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Posts Tagged ‘ boys health ’

NCFM in the news – “Domestic violence not just a woman’s issue”

August 12, 2011
NCFM in the news – “Domestic violence not just a woman’s issue”

By Greg Scharf I cringed when I saw that Harry Crouch and the National Committee for Men had complained to the Del Mar Racetrack over “Ladies Day.” Harry and I have exchanged emails over the years; he’s liked my columns on domestic violence and other related issues. He put me on the NCFM mailing...
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Posted in Action, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, National, San Diego | 4 Comments »

Letter from NCFM “old timer” to new NCFM member regarding men’s rights activism

August 1, 2011
Letter from NCFM “old timer” to new NCFM member regarding men’s rights activism

The following letter resulted from an inquiry from a new NCFM member (by the way, if you have not joined NCFM you may as well do it now, just click on the join NCFM button to the right and help us help you make the world a better place for all of us…): NCFM...
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Posted in Child Abuse, Child Custody, Child Support, Children's' Rights, Circumcision, Conscription, Criminal Sentencing, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Dowry Laws, Education, False Allegations DV, Genital Mutilation, Health Boys, Health Men, Immigration law, Los Angeles, Paternity Fraud, Paternity Wrongful, Pay Gap, Rape Allegations, Ray Blumhorst, Reproductive Rights Men, Selective Service, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Suicide, Title IV, Title IX, Victim Rights | No Comments »

NCFM Members Helping Our Troops

August 1, 2011
NCFM Members Helping Our Troops

Amongst other activities, the nonprofit organization Honoring Our Troops packs care packages for our troops. Three NCFM members are directly involved with Honoring Our Troops, two of who are key to the organizations success (Rich and Allan). The other is me. They let me help with things not to complicated. Honoring Our Troops staff...
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Posted in Action, Conscription, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Forced Labor, Military, Selective Service, Shameful | 1 Comment »

NCFM Canadian Liaison Earl Silverman, “Female violence society’s “dirty little secret,” especially in Alberta”

August 1, 2011
NCFM Canadian Liaison Earl Silverman, “Female violence society’s “dirty little secret,” especially in Alberta”

        By Christopher Walsh, reporter Calgary Beacon, July  29, 2011 Twenty years ago, a man named Earl was sitting alone in a mobile home, the oven door open, two propane tanks set on either side, when the phone rang. He wasn’t expecting the call, it just sort of came out of...
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Posted in Action, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Government Programs for Women, NCFM in the news, Victim Rights | 1 Comment »

NCFM Chicago Chapter President and author says “It all balances out” — Value vs. Validity

July 28, 2011
NCFM Chicago Chapter President and author says “It all balances out” — Value vs. Validity

My book—Loving Men, Respecting Women: The Future of Gender Politics—is all about convincing the reader that It All Balances Out—which is to say, in the benefits enjoyed and in the liabilities suffered, in the power and in the victimization, in the freedoms and in the constraints, it all balances out between Man and Woman....
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Posted in Chicago, Discrimination Against Males, Health Men, Health Women, Mens' Organizations, Victim Rights | 4 Comments »

NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda interviewed on Parenting Unplugged

June 4, 2011
NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda interviewed on Parenting Unplugged

Fighting for the rights of children and their Dads J. Steven Svoboda, the E.D. of Attorneys for the Rights of the Child and PR Director for National Coalition for Men spent 30 minutes with Todd and Laura talking about discrimination toward men. Times have changed. No longer do all men bring home the bacon...
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Posted in Circumcision, Health Men, Health Women, Progress, Radical | 1 Comment »

It’s Time to Connect the Dots, Bullying, Family Violence, Solutions

April 25, 2011
It’s Time to Connect the Dots, Bullying, Family Violence, Solutions

  By Richart Davis On Friday April 22, 2001 I read the Boston Globe article, 1 in 4 report bullying at Mass. Schools. That article notes: The report found that students who said they had been involved in bullying, as both a perpetrator and a victim, were five times more likely to report they...
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Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »

NCFM President Harry Crouch at Good Friday and Domestic Violence Event

April 23, 2011
NCFM President Harry Crouch at Good Friday and Domestic Violence Event

Last week I was invited by Kent Peters, Catholic Diocese Office for Social Services Director, to talk about domestic violence at the event Twentieth Annual Walk with the Suffering Good Friday Stations of the Cross, April 22, 2011, sponsored by the Ecumenical Council of San Diego County. Kent and I have known each other...
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Posted in Action, Activities, National, San Diego | 3 Comments »

Criminal Sentencing

April 15, 2011
Criminal Sentencing

Research has repeatedly shown that men get higher criminal sentences than women even when all other factors are accounted for. See also, Seattle Times, “State courts unfair to men, minorities, UW study suggests,” This confirms prior data showing men receive higher sentences than women for the same crime even when age, race, priors, family situation, and other factors are accounted...
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Posted in Issues | 25 Comments »