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Posts Tagged ‘ due process ’

NCFM Adviser Gordon Finley Ph.D, The Denial of Due Process May Bankrupt Universities

October 25, 2015
NCFM Adviser Gordon Finley Ph.D, The Denial of Due Process May Bankrupt Universities

By Gordon Finley Gordon E. Finley, Ph.D.With now literally hundreds of editorials and op-eds taking positions both pro and con on California’s SB 967 – as well as the broader issue of “affirmative consent” for sexual relations — it is virtually certain that the California legislature will pass and send to Governor Brown’s desk...
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Posted in Action | 1 Comment »

NCFM Carolina’s President meets with Senator Burr over proposed legislation for handling sexual assault allegations on college campuses

August 13, 2014
NCFM Carolina’s President meets with Senator Burr over proposed legislation for handling sexual assault allegations on college campuses

NCFM NOTE: Here’s an example of responsible activism in the war against men. The President of our NCFM Carolina’s Chapter has coordinated efforts with like-minded organizations and working with the families of young college students falsely accused of sexual assault. The NCFM Carolina’s website is one of the best sources of related information on...
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Posted in Abused Man, Activism, Activities, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Double Standard, Due Process, Elite, False Allegations, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Government Programs for Women, Health Men, Human Rights, Legislation Bad, National Coalition For Men, NCFM, NCFM North Carolinas, Other, Radical, Rape, Rape Allegations, Rape Culture, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Shameful, Supremist, Title IX, VAWA, War Against Men | 1 Comment »

NCFM Advisers Gordon Finley and Dianna Thompson article “Affirmative Constent U” published in Santa Barbara Independent

August 11, 2014
NCFM Advisers Gordon Finley and Dianna Thompson article “Affirmative Constent U” published in Santa Barbara Independent

Affirmative Consent U By Dianna Thompson and Gordon E. Finley Young Men’s Rights in Peril Monday, August 11, 2014 Rape and sexual assault are very serious crimes, and we applaud efforts to protect both male and female students on California campuses. However, SB 976 introduced by State Senators Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles) and Hannah-Beth...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Affirmative consent, CA SB 967, Cleary Act, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Double Standard, Due Process, Elite, False Allegations, Feminism, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Gordon Finley, Ph.D, Government Programs for Women, Harassment Sexual, Health Men, Human Rights, Legislation Bad, Men's Rights, Rape, Rape Allegations, Schools Colleges and Universities, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Shameful, Supremist, Title IX, Universities, VAWA, Victim Mentality, War Against Men | No Comments »

NCFM sends fax to Congress re questionable if not bogus sexual assault activist research

December 20, 2013
NCFM sends fax to Congress re questionable if not bogus sexual assault activist research

You can read the letter here :131220 Military Justice Act ltr to congress FAXED  Or, the text is below: December 20, 2013   Military Justice Improvement Act S-967 (MJIA): Is a seriously flawed legislation Problems with the MJIA, a Request for Reconsideration and Investigation by the DOD The MJIA’s sexual assault provisions were bolstered...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, False Allegations DV, False Arrest, Harassment Sexual, Military, Rape Allegations, Rape Culture, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Supremist | 4 Comments »

Montana State University Bozeman suspends two fraternity houses because one or two members may have committed sexual assault

October 8, 2013
Montana State University Bozeman suspends two fraternity houses because one or two members may have committed sexual assault

On September 17, 2013 the Sigma Chi and Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity houses were temporarily suspended by Montana State University Bozeman Dean of Students Dr. Matthew Caires because of reported sexual assaults that allegedly happened at the fraternity houses. According to various news reports one woman said that she was accosted by two men...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Men by Men, Fraternities, Pi Kappa Alpha, Schools Colleges and Universities | 1 Comment »

NCFM Advisor Michael Conzachi, “Let’s vilify first; facts don’t matter.” The true story of LTC Darin Haas

September 29, 2013
NCFM Advisor Michael Conzachi, “Let’s vilify first; facts don’t matter.” The true story of LTC Darin Haas

NCFM NOTE: With over 30 years law enforcement experience, including working for years as a homicide investigator often on high-profile cases, Mr. Conzachi is well qualified to assert what follows. Unlike other journalists who reported on the case of Darin Haas, Mr. Conzachi spent hours upon hours digging up the truth including the systemic...
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Posted in Abused Man, Action, Activism, Child Abuse, Corruption, Courts Criminal, Courts Family, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Divorce, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Industry, Double Standard, Due Process, Elite, False Allegations DV, Government Programs for Women, Judges Bad, Michael Conzachi, Restraining Orders, Shameful, Supremist, Victim Male, War Against Men, Women get it all | 2 Comments »

NCFM MSU Chapter President Nevada Thompson, “Protecting My Sons”

April 9, 2013
NCFM MSU Chapter President Nevada Thompson, “Protecting My Sons”

Protecting My Sons by: Nevada Thompson In response to the Montana Kaimin article about establishing National Coalition for Men groups at campus universities across the nation, I would like to thank Bjorn Bergeson for the neutral and informative perspective. Sadly, I was disheartened to read Ms. Phenocia Bauerle, Montana State Diversity Coordinator’s comment about...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Education, Nevada Thompson | 6 Comments »

How Rape Laws Remove the Presumption of Innocence

August 10, 2012
How Rape Laws Remove the Presumption of Innocence

Stop Abusive and Violent Environments August 9, 2012 Over the last 40 years, rape laws have undergone a fundamental transformation. In some ways, these changes have removed barriers to rape victims receiving a fair trial and have helped bring many rapists to justice. But in other ways the reforms have gone too far, upending...
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Posted in Abused Man, Criminal Sentencing, Discrimination Against Males, Legislation Bad, Perps Female, Rape Allegations, SAVE, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Shameful, Supremist, War Against Men | 9 Comments »

The OCR’s Newest Target: Xavier University

August 3, 2012
The OCR’s Newest Target: Xavier University

NCFM note: more challenges to protecting due process on college campuses… and elsewhere. If you would like to help us establish NCFM chapters on college campuses please contact us. In his 1946 linguistic critique, Politics and the English Language, George Orwell wrote that one must “let meaning choose the word, not the other way...
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Posted in Court Cases, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Due Process, Education, Feminist Jurisprudence, Government Programs for Women, Supremist, Universities | 1 Comment »