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Posts Tagged ‘ senetor leahy ’

From its Inception to its Essence, VAWA is the Fraud of the Millennia and Must Be Repealed

March 5, 2012
From its Inception to its Essence, VAWA is the Fraud of the Millennia and Must Be Repealed

From its Inception to its Essence, VAWA is the Fraud of the Millennia and Must Be Repealed By Eric Ross, Ph.D. March 02, 2012 How did VAWA, the most unconstitutional, sexist legislation, became adopted and why? – In the January 24, 2000 issue of the U. S. News, on p. 12, a syndicated columnist...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Legislation Bad, VAWA | 14 Comments »