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Feminism? There’s something truthfully ugly about it. Who knew?

February 16, 2012
Feminism? There’s something truthfully ugly about it. Who knew?

  Mike Buchanan is an English author who has written two books on feminism and Feminism: The Ugly Truth, due out in paperback hopefully before June of this year. Mike’s a supporter of NCFM, has linked our site to his; and, offered to supply us with articles or ‘thought pieces’, including extracts from his...
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Posted in Australia, Books, Discrimination Against Males, Mike Buchanan, Radical, Supremist | No Comments »

NCFM Liaison Carl Augustsson challenges Georgia Today article about domestic violence

February 15, 2012

“Georgia Today”, a weekly English-language newspaper, ran the following front-page headline:  More women acknowledge their rights when oppressed and abused.  The picture on the cover was a woman cowering in the corner (covering the back of her head) and the clinched fist of a man.  While the article has a few positive points, it...
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Posted in Action, Carl Augustsson, Discrimination Against Males, Domestic Abuse/Violence, International, International, Myths, Supremist | No Comments »

NCFM to receive donations for shirt sales!

February 12, 2012
NCFM to receive donations for shirt sales!

  There will soon be  a website through which you can purchase several different t-shirts about contemporary feminism. A significant amount of each purchase will be donated to NCFM. Stay tuned for the launch of the website then BUY SOME T-SHIRTS, SOME FOR YOUR FRIENDS, AND MAYBE ONE FOR YOUR FAVORITE LEGISLATOR. Let’s do...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Marriage, Supremist | 1 Comment »

Australia governement abuses men by ommission, or should that be “commission”?

February 7, 2012
Australia governement abuses men by ommission, or should that be “commission”?

ABS Releases Gender Indicators and Ignores Male Disadvantage TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2012 View Source Article Today the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Australia’s so-called impartial statistical body released its Gender Indicators report: “a summary of gender specific data in six domains representing Economic security, Education, Health, Work and family balance, Safety and justice, and Democracy, governance...
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Posted in Australia, Discrimination Against Males, Greg Andresen, Sexism, Supremist, Wage Gap | No Comments »

What does your vagina smell like?

February 6, 2012
What does your vagina smell like?

By Steven Deluca “What does your vagina smell like”  was/is a serious question asked by “some” feminists of other women. The answers have a pattern.  It’s like people telling you about their past lives.  No one ever says, my 30th generation back consisted of street beggars and pedophiles and – evidently, despite commercials to the...
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Posted in Health Men, Radical, Steve DeLuca, Supremist | 4 Comments »

NCFM member girlwriteswhat “Gender bumming me out”

February 2, 2012
NCFM member girlwriteswhat “Gender bumming me out”

Click on “Read More” then the picture for another girlwriteswhat common sense video. If you are offended by colorful language you may want to move on to the next article, though if you do you will miss out on this wonderful woman’s common sense perspective on gender, feminism, and discrimination against men.
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Posted in Action, Discrimination Against Males, girlwriteswhat, Myths, Radical, Supremist | 1 Comment »

NCFM Advisor Phil Cook writes, “All Men Are Rapists-And They Are Coming After You”… and they are, so get off your couch and do something about it!

January 10, 2012
NCFM Advisor Phil Cook writes, “All Men Are Rapists-And They Are Coming After You”… and they are, so get off your couch and do something about it!

By Phil Cook There is a well-orchestrated government-backed effort underway to allow women who participate in any sexual activity with a man to charge him with sexual assault or rape – whenever they choose to do so. Every man, married or dating, is at risk. This unprecedented attack on dating teenage boys and all...
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Posted in Action, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Legislation Bad, Phil Cook, Supremist | 5 Comments »

Fantastic video: Woman slams the injustices of feminism!

December 30, 2011
Fantastic video: Woman slams the injustices of feminism!

This is a great video, and its important that a woman and a mother is delivering this message about the evils of feminism (feMEism). She shows how the feminist assumption that “men had it easier and were in control throughout history” is dead wrong. On the contrary, the history of gender relations has been...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Supremist | 5 Comments »

In The Face of Great Evil, an unbelievable tale of the destruction of a man and his family

December 28, 2011
In The Face of Great Evil, an unbelievable tale of the destruction of a man and his family

NOTE: NCFM is nonpartisan and leans toward no particular religious or lack thereof preference. The article below is clearly the opposite. However, it would be difficult if not impossible to delete the obvious political and religious references without destroying or seriously impacting the other messages that are relevant to literally millions of adversely affected...
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Posted in Children's' Rights, Courts Criminal, Courts Family, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Military, Radical, Supremist | No Comments »