rights activists invited to in an in-depth discussion of male victims of domestic violence on a major television network and major television show. Earl just did. Congratulations Mr. Silverman! This is...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Canada, Discrimination Against Males, Government Programs for Women, Progress, Shelters for Men, Shelters for Women | No Comments »

NCFM Australia Liaison Greg Andresen, “Why I won’t be taking up the “man prayer” or supporting 1BillionRising this Valentine’s Day”

February 5, 2013
NCFM Australia Liaison Greg Andresen, “Why I won’t be taking up the “man prayer” or supporting 1BillionRising this Valentine’s Day”

  The 1 Billion Rising campaign has created a YouTube video called “Man Prayer,” with words by Eve Ensler and film by Tony Stroebel. The video notes read as follows: Violence against women hurts everyone, including men. We invite our brothers to take up this cause, and be free from the limiting strictures of...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Discrimination Against Males, Event Females, Greg Andresen | 2 Comments »

Senator Leahy and Representative Moore need to stop denying the truth about partner violence and VAWA

January 29, 2013
Senator Leahy and Representative Moore need to stop denying the truth about partner violence and VAWA

VAWA supporters are trying to ramrod the reauthoriztion (S.47) through the Senate without committee hearings. It appears Senator Leahy has cut a deal with the House and that none of meaningful reforms so many people have worked so hard to have adopted will prevail. It seems backroom politics rule the day and few if...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Discrimination Against Males, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Industry, Double Standard, Employment, Employment Women, Father's Rights, Government Programs for Women, Horrible, Legislation Bad, Persecution, Politicians Federal, Shameful, Supremist, VAWA | 3 Comments »

In the U.S., except for sports, almost everything on TV is for women

January 29, 2013
In the U.S., except for sports, almost everything on TV is for women

By Prefer My Name Not Be Mentioned, One thing that I have noticed is that TV is becoming more and more a women‘s media.  In the U.S., except for sports, almost everything on TV is for women—daytime talk shows, soaps, dancing and singing shows, gossip shows, dramas, sitcoms, etc.  Even news programming is now...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Media Bias, Other, Television | 5 Comments »