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Posts Tagged ‘ war against men ’

NCFM Member Ray Licht writes the superb article “WHY IS NPR SO SEXIST”

April 10, 2014
NCFM Member Ray Licht writes the superb article “WHY IS NPR SO SEXIST”

WHY IS NPR SO SEXIST? By Ray Licht The media seem to be very biased against men nowadays.  This is especially true of advertising media.  There is a very simple reason for this: women are largely or exclusively the deciders concerning most product choices.  Some have estimated that women make 80% of all consumer...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Discrimination Against Males, Media Bias, Radio, War Against Men | 2 Comments »

The Military Justice Improvement Act (MJIA) failed in the Senate, but a few anti-male sexual assault provisions survived, by NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi

March 13, 2014
The Military Justice Improvement Act (MJIA) failed in the Senate, but a few anti-male sexual assault provisions survived,  by NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi

The Military Justice Improvement Act (MJIA) failed in the Senate, but a few anti-male sexual assault provisions survived By NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi Last Thursday, the Military Justice Improvement Act (MJIA) failed in the Senate on a 55-45 vote, 5 votes shy necessary for passage. Have no doubts.  Although this legislation did not have...
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Posted in Abused Man, Action, Activism, Courts Kangaroo, Discrimination Against Men, Michael Conzachi, Military, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Shameful | 7 Comments »

One-way conversation with nobody, chained to the ground by paternity fraud…

October 14, 2013
One-way conversation with nobody, chained to the ground by paternity fraud…

NCFM NOTE: Every once in a while I remember writing this and decide to release it again. Why? Because it’s even more relevant today than when a wrote it in 2004. Since then tens of thousands of men have been fraudulently dragged into paternity, had their lives and the lives of their families of...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Paternity Fraud | 4 Comments »

GPS Monitoring, DV, America’s Pogrom Against Men, Judgybitch…you need to know her…him…whoever

July 17, 2013
GPS Monitoring, DV, America’s Pogrom Against Men, Judgybitch…you need to know her…him…whoever

NOTE: Become a Judgybitch fan. Behold, bow, send silver and gold. He/she is king and queen of the truth squad. This report on the use of GPS Monitoring technology in Domestic Violence cases, funded by the Department of Justice, will blow your mind. Even when women are enrolled as abusers, they’re still victims. by judgybitch...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, GPS Tracking | 1 Comment »


June 19, 2013

NCFM NOTE: This is a MUST READ article by published by the National Association of Scholars.  Please visit their site. Title IX was intended to correct disparate treatment by sex. The law is wielded like a well honed axe when more opportunities exist for men than women, but never the other way around. Here,...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Education, Elite, Feminist Hypocracy, Supremist | No Comments »

A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center A Joke…

June 6, 2013
A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center A Joke…

A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center Posted By Bruce Bawer On June 5, 2013, Frontpage Mag The thrilling news was announced just a couple of weeks ago: the State University of New York at Stony Brook is starting a brand-new Women’s Studies Center. Among the distinguished members of its Advisory Board will be...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Education, Other, Shameful, Study/Research, Supremist, Universities, War Against Men | 9 Comments »

Men’s Rights Movement Sees Resurgence Among Millennial Males

June 3, 2013
Men’s Rights Movement Sees Resurgence Among Millennial Males

NCFM NOTE: The Men’s Rights Movement is not about male superiority. If men support women’s equality then necessarily women should support men’s equality. Anything less is idiocy.  But, you cannot have one without the other; and, that’s what women like the woman in the above video don’t get. She is a prime example of...
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Posted in Canada, Discrimination Against Males, Education, Hate Speech, Myths, Progress, Radical, Supremist, Universities, Women Organizations | 1 Comment »

The Biggest Myth About the Gender Wage Gap

May 30, 2013
The Biggest Myth About the Gender Wage Gap

NCFM NOTE: For MRA’s this is old news. We see articles like this, smile, and wonder what took others so long to see the truth. It’s all about disenfranchising men while empowering women… fortunately more and more people are starting to figure that out. Feminist notions of equal treatment gave way to elitist feminist...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Myths, Other, Supremist, Wage Gap | 1 Comment »

ERA now needed to protect males

May 30, 2013
ERA now needed to protect males

NCFM NOTE: While written 12 years ago this article is as timely today as it was then — men need an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). In fact, it’s more timely since things have gotten worse for men — much worse. Women now are more than half the work force. Women far exceed men entering...
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Posted in Equal Rights Amend, Other | No Comments »