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Feminism Is Responsible For The Rape of Women

December 21, 2013
Feminism Is Responsible For The Rape of Women

NCFM NOTE: Here’s an interesting view of feminism harming women. A view of how one size fits all ideology goosestepping tramples responsible sex workers. Vivica Liqueur operates the blog The Vivifier. Vivica is a recovering feminist, MRA, Life Coach, Artist, and Burlesque Performer. Feminism Is Responsible For The Rape of Women December 9, 2013...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Women, Feminist Hypocracy, Human Trafficking, Radical, Sexism, Supremist | 12 Comments »

NCFM sends fax to Congress re questionable if not bogus sexual assault activist research

December 20, 2013
NCFM sends fax to Congress re questionable if not bogus sexual assault activist research

You can read the letter here :131220 Military Justice Act ltr to congress FAXED  Or, the text is below: December 20, 2013   Military Justice Improvement Act S-967 (MJIA): Is a seriously flawed legislation Problems with the MJIA, a Request for Reconsideration and Investigation by the DOD The MJIA’s sexual assault provisions were bolstered...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, False Allegations DV, False Arrest, Harassment Sexual, Military, Rape Allegations, Rape Culture, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Supremist | 4 Comments »

Boy Trouble Family breakdown disproportionately harms young males—and they’re falling further behind.

December 16, 2013
Boy Trouble Family breakdown disproportionately harms young males—and they’re falling further behind.

NCFM NOTE: Thank the City Journal for running this excellent article by Kay Hymowitz. She does a superb job of summarizing the adverse impact on boys from the breakdown of the intact family unit, meaning a family with both bio parents… Kay S. Hymowitz Boy Trouble Family breakdown disproportionately harms young males—and they’re falling...
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Posted in Boys, Child Abuse, Children's' Rights, Dads, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Divorce, Education, Fatherlessness, Fathers | 2 Comments »

The Feminist Critique [Repudiation] of Logic

December 15, 2013
The Feminist Critique [Repudiation] of Logic

NCFM NOTE: In the book Words of Power: A Feminist Reading of the History of Logic Andrea Nye, Professor of Philosophy University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, attempts to undermine “logic” as a patriarchal contraption of oppression, concluding that “Logic in its final perfection is insane.” (Nye, p. 171)… In reviewing Nye’s work, Noretta Korertge observed that...
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Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments »

SAVE Services Analysis of the 2013 International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA), more bad legislation

December 12, 2013
SAVE Services Analysis of the 2013 International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA), more bad legislation

NCFM NOTE: SAVE Services reveals yet another disgusting all about me radical feminist affront to common sense and equitable treatment, I-VAWA . Isn’t feminism suppose to be about equality, fair treatment, and equal opportunity? Not anymore if it ever was. It’s all about the transfer of wealth, power, and control from those who primarily...
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Posted in Abused Man, Double Standard, International, Radical, Supremist | 2 Comments »

Anti-Male Media Bias

December 11, 2013

  Council’s sexism hurts good cause; feminist bias in ads clouds message, from the blog Political Cowardice May 9th, 2011 I’ve adopted several animals and rescued house rabbits and even volunteered at a wildlife shelter, so I know a good cause when I see one.  Promoting shelter pet adoption via the Ad Council’s “Shelter...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Media Bias, Other | 56 Comments »

Excellent must read article… Demystifying the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Boys – Our Forgotten Victims

December 10, 2013
Excellent must read article… Demystifying the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Boys – Our Forgotten Victims

NCFM NOTE: One of the best articles you’ll find on the subject with links to excellent resources. Makes the point that half, 50%, of sexual trafficking in children is boys.  Demystifying the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Boys – Our Forgotten Victims Boys make up 50% of children trading sex for money in the U.S,...
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Posted in Boys, Child Abduction, Child Abuse, Human Trafficking, Other | No Comments »

NCFM Australian Liaison Greg Andresen critiques white paper on modern Australian men

December 9, 2013
NCFM Australian Liaison Greg Andresen critiques white paper on modern Australian men

NCFM NOTE: It’s interesting that Australian men have finally caught the attention of an Australian marketing company. Interesting because it appears at least one marketing company has realized men matter too…err, that they, men, have a few bucks left over after they give most of their money to women. Some mainstream media sources found...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Australia, Greg Andresen, International, International Mens Day, Progress, Sexism | No Comments »

NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda on the Maria Sanchez Show re circumcision

November 29, 2013
NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda on the Maria Sanchez Show re circumcision

NCFM NOTE: In the last week our Liaison in Kenya, Kennedy Owino, returned home, after traveling to help thwart legislation making circumcision in Kenya mandatory, only to find that his 10-year-old nephew had been forcefully “cut” (circumcised) by a one of two teams traveling the area circumcising boys. In another county a religious court...
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Posted in Africa, Circumcision, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males | 1 Comment »