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Posts Tagged ‘ robert yourell ’

NCFM Mexico Liaison Robert Yourell asks, “Could a Feminist be Good for Your Love Life?”

March 3, 2012
NCFM Mexico Liaison Robert Yourell asks, “Could a Feminist be Good for Your Love Life?”

by Robert Yourell NCFM Liaison Baha, Mexico Here is some research that looks at stereotypes about feminists. I have been saying that men’s Rights advocates that display black-and-white thinking (among other things) harm the credibility of the movement. Maybe this little survey can help that type of guy inhabit a more complicated world. Unfortunately, it...
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Posted in Feminism, Robert Yourell | 7 Comments »

NCFM Baja, Mexico Liaison Robert Yourell reports that more men favor abortion in Baja, but by a small margin

November 1, 2011
NCFM Baja, Mexico Liaison Robert Yourell reports that more men favor abortion in Baja, but by a small margin

By Robert Yourell NCFM Liaison Baja, Mexico  Legalized abortion in Mexico? Mexico has been no paradise for those advocating legalized abortion. A recent poll (details below) tells us that less than 10% in Baja California would permit abortion in case of rape or threat to the mother’s health. Abortion is illegal everywhere except Mexico...
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Posted in Health Boys, Health Children, Health Girls, Health Men, Health Women, International, Mexico, Robert Yourell | No Comments »

NCFM Baja Liaison Robert Yourell scheduled to become Mexico’s first English-language newscaster!

August 11, 2011
NCFM Baja Liaison Robert Yourell scheduled to become Mexico’s first English-language newscaster!

Robert (Bob) Yourell is our NCFM Liaison in Baja, Mexico. Aside from which, he is a therapist and writer. He also develops continuing education courses for mental health workers, and consults on mental health issues for the English-speaking community in Baja. He offers the free Shimmering Workbook for a valuable self-help skill, and his...
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Posted in Action, Mexico, Progress, Radio | 5 Comments »

Neuro News: Genetics, Sociopaths, and DV

May 23, 2011
Neuro News: Genetics, Sociopaths, and DV

By Robert Yourell They say that children exposed to violence grow up to be violent. Well, that’s the impression from some headlines and little articles about the state of the research. Unfortunately, that’s a gross generalization that could be harmful. Do we love stereotypes or what? Researchers, if candid, will tell you that, although...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Health Children, Health Men, Health Women, Radical, Supremist, Victim Mentality | 1 Comment »